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"You guys leave tomorrow night" Ally said pouting, Camila kept her distance from me, she knows fine well she couldn't cope a second beside me without having to cuddle at least.

"We still have the rest of today and tomorrow Ally" i smiled, she walked to me and wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly.

"I need to come to London soon" she mumbled, I looked over at Camila, who was glaring at me. Is she seriously jealous because I'm hugging Ally. I knew that now was a good time to wind her up a little.

"Oh Ally, i love you so much" i said, wrapping my arms around her as i throw Camila a cheeky grin. Camila smirked as she shook her head slowly then looked back at her phone, trying her best to avoid me.

"I love you too but Camila is still gonna win this" she laughed.

"HA! i have a supporter! Team Camila" Camila shouted. I rolled my eyes and shrugged my shoulders.

"Remember Camila, you've to last till tomorrow afternoon, 1pm" i chuckled.


"and you'll be sleeping in the spare bedroom tonight" i said to her. Her mischievous, competitive face soon turned into something opposite.

"You're seriously taking it that far?" She whined.

"Oh whats that? Am i winning already?" I said, Ally laughed and covered her face as she did.

"You two are so cute"  Ally squealed.

"Aren't we just" Camila sarcastically said, grinning like an idiot. Maybe she was finding this pretty easy. I've just got to make it harder.

I walked towards her and stood only a few centimetres away from her.

"I was gonna kiss you, but...i want to win" i smirked. She bit her bottom lip and her eyes moved down to my lips.

"Bad idea Cabello. You'll have a hell load of house work to do when we get back to London" i said, casually walking away from her. I heard her breathe out. Now, i was winning.


I was sitting on the couch, almost sleeping. I felt my eyes closing every few minutes.

"Great, you sleep there and i'll sleep in the bed" Camila said, making me jump a little.

"Hell no" i sleepily mumbled.

"what if i get the bed first?" She almost whispered. My eyes opened and i sprinted to the bedroom, launching myself on the bed. She stood at the doorway, staring at me sternly.

"Not happening" i smiled. She shook her head and stood there, watching me.

"I was thinking" she started.

"This is our last night in Miami together, think about what we could be doing" she teased.

I laughed quietly and shrugged my shoulders.

"That isn't going to work Camila. I take winning seriously" I informed. She huffed and walked away with an annoyed look on her face. I knew she as frustrated now. You also knew that she'll be up all night thinking of ways to make you lose, she can try.

After about 10 minutes of getting comfortable, Dinah burst through the bedroom door.

"Bitch you winning" she laughed.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now