C h a p t e r 13

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I was sitting at the table for about 2 hours remixing some new tracks. I was getting better at it and people were starting to notice that my remixes and mash ups are actually pretty good. Camila was lying on the bed reading a book in silence for the full time. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my shoulders.

"Hey" i smile not taking my eyes of the screen. She places her chin on my head and sighs

"Come on, take a break" she mumbled

"I gotta finish these, they need to be sent to the studio as they want to hear them and they need to be sent tomorrow" i say and she moves her head and kisses my neck

"Come back to it later, do something else" she suggested and i spun the chair around to face her

"Camila, what else can i do with a fractured rib and literally 1 arm as i can hardly move the other one" i say

And she frowns at me. "I dunno i guess i was just trying to help" she says quietly as she was about to turn away. Before she could, i stood up and held her tight in my arms even though my sore arm was really painful

"Im sorry, you're right. I need a break from this so thats why we're going for a walk in 5 minutes, let me grab my phone" i say and she smiles

"Don't be sorry, i know its hard for you. You witnessed someone you knew die-"

"Im okay. Its just gonna take some time for my head to clear thats all" i smile and she kisses my check before whispering sweet 'i love yous' in my ear.


We walk hand in hand discussing random topics.

"So. Your parents. When are they coming to my place for dinner?" I ask and she smirks

"well i guess thats up to you" she smiles

"You decide, first of all we need to know when they're free" i giggle and she nods

"I think you're really cute doing this" she smiles as she holds my hand tighter.

"Well, the last time i met your mom i was sort of...unprepared for it. I was also just off stage and sweaty and things weren't great between us so i'd like to make an effort and meet both your mom and dad properly" i smile she pulls me in to a long kiss.

"Ain't you getting confident in public" i wink and she giggles

"I don't care who sees us anymore, i've never been so happy" she smiles as she looks into my eyes. Everyday i fall in love more and more with this girl and i still can't believe I've got her. Shes mine.

I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her cheek.
"Im so in love with you" I whisper and she smiles goofily

"I'd like to think so" she says making me laugh.


(3 Days Later)

"You've literally been cooking all day" Camila says as she brushes through her wet hair.

"Im finished now so I'm gonna go for a shower" i smile and she smirks at me

"Why didn't you say so about half an hour ago? You could have joined me"

My eyes widen and i let out a small giggle

"Cheeky" i smirk as i walk into the bathroom.

After i had a shower, i wrapped a bandage around my ribbed area. I couldn't quite wrap it up myself. Damn why is it so annoying.

"Mila" i shout and she pops her head in the room

"Can you please help me with this bandage?" I ask and she smiles goofily

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now