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I heard sniggering. I opened one eye and saw Cara and Lauren run out of the room. I could tell that they were still standing outside the room. Do they really think I'm that stupid. How did they even get back?

I turned my head and saw Camila, sound asleep. I smiled and desperately wanted to lean down and kiss her, but i knew that'd be out of order.

I quietly and carefully got out of the bed and walked through the the kitchen, where Cara and Lauren were making out.

"Ew stop" i mumbled as i started making coffee.

"Good morning to you too. Thanks for the ride home by the way" Cara joked. I shrugged.

"You two disappeared, there was a slight problem and i did something about it" i explained.

"How did you even get home anyway?" I asked.

"Taxi" Lauren informed.

I shook my head and laughed. "Well, did you have fun last night then?" I asked them as i turn back to the coffee.

Lauren laughed, "the question is, did you have fun last night?" She spoke, Cara chuckled as i turned to face them. Oh. They've totally got the wrong idea.

"It's not what you think" i laugh.

"Hello? Camila Cabello aka your ex is in your bed. Care to explain?" Cara laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "Something happened last night and she had to come here. All we did was cuddle. Thats all" i shrug.

"Ohh so she had to come here after something happened? What did you two get u-"

"Dan abuses me" Camila spoke as she walked into the kitchen.

"What?" Lauren asked, looking completely shocked. Cara looked at me, she finally understood what i was saying the other day.

"Last night, Y/N stopped him from hurting me. I opened up to her about everything he's done to me and she wanted to make me feel safe so she took me back here to stay for a while. Trust me, it's not what it looks like" she smiled. I smiled at her as she explained the events of last night.

"Oh my god Camila I'm so sorry" Lauren said as she hugs her tightly.

"So are you not dating him anymore?" Cara asked. I frowned and looked at her. She shrugged then looked back at Camila.

"Its easier said than done" Camila speaks.

"Camila? Listen to yourself. You can't be with him" Lauren said to her.

"I can't just walk out on him, he'll stalk me, he'll never leave me alone" Camila raised her voice. Her eyes were filling with tears.

"Hey, come on. This is a sensitive subject for Mila and i think we should try to understand the position she is in" i say, Camila smiles at me and nods.

"Why don't we all go to your house, collect your stuff and get out of there before he gets home from work?" Lauren suggests.

"Thats risky" Camila speaks.

"It'll be worth it" i say. She stares at me for a few seconds then nods.

"Ok, but what if he's not at work?" Camila asks, making a good point.

I smirk, "i have an idea"


Camila holds the phone in her hands.

"Im not sure if this is a good idea" she said.

"Mila, all you have to do is tell him that you are stuck at Santino's bar and you have no way of getting home. That place is at least 45 minutes away." I explain for the 3rd time.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now