Chapter Two: Three Minutes

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-One Month Later-

My eyes shot open as I felt it coming on once again. I quickly threw my blankets off me hoping out of bed rushing to my bathroom. I knelt in front of the toilet emptying my stomach from the food I ate last night.

"Sick again?" My mom asked as she came into my bathroom "you really have a bad bug" she said as she damped down a cloth handing it to me so I could wipe my mouth.

"I'm so sick of feeling like this!" I complained, the last week all I have done is throw up or get insane headaches, I'm tired of it.

"Should I call the school?" Mom asked.

"No, I have already missed enough days this week I'll tough it out"

I stood up and turned on the shower after my mom left. I let the hot water run over my body as I tried to relax. I soon got out and got ready for the day knowing Madeline would be here any minute. I skipped out on breakfast and went straight to her car once she pulled up.

"Feeling better?" She asked as I got in the car.

"No" i sighed "I have never thrown up this much in my life, it's taking over my body! I have headaches my whole body hurts and to top it off I can't eat without spending the night in the bathroom!" I complained.

"Damn girl! It's like your pregnant" she laughed but I didn't, that word hit me like a tone of bricks.

She doesn't know about me and Jack, hell nobody does. I bagged him to not tell anyone about the mistake that I made the night of the championship. We haven't talked much sense but that doesn't bather me. I never should have had sex with him, I let the booze and people calling me marry get into my head.

"Hey can we stop at the drug store quickly? I need tampons" I lied.

"Yea sure" she said as she pulled I tot he parking lot.

I walked in by myself, I scanned the place to see if knew anyone from school or church. I was lucky there was no one in sight. I grabbed three pregnancy tests each had two in the box and a box of tampons so Madeline wouldn't suspect anything. Once i checked out I put the tests in my purse and the tampons in the bag. I'm probably not pregnant I'm just scaring myself, now that it's in my head I need to know.

"Get them?" She asked as I got back in the car. I held the bag up showering her the tampax she nodded her head and drove across the street to the parking lot of the school.

"Your period run made us late" she laughed and so did I as we got out of the car. We walked into the office explaining why we were late and got passes to give to our teachers.

"See you at lunch" I said to Madeline as we parted ways.

"Nice of you to join us Kate" Mrs. Ankrum my English teacher said as I walked into the room.

"Sorry womanly problems" I whispered as I handed her my late slip.

I walked to the back of the class taking a seat next to skate like I do every day. As the teacher talked all I did was think. I had sex one time there is no way I could be pregnant epically with Jack Gilinsky's kid. Why did Madeline even have to say that? Now it's in my head and the thought won't leave.

"Can I use the bathroom?" I asked raising my hand.

Mrs. Ankrum nodded her head yes. I excused myself from class then going to my locker and grabbing my purse with the test in it. I put it around my shoulder and walked into the girls room. After making sure the cost was clear I locked myself in a stall and grabbed the test. I got clear blue so pretty much I pee on them and it will either say pregnant or not pregnant, easy enough. I peed on the sticks then set them on the garbage waiting for the three minutes to be up.

It felt like ever second was an hour, I got freaked out when two girls came into the bathroom. They must have been underclass because they were talking about girl fights, high school drama. I waited till they left, I checked my phone and it has been three minutes. I grabbed the tests closing my eyes afraid to see the results, here goes nothing, I opened my eyes to read all six test I peed on to say the same exact thing.



"Where the hell were you! you ditched out on gym" Madeline said as she came up to me while I was at my locker, I tried to look at he normally but that failed. "Wait were you crying? Iv never seen you cry before.. Are you okay..? Do you want a hug?"

I wanted to laughed because she is right I don't think I have cried sense I broke my ankle in sixth grade. But I couldn't, I couldn't laugh I am to ashamed in myself.

"Can I talk to you privately?" I asked looking down.

"Ummm yea" she said looking around until she spotted and empty classroom, we both walked in and I locked the door.

"What going on?" She questioned as I started balling for the second time today.

"I made a mistake" I barley choked out in between sobs.

"Kate what did you do? I have never seen you act like this"

I reached into my purse grabbing the six tests that have officially changed my life in a matter of three minutes and handed them to her. The read them and the look on her face was a mixture of shocked and confused.

"But..." She stuttered "Kate how... I don't.. When?" She was having just as much trouble speaking as I was.

"The night of the championship" I sad.

"You had sex?" She question in disbelief as if the answer wasn't right there in front of her. I nodded my head yes "who's the father?"

"Please you have to promise me you won't tell anyone, not about the pregnancy or the father" I begged crying.

"I promise I won't"

I sighed and took a deep breath "Jack Gilinsky"

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