C h a p t e r 3 4

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I sat outside the bathroom, with my back against the door for hours. Why can't she just let me in? I knocked lightly and before i could say anything, she slowly unlocked the door. Her face was red and her eyes were puffy, she had been crying for so long.

"Come here" i whisper, pulling her close to me. I feel her tears dropping onto my shirt. I pulled away and stroked her cheek with my thumb, she refused to look at me.

"Mila, look at me" i said softly.
She turned her head and looked into my eyes.

"I know you really hate me right now and i know you don't want to talk to me but i gotta know whats wrong with you." I said, she took her eyes off of me again.

"I..i just don't like it when we fight"

"That's not it" i fire back.

"What do you mean, 'thats not it'? " she frowned.

"I just know! Theres something you're not telling me Mila and i wish you'd just tell me" i sigh as i finish of the sentence.

"Im not hiding anything!"

"Is there someone else" i ask.

She stares at me, stares for too long.

"There is?" I whisper, not believing it.

"No, there isn't anyone else! Seriously Y/N, i just want some time to be alone" she shrugged.

"Alone?" I laugh sarcastically.

"You've been alone for the past 2 days! Can we at least talk about us?" I added.

"No" she shouted. I felt my heart break. This seriously feels like the end of us.

"Camila, my heart is fucking breaking"

"Maybe that alcohol can take that pain away" she said nastily. I frowned. Maybe i will.


Here i was again, sat in a mess on the floor with an empty bottle in my hand. I remembered how amazing it felt at my grandma's funeral when the alcohol took the pain away. It works, sort of. The more pissed off i get with the thought of losing Camila, the more i drink. I looked up at the time and notice it's 5 minutes past 3 in the morning. I try to stand up but it just wasn't working, i couldn't do it.


"You idiot!" Camila shouted which woke me up.

"What has happened to you Y/N?" She yelled, picking up smashed glasses on the floor. When she was picking them up, i realised i must have slept on the floor. Idiot.

"Stop shouting" i mumble.

"Stop drinking"

"Stop being an asshole!"

"Stop pretending you love me" She yelled. I shook my head.

"I do love you! You're the one that is making this whole thing so fucking difficult!" I shout.

"And how do you resolve difficulty, Y/N? Drinking?" She shrugged as she said it.

"You're becoming something i don't want you to become" she said softly.

"We're becoming something i don't want"

"Whats that?"

I stared as she asked. "Enemies"

Her eyes softed, as if the fire inside of them had burned out.

"I don't want to become enemies" she said quietly.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now