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Camila's POV

Ever since caught Y/N drinking an alcoholic drink the other night, i've been slightly concerned. I mean, everyone likes a drink every now and then but Y/N never drinks when shes sad. Yesterday, i asked her why she was drinking it. She just told me it caught her eye and she wanted some and its nothing to worry about. I don't know why I'm worried, i just feel like i should be.

Right now, some of Y/N's family were in the house. I got chatting to her auntie, Julia, who was very nice. Y/N was playing with all of the children. Her sister and younger cousins were playing a car racing game on an xbox and Y/N was holding her 5 month old baby cousin in her arms. My heart was melting as i saw her look down at the baby, you can tell she absolutely adores the child.

"So, have you planned anything for this wedding yet?" Y/N's auntie asks me, pulling me out of my daydream. I smile and shrug my shoulders.

"Not really, we've both been really busy and right now we don't really have a lot of time together" i explained.

"Any ideas on when you're getting married?" Julia asks, looking at the ring on my finger.

"Whenever Y/N is ready, we've only been together for two years" i smiled.

"And hopefully many more years to come?" She looked at me with the biggest smile.

"Of course" i chuckled, taking a drink of my coffee.

"Hey, Y/N! You've really got yourself a keeper! Marry her like right now" Julia shouted over to Y/N, making her smile.

"Yes, Aunt Julia, i'll marry her very soon" Y/N shouts back, smiling at me. Damn, I'm so in love with her.

I was actually surprised to see Y/N so happy and smiley today, her grandma's funeral is tomorrow. I know her heart is broken and still is breaking, i just need to make sure i give her the support she needs and more.


"He's sound asleep" Y/N whispers as she holds her baby cousin in her arms. I smile as the sight of her with the baby in her arms.

"You're so cute" i whisper.

"Thank you, i get that a lot" Y/N jokes with a smirk plastered on her face. I laugh and place my head on her shoulder.

"I love you" i whispered in her ear. She smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I love you too"

"Aww look at you three, it's so cute! One day you'll have a child of your own!" Y/N's aunt Julia smiled.

"One day" Y/N smiles, turning her head to face me. Wow, she actually sees us having children of our own? I think my heart is going to explode.

"It has been great catching up with you Y/N! And it has been great meeting you too!" She smiles at me.

"Lovely meeting you" i smile widely.

"I guess i'll see you all tomorrow" she then says. Her facial expression changed fast. She looked upset, as did Y/N.

"Yeah, i guess so"


Y/N was sitting on the edge of the bed with her head in her hands. I really did hate seeing her like this.

"I can't do it Camila. I can't sit there and stay strong, I'm not strong enough" she said, tears were streaming down her cheeks.

"I'll be right beside you, holding your hand tightly. I promise you Y/N, I'm going to be by your side no matter what" i say to her, removing her hair from her face. I kiss her head over and over again, comforting her until she finally settles down.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now