C h a p t e r 18

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I clench my jaw. I was so hurt. I dunno why? We were apart for just over a year, obviously she has someone new.

"Right" i look down to the ground.

"Im sor-"

"No i was wrong and stupid. Why the fuck would i feel the need to kiss someone who broke my heart and left it unfixable" i said with a slightly angry tone.

"Y/n can you please stop! I was wrong and stupid for breaking up with you, i know. I also should of told you sooner" she speaks

"Yeah. Maybe you should have instead of letting me make myself look like a complete idiot! What the hell were you doing outside my door anyway! You have a boyfriend now" i angrily say to her.

"I had to get over you! I really needed someone and he was there!"

"You know what? I finally managed to get over you. Then you came back into my life and fucked me up again" i shake my head as i leave the room.

I walked down the hall and unexpectedly walked into Lauren.

"Wow are you alright?" She asked.

"I'll be fine" i nod and she shakes her head.

"Come on, come talk to me" she said as she opened the door to her room.

I walked in and sat on the chair closest to the door.

"Y/n please tell me whats up? You don't seem like the same y/n i know?" She said sounding slightly concerned.

"Lauren im....fine" i said as the last word comes out as i whisper. Lauren shakes her head and walks towards me.

"You don't have to lie to me" she smiles and pulls me into a comforting hug.

"Its Camila"

"I knew it"

"Im so fucking in love with her but i hate her for breaking me" i say

"She might look like she doesn't care but she does. She hated herself for months! Shawn helped her out a bit and-"


"Oh. The boyfriend.." Lauren said
I close my eyes and nod.

"Yeah..i heard"

"He was touring with us and next minute they were together" Lauren says shrugging her shoulders

"Tour? Does this girl just date everyone she tours with?"

"Y/n come on, i know it must be hard"

"Hard? It kills, Lauren"

"You had a boyfriend did you not?" She asked

"Lauren he meant nothing. He's my friend okay? It was only a month" i clearly pointed out.

"you are coming to dinner with us tonight. I don't care if you don't want to because Camila is there. Bring Cara or something i dunno" she said as she hugged me again.

"I don't want to see you upset, okay?" She smiles and i do the same.

"I love you girls so much, you're like family to me" i say and Lauren nods.

"You're our family too. Well not to Camila cause that'd just be weird because you two have like-"

"Okay Lauren i get what you're trying to say" i laugh and she nods with a slight smirk on her face.


"Come on Cara we've got like 10 minutes to get there!" I say to her.

"I know! Just let me find my phone!" She yells at me and i laugh at her angry attitude.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now