C h a p t e r 17

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Well, January went slow. Painfully slow. Mainly because i was so hurt and confused as to why she would do that to me. February was sort of the same but most of the time i was saying to myself 'fuck her, i don't need her' but realised i did when she was all i thought about everyday. I started recording in the studio though. Hailee Steinfeld was in London so we recorded a killer song together. March, the song got released, it done amazing and people really loved how i produced my music. Camila was always on my mind but not as much. She tweeted lyrics to mine and Hailee's song which sort of made me happy but angry? Mainly because it feels like she doesn't want to know me at all anymore i mean, she could of at least tweeted me or something? April, a lot of big singers came to me about music. Recording was going well, i recorded a few acoustic songs which i loved doing. Some big nights out with Cara and friends happened, lets just say i should not consume that much alcohol. Rumors started going about saying i was dating Cameron Dallas which was not true at all. He came out with me and Cara one night and he sometimes comes to the studio with me, just friends. I can't be with anyone else right now.
May was great. I had my first few sold out gigs and it was brilliant. Cara went to them, so did Cameron, Hailee and a few other friends. I did some ep signing and i announced my album release date. June, i finally managed to get Camila out of my head. Not completely, i still thought about her everyday. But i went on a few dates with Cameron and we started dating. It lasted like a month because i realised we weren't actually in love we were just like best friends and in a way i felt bad as i felt like i was using him to get over Camila. July was nothing much. August was big. My album was released and it went number 1 in under 24 hours. I was pretty proud, i must admit. I had so much positivity in my head, i barely ever felt angry or hurt about Camila breaking up with me 7 months ago. 7 months ago and it was still on my mind. Before i knew it, it was another new year.

January. Just over a year since...you know. It doesn't really bother me anymore.

I was currently in the back of a car that was taking me to the teen choice awards after party. Yeah i was excited, i love a party. Cara took a picture of us and posted it on instagram.

"Im so ready to party" she speaks.

"You're always ready to party, Cara" i smirk and she laughs

"You know me too well!" She squeals.

"Your boy Cameron going to be here" she winks and i give her a 'he's not my boy' look.

"I don't have feeling for him Cara how many times have i told you that?"

"You don't have feeling for him, but you dated him for a month?"

"A month, Cara. I had some feelings for him back then but i think i was craving love or something. He's my friend, ok?" I clearly speak.

"So he went from a friend, to lover to friend?"

"Well...sort of but i guess that happens sometimes, right?"

"Im your friend, you gonna fuck me too then become my friend again.."

I hit her arm and she laughs

"Shut up Cara" i frown

"It was a joke, chill" she laughs

"Yeah it was real funny" i say in a sarcastic tone.

We arrived at the after party. I spent most of my time talking to Cara, Kendall and Hailee. We always have such a laugh. I noticed Cara's facial expression. She looked like she had just seen a ghost.

"Cara..? Why do you look so shocked?" I ask and she quickly turns to me.

"I uhh...hmm it doesn't matter i thought I noticed that girl but I'm...god its the drinks thats all" she nods and i furrow my brows.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now