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Once i had walked into the hotel room i locked the door, i knew if it was unlocked Camila would try to stop me from going home. I didn't want her to stop me this time.

I grabbed my suitcase and threw everything i had in it. This time, she had crossed the line. She promised me she wouldn't get mad. She got mad and who was the one that got hurt? That would be me. After thinking about it i felt a tear slowly stream down my face. Why would she do that? The reminder of her pushing me out of the way hurt the most.

There were two knocks at the door.

"Y/N, let me in, its me, Cara"

I sighed. What if Camila is with her.

"Are you the only one there?" I asked.

"Yes just please let me in, explain to me what the hell happened" she asked, sounding out of breathe.

I walked towards the door and opened it, letting Cara in. She looked at the packed suitcase and then back at me.

"You're going home?" She sounded disappointed.

"You think I'm gonna stay here and wait on anymore arguments?" I shrugged.

"What happened?"

"Camila hates Hanna..you probably know that. She woke up hungover this morning, she was in the worst mood but by the time we left the hotel she was fine. Once Hanna arrived she kicked off, pushed me out of the way and made me fall, that explains the blood on my head" i explain to Cara. As i went on her frown became more visible.

"Who does she think she is?" Cara mumbled.

"Don't get mad at her, just make sure she doesn't get in this room before I'm packed and ready to go, got it?"

"Yeah but why do you have to go? Are you sure you don't wanna get that cut on your head checked out first?" She asked


"Okay, yeah, just go. I know theres a good reason for it" she nodded.

I hugged Cara and then she left. I packed the rest of my stuff and quickly looked around the hotel room for anymore of my belongings.

My phone was going mad. 3 missed Calls from Ally, 6 missed Calls from Dinah and 12 from Camila. I was too mad to return any of them.

There was more knocks at the door.

"Y/N! Let me in please? I gotta talk to you, make sure you're ok"

It was Camila. I rolled my eyes.

"Are you even in there? Im gonna stand out here until you let me in" she went on.

She knocked over and over again. I walked towards to door in rage and opened it. She looked at me and opened her mouth to speak.

"You see this?" I said, pointing to the cut on your forehead.

"This is because of you. You broke the promise and you got so mad, you knocked your own girlfriend to the ground" i said shaking my head slowly.

"I didn't mean for that t-"

"I don't wanna hear it, Camila. I don't even want to see you at all right now" i said, slamming the door shut before she even had the chance to try stopping me.

I looked at my suitcase and nodded. Im going home.

I grabbed it and walked across the room, eyes on the door. I knew she was still out there. I opened the door and walked straight out, down the hallway.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now