C h a p t e r 16

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The day has arrived. I was walking hand in hand with Camila through the quiet airport. Most of my stuff has already been flown over to London. There wasn't any paps which was a good thing as i was really tired and not in the mood for them.

"You want a coffee or something?" Camila asks.

"No I'm good thanks" i smile and she grips my hand tighter.

"My parents and sister will be here soon and then we're off. Im so lucky to be spending Christmas with you" she smiles and my heart beats faster.

"Im so lucky to have you. I can't picture my life without you in it, as cheesy as that sounds, its so damn true" i say to her.

She smiles and nods her head.
"Imagine we never actually met that day. Do you think we'd have met by now?" She asks out of curiosity.

"Well thats a hard question" i giggle.

"Who really cares? We met when we did and i've been in love ever since" i kiss her cheek

"Well you'll be glad to know i feel the same way" she says in a dorky tone of voice. I shake my head and giggle.

"I see a few Familiar faces coming our way" i smile and Camila smiles in excitement.

"Im excited for our parents to meet. I can't wait to wake up with you on Christmas morning and I can't wait to have my first New Years kiss" she pouts and pulls me closer.

"You're so cute" i kiss her nose.

"Camila!!!" A young voice shouts

"Sofi!!" Camila shouts back in excitement as she hugs the young girl tightly.

"Good morning" i say to their parents. Everyone was smiling. It was so nice to see.

"Okay who is ready to board the plane?" Sinu asks and everyone gets ready to go.


10 hours later, we finally arrive in London. Its just past 6pm and its cold and snowy. How i've missed it here.

"Snow!! Love it here already!" Camila smiles as she rests her head on my shoulder.

"You will love it here, its great" i kiss her forehead.

We walk outside and see my parents. I hug my mom tightly, then my dad.

"I've missed you so much" i say to them.

"You're home now" my Dad says and i nod.

"Alright mom you know Camila, but this is her parents and her little sister, Sofi" i smile as i wrap my arms around Camila's shoulders.

"Im glad we're finally able to meet" my mom said to Camila's parents. I smile at how well the parents were getting on. Christmas was going to be great.

My mom and dad were laughing and chatting away with Camila's parents. Camila and I were sitting in my little sisters room as we were watching a dvd with my sister and Sofi.

"Karla, sing to us" sofi whispers as she is tired.
I smile a little and turn to face Camila.

"Sure" Camila says calmly.

The young girls slowly drift off to sleep as they watch Camila sing peacefully. I admire her passion as she sings.

"You're beautiful" i whisper and she looks at me

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now