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I stumbled through the door after trying to open it with my key for what seemed like forever, the house was way too quiet. I walked towards the kitchen and had a glass of water before i started a search for Camila.

trying to get around the house was much harder than i thought it would be. Still, no Camila. Fine, whatever, she's probably packed up and left again. The vision of her getting on a plane and flying thousands of miles away makes me feel ill. As much as i hate her right now, i couldn't cope without her. I thought about the last time she hurt me, i know shes more than capable of flying away. In rage i throw the glass against the wall before stumbling back and sliding down the wall. I felt a warm tear slowly fall down my face. How could she do this to me? 


I was woken up by the ringtone of my phone. I frowned and grabbed it from the floor, my head was pounding and so was my face. Then i remember, the black eye. It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the brightness of the screen, my lock screen was filled with missed calls and messaged from mostly Cara and Lauren, but also my mom.

I phoned my mom and she answered straight away.

"What is wrong with you?" She said angrily.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"Your fiancée is currently lying in a hospital bed with concussion and high stress levels, where are you?" She shouted. My heart literally stopped.

"Shes..what?" I whispered.

"Im on my way" i said before hanging up. I looked at messages from Cara.

'Y/N, you don't have to reply to this but Camila is in hospital, you should go'

''????? Hello? Where are you?"

'wow, you really are so fucking careless'

It angered me. I called her and waiting on her to answer.

"Don't say anything, I'm on my fucking way" i said then hung up.

I got in my car as quick as i could and drove to the hospital, hoping she was okay.


I ran through the doors and asked reception where she was, as soon as they told me, i got there as quick as i could.

The first person i saw was Cara. She had a bruised eye, slightly worse than mine and a scratch down her face. She narrowed her eyes as she saw me walk towards them.

"Nice bruise you've got there" i commented as i push past her.

"Asshole" she mumbled. I took a deep breath and forgot about the snappy insult she just threw at me. I was here for Camila, not Cara or anyone else.

I walked into the small room and saw her, lying on a bed with her eyes closed. My heart broke, well, the remaining parts that weren't broken before. My mom was holding her hand, sitting on a chair beside the bed. I ran my hands through my hair and sat down.

"What happened" your mom whispered. I brushed my hand over my bruised eye and then shook my head in shame.

"Its all fucked up" i said, voice shaking.

"Did you two fight?" She asked.

"Not physically, i got into a fight with Cara." I explained.

My mom clenched her jaw. "That explains her bruises too, and what about Lauren? What happened to her?"

"Look, me and Camila have been arguing for days, she was hiding something from me, she eventually told me what she was hiding and now im heartbroken. Im fucking heartbroken" i explained, tears where filling my eyes.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now