C h a p t e r 7

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"BOWLING" Camila shouts in excitement

"Bowling?" I question as i am unsure of the idea. I told her that my mom was coming to see the show tonight and she also wanted to do something during the day with my younger sister. I wanted her to meet Camila which i was extremely nervous about but I'm unsure why.

"Okay first thing, there will be loads of people there so you'll most likely get mobbed and the second thing, i'd beat you anyway so its pointless even going" i wink and she raises her eyebrows

"Well. First thing, the fans will be respectful they always are and 2 i will totally beat you at bowling" she points at me

I smile and shake my head.

"Okay whatever, bowling it is"

I inform the girls that me Camila and I won't be around for most of the day since we're going out.

"Hey Mila? We should probably leave now" i say and she jumps out of the tour bus

"Im ready to go if you are" she smiles linking our arms

We arrive at the bowling centre and it was nice to see that the people that worked there shut off 2 alleys for us so we weren't interrupted, yes there was paps outside the place but they were nice and only wanted a few snaps of us. After about 10 minutes my mom finally arrived with my sister.

"Hello you two!" I smiled pulling my mom into a hug.

"And its been a while since i've seen you too!" I say kneeling down to hug my little sister.

I turn to Camila and grab her hand pulling her towards me.

"Mom, this is Camila, Camila, this is mom" i smile and my mom pulls her into a hug.

"Its really lovely to meet you!" My mom says to Camila

"Awwh you too!" Camila smiles

"I apologise for the people taking pictures of us, they're just....interested" i say giving the fans a wave causing most of them to scream. It made us all giggle at how one simple wave can do that.

"Hey I'm gonna let you two catch up, do you want me to take this little one to that candy shop over there?" Camila says placing her hand on my little sisters shoulder.

"That would be great but come right back for a chatter and this game of bowling of course" my mom said and Camila walked off with my sister. I sat down next to my mom on a stool, she looked at me and smirked.
"What?" I laughed, she nodded her head
"The gimme gimme I'm worth it girl huh?" She says making me laugh
"Yeah, Camila from Fifth Harmony in other words" I giggle

"I really like her, seriously i really really like her" i smile

"So do i, obviously not in the same way you do but she is a really nice girl and she makes you happy, right?"

I look up and smile widely "she really does, i think this might be...the first time i've ever actually....fallen in...love" i say the last bit slowly "wow i can't believe i just said that" i say covering my face with my hands

"You have actually fallen in love!!!! This is wonderful" my mom says excitedly

"Mom come on keep it down"

She laughs and i shake my head while i smile.

"Hey this kid had great candy sense" Mila returns with my little sister.

"Hmm im glad you two enjoyed yourselves but now, i've gotta beat you all at a game of bowling" i smirk and throw Camila a wink

She crosses her arms and sticks her tongue out at the side of her mouth as she raises her eyebrows

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now