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"I don't like him" i speak. Cara shook her head slowly.

"Its only natural to hate you ex's current partner" she said.

"No Cara, this guy isn't a nice person. You know why she was in such a rush to get home last night? The dick wouldn't let her stay out past 9:30!" I explained.

"Y/N, please just give the guy a chance" Cara shrugged. Why wasn't she understanding me?

"Ok, why don't we go to Camila's house. Knock on the door and see her reaction, Cara I'm telling you, shes scared of him!"

"Tell me this, why would she be marrying him if shes scared of him?" Lauren jumps in, as she sits on Cara's knee. I shrug.

"Maybe she didn't get much choice" i say.

Cars chuckles. "Are you back on the alcohol?" She joked.

"Im not laughing" i say, looking at her sternly.

"I'll call her, i'll have to call her house phone though, her own phone is broken" Lauren said.


"Y/N, are you coming out with us?" Cara asks. I take my eyes of the tv screen and look at her.



"Not really in the mood" i mumble.

"Come on, please just come with us" she said pouting. I smiled and nodded.

"Alright then"

"Leaving in 10 minutes, be ready" she shouted as she walked away.

I turned the tv off and changed into something more suitable for going out in. Hopefully, tonight will be fun.

I drove as Cara and Lauren loudly sung along to the music playing in the car. If this is what they're like in the car sober, what the fuck are they going to be like on the way back when they'll most likely be drunk?


Cara and Lauren disappeared. I gave up looking for them, if i don't see them by the time i want to go home, they'll have to find their own way home. I took a sip of my lemonade and looked over to the bar. Oh would you look at that. Camila stood next to her amazing husband to be. Should i go over? Hmm no bad idea i think. I watched Camila pick up a glass, it slipped from her hands and the drink inside spilled all over Dan. I held back my laugh until i saw him aggressively push her shoulder. Anger quickly took over me. I stood up and made my way over to Camila and Dan. He was now yelling at her, with a tight grip of her wrist.

"Hey" i shouted. He turned to face me, still holding Camila's wrist.

"Let her go" i demanded. He sniggered.

"Who do you think you are?" He snarled.

"You're hurting her, you know that right?" I say to him.

"I do what i want with my woman"  he said.

I looked at Camila who was looking at me as if I'm insane for confronting Dan. I probably am, but nobody treats Camila like that.

"You're a dick" i say, clenching my jaw.

"What did you just say to me?" He said, letting go of Camila and pushing her the side.

"Oh you want me to repeat it?" I smirked.

He took a step closer to me and swung for my jaw. I dodged it and kneed him in the place no male wants kneed. He crouched in pain and i punched his jaw.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now