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Few months later

"So you're telling me you deleted all social media when Camila ended the relationship?" Tori asked as i sat opposite her in a small coffee shop in London.

"Yep, and i changed my number. Basically, i restarted everything"

"You've lost it" Tori laughed.

"I've not! It has helped, you should try it" I suggested.

"Na, i love social media" she smiles, tapping on her phone.

"Have you talked to Camila since she told you she was going back to Miami?" Tori asked.

I shook my head. "Nope, i've not talked to any of the girls except from Lauren because shes dating Cara and i see Cara a lot" i told her.

"Lauren hasn't really talked to Camila, apparently she has done the same thing me, reset" i added. Tori nodded curiously.

"Why are you two so complicated?" She chuckled.

I shrugged and laughed. "I still love her, obviously. But I'm kind of enjoying the freedom of being single" i admit.

"But are you single?" She asked.

"Why? Do you want to ask me on a date Kelly?" I joked, raising my brows. She laughed.

"Wow how did you know?" She joked.

"Im talking about that guy you went out with a few times" she added.

"Michael? Hmm, i don't feel anything special with him. He's a cool guy but not for me" i explain.

"Why so picky"

"Shut up"


Right now, i was in a good place. I got myself sorted, quit the drink and gave myself distractions to take my mind off the drink and other things. More months flew by, the month that the wedding was supposed to be in was pretty hard but i managed it. I took up boxing, yes, boxing. Got myself in a better shaped, toned up a little more and i feel good. It has been almost a year now since the break up but it doesn't bother me anymore. I've not even heard from her.

I was punching the punching bag, then Cara grabbed it to stop me.

"I have news" she said.

"Can't you wait till after my workout?" I asked.

"Whatever" she smiled, letting it go.

"I just feel like i really gotta tell you" she said.

"Okay, tell me, but im going to continue with this as you speak" i say.

"I spoke with Camila" she spoke. My whole body tensed.

"You did?" I asked, stopping the workout.

"Yep, she sounds happy. She is still in Miami and she said shes got a lot of things keeping her busy there" she said to me. I nodded and started punching the bag again. At least i now know Camila's fine and well.

"She also has a boyfriend" she added.

I mumbled in response, as if I didn't care about what i just heard. I did care. I felt something inside.

"And shes marrying him"

"What?" I ask, my eyes not leaving the punching bag.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now