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The nerves were taking over me. I have no idea why I'm nervous, i just kinda am? The door burst open and my younger sister walked in, she looked so much older and mature in her bridesmaids dress.

"Aww you look cute" I smiled widely.

"Thanks, Im so excited for you" she said, hugging me tightly. I don't get to see my sister a lot, but it makes me appreciate the time i have with her when i do. There were a few knocks at the door and it opened slightly. Cara popped her head through and smiled.

"Wow, just gonna say one thing. Your wife to be is ecstatic" Cara chuckled while she closed the door behind her.

"God Cara, I'm so nervous"

"Don't be!"

"I don't even know why I'm nervous...i just am" i shrugged.

"Shes going to walk down that isle straight after you and then within 10 minutes, you'll be married. Just like you've always wanted" Cara spoke, the butterflies erupted inside. Im actually marrying her.

"2 and a half hours to go" i breathed out.

"I'll send the girls up to do your hair. They've just finished Camila's and she is looking really good" Cara told me. I laughed and threw her a slight frown.

"Hey just remember you're talking about the person who is going to be my wife very soon" I laughed.

"Don't tell me shes going to ditch me at this wedding for you" i joked.

"Definitely not! I only have eyes for one thing" she smiled, referring to Lauren.

"When are you gonna pop the question?" I asked her. I mean, they are extremely in love.

"Soon. I promise, this wedding will probably make me want to marry Lauren even more than before" she said, smiling at the thought.

"Look who's love sick" i joked. She looked at me sternly, trying to stop the smirk on her face from growing.

"Says the one getting married"

"I'll admit it, i am love sick" i shrugged. She shook her head and threw a lighter across the room, surprisingly, it landed in the bin.

"I need a new lighter" Cara shrugged.

"Why don't you just stop smoking?" I asked her. She looked at me as if i just said something completely insane.

"Just no" she said.

"Its bad for you Cara, i don't know how many times i've had to tell you that"

"Tell her what?" Lauren's voice made appearance. I looked up and saw Lauren, Dinah and Normani.

"That she has to stop smoking" I laughed.

"Hey, smoking actually calms nerves. You may be in need of a cigarette like right now" Lauren smiled.

"No, I'm good" I said, giving Lauren a thumbs up.

"Okay, let me do your hair!" Normani jumped in with a big smile on her face.

I sat down and looked at myself in the mirror in front of me.

"Honestly though, if I wasn't in fifth harmony, i'd be a hair stylist" Normani smiled.

"Thankfully you're in fifth harmony" Dinah laughed, earning a glare from Normani.

"Im sorry it was a joke" she added, wrapping her arms around her shoulders.

She spent around half an hour on my hair, everyone was just so excited to finally see Camila and I get married.

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