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The door burst open and Camila ran into the apartment and straight into my arms.

"Im sorry, so so so sorry" she whispered in my ear, hugging me tighter. I pull away from the hug and kiss her lips softly, she pulls the back of my neck in and kisses me harder.

"I love you" she whispers over and over again.

"I really thought about the way i've been acting and i never want to lose you again. When Cara told me you were packing up and going home, i realised that you weren't slipping away from me because I thought Hanna was taking you away from me, but because I wasn't treating you the way you deserve to be treated, and that stops right now, okay?" She said with sad eyes.

"Im not slipping away from you, i was lost without you once, i'll be lost without you again" i said kissing her cheek.

"You look tired" i said to her, stroking her cheek with my thumb.

"I am" she laughed. "I've only slept for an hour since you left" she said. I gasped.

"Come on, lets get some sleep"


After a good sleep, she wakes, in my arms.

"That was the best sleep i've had in weeks" she mumbles.

"And waking up beside you makes it even better" she added, she placed her head in the crook my my neck and played with my hand.
we intertwined our fingers and she looked into my eyes.

"one day, i want to marry you" she whispers.

"You do?"

"Yep" she smiles.

"I'd marry you tomorrow" she said, kissing the ring finger.

"We've only been together for 8 months.." I whisper.

"Before we split, 4 months, that adds up to a year" she winks.

"Wow, its crazy to think that"

"We've had a tough year...but there aren't many people as in love as we are" she says.

"I just really love you" i whisper and then kiss her softly.

"Lets secretly get engaged or something, nobody else will know except from us, none of the girls, parents, friends...just us"

"Mila" i whisper.

"How would i manage to keep my mouth shut? There are so many people that'll try to stop us like Cara and Normani and maybe Ally and-"

"Who cares what anyone else thinks" she cuts me off.

"Are you...like high or something?"

She laughed and rolled over on top of you.

"We don't need to get married right now though, we can wait another few years for that" she winks, kissing my nose.

"You're so cute" i laughed.
She paused for a few seconds, she was looking into my eyes and a slight smile was forming on her lips.

"Well...what if i told you i had a ring?" She whispered in my ear.

My eyes widened, "Camila Cabello...i...I don't know what to say" i cover my mouth with my hands.

"A 3 lettered word, its not hard?" She giggled.

"Are you being serious? Out of everyone in the world you could possibly marry, you're securing your love with me?" I asked.

"stop overthinking" she says as she jumps out of the bed.

She started looking through her suitcase, she found what she was looking for and jumped back into bed. She crawled on top of me and held a small, closed box in front of me.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now