C h a p t e r 24

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I was sitting in this taxi for what felt like forever.

"You gotta show me this studio you record at. Won't be long till me and the girls are recording some new stuff" Normani says as she flicks through something on her phone.

"Its not far from here" you say to her. You chat about new music and what the possibilities are after the break.

"I say we all go on holiday. That shit sounds so good" Mani says clapping her hands in excitement.

"You think? Do you think the others will want this to happen?" I say to her.

"You, the girls and probably Cara. I say we go back to your place, tell the girls this plan, get everybody's stuff packed and just fly somewhere" She says, nodding her head.
I look at her and nod in agreement.

"Mani i am so down for this" i say, giving Mani a high five.


We got in and the house was pretty quiet. Where is everybody?. I walked into the kitchen and nobody was in there.

"Mila? Are you in?" I shout and there was no reply. Normani whispered my name. I walked towards her, her head was peering through a door, looking into the living room.

I looked in and saw all of the girls sleeping. Camila and Dinah were cuddled up on the sofa, Ally was wrapped in a blanket twice the size of her and Lauren and Cara were sleeping beside eachother, Laurens head was rested on Caras shoulder.

"They always sleeping like its all they do" Mani jokes.

I took a quick photo and walked into the room.

I clapped my hands loudly.

"RIGHT me and Mani have an announcement to make" i say really loudly.

"Bitch take your announcement somewhere else" Dinah mumbled.

"Seriously Dinah you're gonna want to hear this!" Normani screeched.

"Ok so Mani and i were on our way back in the taxi and we starting talking about something and that something was all of us taking a holiday away somewhere, we go first thing tomorrow. Who's down?" I say and everybody looked at eachother, probably wondering if they're actually awake and hearing this right now.

"Oh im so down for this" Camila said raising her arm. You smirk at the sound of her raspy voice. Such a turn on.

"Im definitely ready for this" Cara says and lauren felt the same way.

All the girls finally agree to going. Hours later everyone is packed, the private flights were booked and tomorrow, we'd all be heading to Hawaii.


"Get up sleepy head, its time to get to that airport" Camila whispers in my ear.

I smile and open my eyes. Camila being the first thing i see every morning is definitely the best thing in the world.

"Im so glad we're all getting away for a while" she says quietly. I nod and agree with her.

"Yo lovebirds, get outta the bedroom and get your stuff together, we gotta go!" Dinah shouted.

I faced Mila and she intertwined our hands.

"Lets go" she squeals.


"Yo are we gonna be the only people on this plane?" Dinah asked as we all made our way to the plane.

"Yep" i say, looking back making sure everyone was keeping up.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now