C h a p t e r 20

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I was already packed and ready to go. The few days i've spent in LA have been....well..confusing and a little crazy. Its all been like one of them weird dreams.

I checked my watch and realised i only had an hour before i had to go to the airport. I knew i had to see the girls before i went away as i knew i probably wouldn't see them again for a while. I went to Dinah and Mani's room first. They welcomed me with warm hugs and cute little comments.

"Y/N just join our band, that way we know we won't lose you again" Normani jokes

"Lets make a group chat and we gotta talk in it everyday alright?" I came up with and the two band members agreed.

"So...what's happening with you and my Mila?" Dinah asks. I didn't even have an answer to her question. I don't even know where we stand right now.

"We're friends" i smile and Dinah smirks.


"How long till we see you again this time then, few months, years maybe?" Dinah adds.

"Dinah come on, i promise i'll make an effort okay? I had an extremely busy year and i've got a little more time on my hands now" i smiled and she nodded.

"You're leaving real soon" Dinah sadly smiled. When she said this, it hit me. I still hadn't seen Camila today and i felt like i really needed to before i left. She was and still is a big part of my life. I talked to Mani and Dinah a bit more and then left to find Camila. I thought it would be easy, but it soon become clear that it wasn't as easy as i thought. Where the hell is she? I went to find Ally and Lauren to ask them if they had seen her. I saw them sitting at a table in the hotel bar.

"Hey y/n, you're leaving us again in like 20 minutes" Ally sadly smiles.

"Alright, don't sound too happy about that" i joked and Lauren giggled.

"Have any of you two seen Mila anywhere?" I asked then and they both looked away from me.

"She didn't tell you?" Lauren spoke

"Tell me what?"

"That she went back home earlier this morning, guess you didn't know?"  Ally said and i clenched my jaw. Wow. She really didn't care about me at all. The least she could of done was said 'bye'.

"Okay well next time you see you tell her i said bye" i smiled and ally returned one.

I walked away from them and pulled my phone out my pocket.

"To Camila: just to let you know, I'm going home to London now. Not like you actually care but yeah. Just wanted to say bye."

I sent the message and shook my head. When did she become so careless? Around two minutes later i felt by phone buzz in my pocket.

"From Camila: sorry I didn't tell you i went home. Have a safe flight x" the message read. I didn't bother replying. Cara came running down the stairs with her suitcases in her hands.

"We ready to get going?" she smiled and i nodded. Im quite excited to get home now. I've missed it over the few days i've been in LA. I grabbed my suitcases and loaded them in the back of the car that was waiting to take Cara and i to the airport. I hugged all the girls one last time before getting in the car. Maybe if Camila was here it would be so much harder to leave. Maybe it was a good thing she wasn't around?


I couldn't sleep in the plane. Unlike Cara, who has been sleeping for the past 10 hours. We were minutes away from landing and i was excited to get off this plane and have a fresh start in London. Im planning on redecorating my large apartment or something. I also want to take time with some new music as well. I had lots to do so I wasn't gonna get bored. I was scrolling through twitter and saw a tweet Camila had posted around 2 hours ago.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now