C h a p t e r 12

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Your POV

"Why didn't we just leave" I mumbled and Camila turned to face me

"We got carried away its easily done" she cuddles up to me.

"If we left, we could of been home by now" i sigh

"Apart" she adds and i look at her

"True, you can stay at my apartment anytime you want you know" i say and she smiles at me

"And you can stay at mine anytime you want too" she whispers as she lightly kisses my neck. She jumped up instantly looking worried
"Whats wrong?" I ask

"He's back! He's coming in" she said walking back and forth.  Shit.

I heard someone come up the stairs and i pointed to the corner of the room so Mila would stand there it case she gets hurt.

It all of a sudden went silent. I walked closer to the door and it burst open, hitting me causing me to fall back. The random guy grabbed my arm and kicked my leg making me fall to the ground. I stood up and swung my fist to hit him in the face but he grabbed my fist, twisted it round then punched my jaw. Everything went blurry and i felt a sharp pain all up the lower part of my arm. The guy ran out of the room and down the stairs by the sounds of things and Camila ran to me.

"Y/N you're bleeding quite heavily" she said sounding worried. I slowly looked at my arm and found it was all cut as i fell on a glass vase.

"Shit" I muttered as i tried to sit up.

"Its okay, you'll be okay" she said kissing my forehead

"Im fine honestly. Please be careful Mila, i know we're in danger now" i said and she placed her hand on my red, bruising jaw. I flinched a little as her light touch ran over the painful area.

"YOU" i heard Austin shout from the door. He grabbed Camila and pushed her to the side. I stood up in rage but he kneed my ribs which made me fall to my knees

"All you got huh?" He laughs and i look up at him with narrowed eyes. I slowly stood up in pain.
"It was nice of you to visit us y/n, but I'm afraid its time for you to leave. For real this time" he said. I elbowed him in the stomach and he jumped back at that. I kicked him and supported my other arm as it was really bleeding heavily. I was becoming weak.
He ran up and grabbed my neck, pushing me against the door frame.

"Let her go" Camila firmly said making Austin turn around. I fell to the ground breathing heavily. My eyes widened when i saw Camila standing at the opposite side of the room with the gun i had thrown earlier.

"Woah Camila. Where did you get that" Austin said turning to her sounding a little concerned.

"What does that matter? Anyway, a woman always comes prepared" she said walking towards him pointing the gun at him

"Hey come on you don't need that! Put it down" he said putting his hands up

"Yeah well i need my girlfriend and it seems like this gun is the only thing thats gonna let me get her back" she said as she looks down at me and smirks.

Just then we heard sirens.

"Shit!" Austin shouted.

We heard the door downstairs getting smashed open and a male voice shouting telling everyone to get down on their knees. Camila threw the gun on the floor and stood back.

"Y/N" I heard Anton shout from down the hall

Austin looked at me then Anton, then back at me in rage. He quickly picked up the gun Camila threw on the floor and he shot Anton

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now