C h a p t e r 6

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"Ever smoked?" I ask

"Nope. Never will, been brought up to avoid things like that" Camila says shrugging her shoulders. We had been asking eachother random questions all morning, we're traveling to our next venue and we still have about an hour and a half to go in this bus. Its a great bus, you can never get bored with these girls.

"1 thing you look for in a person" she says to me.

"Probably a good sense of humour" i smile

"Great! Because personally i think im quite funny" she raises her eyebrows and i laugh shaking my head slightly

"You are funny. You're also insanely talented, passionate, creative, cute and really beautiful" i smirk and she bites her lip breaking into a big smile

"You. Are. Cute" she says putting her head on my shoulder, she looks up at me and i get lost in her eyes. She giggles and blushes

"Stop looking at me like that" she whines as she places her hands on her face

"Like what?" I laugh

"Like they way you were looking at me just now" she smiles

"Do you think i can help it?" I ask and she laughs

"Well if i didn't know you and you were looking at me like that, i would definitely think you're a creep" she jokes and sits up.

"Ahh well you do know me so you don't think I'm a creep, right?" A raise my eyebrows and throw her a wink

"Hmm that my friend is debatable" she says smiling like an idiot, shes so cute

"Oh okay. I'll just look at someone else instead" i say knowing she'll get really jealous

"NO. Its cute, not everyone has someone that looks at them that way" she jumps on me

I laugh and grab her hands

"It'll be impossible for me to look at anyone else that way, I'm only in love with one person" i smile and she blushes again. She slowly leans in and up jumps the one and only Dinah Jane, obviously

"OH cute y/s/n moment that i have to interrupt because we all need to chat" she says loudly

"Dinah. Why do you have to talk so loudly" Camila asks

"I would answer that but i need to ask, why'd you pile all the cushions up?" She says looking at them

"Its soo comfortable! You'll need to try it" i say and she laughs

"Right come on down! We seriously need to chat!" She says sounding excited. As usual

Camila stands up and stretches, i stand up and poke her side making her literally jump to the other side of the bus. She hits my arm
"Don't do that!" She laughs and i run down the stairs as i laugh at her

All 4 girls are sitting on the sofas. We walk in and Camila sits next to Normani and Ally, opposite me, Lauren and Dinah.

"So. I shall start this discussion by asking, are you two totally on?" Normani asks and i bite down on my lip trying not to laugh, Camila burst out laughing then she blushed a little
"Attention please: all aboard the y/s/n ship, the ship has officially started sailing!" Dinah shouts and everyone laughs

"N'awww this is so cute!" Ally squeals hugging Camila

"Come on guys" Camila says shyly and everyone laughs.

"So like what made you guys get together? Because if i remember correctly, you two were literally ready to murder each other yesterday" Lauren said Laughing

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