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Waking up in an extremely good mood was rare for me. Im definitely not a morning person, but for some reason, i was today. Camila was still sleeping, but i heard others laughing in the other room. I rolled out of bed quietly and joined Dinah, Normani and Ally.

"Sleep well?" I asked and they all smiled .

"Of course, did you?" Ally asked.

I smiled thinking of what happened last night. "Guess so"

"So whats today's plan?" Mani asked.

"Beach day? We'll find a quiet spot so there aren't people following us around" i suggest.

"Yessss" They all say in sync, i laugh and confirm the plan.

"It's way too hot today" i whine. I feel someone grab the hood of my hoodie, and then i felt ice cold water run down my back. I jumped up and gasped as it was literally the coldest water ever.

The girls laugh then i saw Camila standing with an empty glass. She has a smug look on her face. "I told you i'd get you back" she laughed.

"Oh yeah, real funny" i said as i shook my head.

"Anyway, good morning" i smiled. She smiled back, "good morning to you too"

Camila walked past me and ruffled my hair. I smirked and watched her sit down next to Dinah.

"Do we have plans for today?" She asked after yawning.

"We're having a beach day" Ally said.

"Good idea, it is a really hot day after all" Camila smiled.

"Hey don't you think someone should wake Lauren and Cara?" Camila asked. Shes right, we probably should wake them.

I walk to the room they're sleeping in and bang on the door.

"Wake up, we're all going to the beach later" i shout.

Cara opened the door and looked at my wet hoodie.

"Have you been messing about with water again?" She asked.

"No, Camila was. Now get Lauren up because we're all heading to the beach soon" i say, she nods and goes to wake Lauren.

"Ok lets aim to leave in the next hour, lets get our stuff together and just have a great time" i smile, everyone got up and started getting ready for our day at the beach. Im actually really looking forward to it.


Camila was sitting on the floor, looking through all her bags. I was packing a bag of food and drinks because why not.

"Hey y/n, i need your help" she whined.

"With what?"

She held up two bikini's, one red and one black . Damn.

"Which one?" She asked.

I couldn't decide. Camila in red is hot as fuck. But so is Camila in black.

"Maybe you should put them on, it'd be a lot easier for me to decide which one looks better" i joke. She rolled her eyes.

"Very funny" she mumbled.

I laughed silently and saw her glare at me, trying to hold herself back from smiling.

"I think red" i say seriously.

"You think?"

"You look good in red" i smirk.

"Thanks" she smiled.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now