C h a p t e r 4 8

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I stood there with the ring that was once on her finger. I imagined us being married, having children of our own. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her and that is exactly why I was going to ask her to marry me, this time, no matter what gets in our way, we will get married. Thats if she says yes. What if she doesn't? What if she doesn't want us to get married? What if I'm not the one?

Overthinking is the worst thing. Here i am now, wondering if I'm being ridiculous about the whole marriage thing. What if its too soon.

I faintly heard her shout my name, she was downstairs baking something. I put the ring away and put it back in the secret hiding place where she'd never find it. I walked down the stairs and went into the kitchen where my eyes met with hers. She smiled warmly and asked for a little help.

"Try this" she smiled as she help up some sort of cookie. I took a bite and it was surprisingly really good.

"Since when have you been good at baking?" I joked. She pouted and placed the other cookies in a nice box.

"What are they for anyway?" I asked her before wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Cara loves cookies right? Today is her birthday so i baked her cookies" she smiled, she delicately put the lid on the box and handed it to me.

"Put these in your car, we'll drop them off later" she said.

"I'll text Cara" i said. I put the box down and took my phone out of my back pocket. Without realising, i got distracted by twitter, i scrolled down and some tweets caught my eyes.

'Apparently y/n and Camila are back together again????'

'Why does y/n keep going back to Camila? :/'

'Y'all make it sound like y/n is a terrible person, give her a break."

'Camila and y/n will always be my favourite couple. They make eachother so happy'

Wow. People are still going on about the fucked up mistakes i made? I wasn't me back then, everyone who truly loves and knows me will know that.

"Hey, i told you to put that in the car" Camila whined as she returned to the kitchen.

"And i told you i was texting Cara"

"Texting Cara on twitter?" She smirked.  I sighed and put my phone down. I felt her hand on my shoulder, i looked at her and smiled.

"What's wrong? You seem a little off?" She asked, now looking at you with a concerned expression on her face.

"Im okay" I lied. She looked at you sternly.

"Don't lie to me. Was it something you saw on twitter? Hate tweets or something?" She asked. Damn she was good.

"Something like that" i shrugged. She picked up my phone and scrolled through twitter. She had a slight frown on her face as she read a few tweets.

"Y/n, don't let them get to you. They don't even know you" she said as she locked my phone.

"Let them think or say what they want, all they want is a reaction from it and thats not what they're going to get" she added, placing her finger under your chin.

"Promise me one thing?" I say to her.

"Go on"

"Promise me that you're happy being with me. If you don't think I'm the one, i want you to find them and b-"

"Wow y/n where has all of this come from?" She asked. She pulled you closer and you felt her heart race.

"I promise I'm happy being with you. I knew you were the one when we first locked eyes when you interviewed us on the today show" she chuckled, she held my face in her hands and kissed my cheek.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now