Chapter Fourty Three

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Does anyone out there reading this have kids? Because if you don't let me tell you something, once they start talking oh boy do they talk, and when they start walking, well let's just say your scared for their life. All Stella does is talk, and talk its like that episode of family guy where stewie is trying to get Louise's attention and he keeps say mom in many different ways until she says something then all he does is say hi and runs off laughing, well that right there folks is our daughter, she has also grown a bit of an attitude. Then there is the walking.. She won't sit for one minute. It's not even walking half the times it's running hell sprinting until she runs into something cries for five minutes then does it all over again. Let's just put it this way I'm one tired momma.

It has been two months sense the passing of David and Katherine it hasn't been easy but things are finally falling back into place. Jack moved into my house so we would no longer have to share with everyone else. Everyone pretty much knows that were married now, it even ended up on the cover of some magazine.. My mom was ecstatic and when I say that I mean it she cried over the phone for hours because she was so happy. Things between me and jack have been good, great actually. At first there was some fighting just due to the fact we had both done something to each other but it all worked itself out. With the boys planning a tour, releasing new music, is planning a reception and Christmas coming up there is no time to fight let alone think.

"Stella no!" Jack came into the kitchen picking her up from behind while I was running frantically around the house trying to find my wallet.

"Put me down!" She demanded as she swung around in his arms.

"No more climbing on the table" he said setting her down of course making her mad that she could no longer try to get up on the table so what does she do? Sits on the floor and balls her eyes out.

"Stella" jacked warned as I listened, with him always working sometimes it's nice when he is home so I don't have to be the mean parent.

"Alone!" Stella's way of saying leave me alone well I cry until one of you feels bad for me and buys me a treat.

"Fine cry" jack said giving up walking back into the kitchen.

"Found it!" I cheered as I grabbed my wallet out of the fridge. It was in the bottom drawer.. Hmm wonder how that got there? "We need to get some child prof locks for the fridge this is the third time this week I have found something on mine in the drawer" I laughed.

"Pick some up on your way back from lunch with Skate" jack said making a valid point. "Stella stop crying" he said as we looked at here sitting on the floor.

"NO!" She sasses back. I walked over to her and sat down, she crawled in my lap instantly "daddy mean momma"

"No, daddy didn't want you to fall" I smiled trying to lighted her up "you can't  climb on things baby you could fall and bonk your head"

"Okay" instantly the tears stopped, she hopped out of my lap and plopped herself on the couch in front of the tv were Micky was playing.

"Wow way to me look like an ass of a dad" jack laughed as I stood up.

"Ass" we heard from the couch "ass.. Ass.. Ass."

"Stella no! That's a bad word" i scolded trying to hold my laughter in.


"Stella.. We don't say those words in this house" jack said even though he just did.

"Daddy" she said sweetly looking up to him.



Jack gave up and walked away, its her first time saying it and she knows it's naughty so she will do everything in her power to use the word as much as possible. A+ to me and jack for not watching our language. And the parent of the year award got to....

"I should get going" I walked up to jack kissing him "I'll be home in an hour or so"

"Bye babe" he said as I grabbed the keys.

"Bye momma!" Stella yelled before I even opened the door.

"Bye baby.. Be good for daddy now"

"Ass" and that was my que to leave. I quickly walked out and shut the door. I'll let jack deal with this one.

As I was driving to the boys house I started thinking am I a bad parent. I mean jack said a word she repeats it then we tell her not to. That's not really fair, however it is our fault we were need to start watching what we say or do because she has a brain like me, and catches on to everything. Just last week Sammy was trying to be a goof and was twerking, that night when me and jack went to check on her she was in her crib trying to do the same thing. We had to make up some excuse that a need had gotten stung and he was trying to deal with the pain. Not the best excuse ever but it worked so yay I guess.

"Hello?" I said as I walked into the house. I know Sammy and Johnson are out working. Madeline has an exam but Skate said he would be home. That's why we made lunch plans, I want to see him and get some peace and quiet.

"Oh hey" he said walking into the living room with a box of pizza in his hands looking like hell.

"Hungover?" I questioned.

"You know that saying.. Beer before liquor never been sicker, liquor before beer your in the clear?"

"Yes" I laughed taking a bite of the pizza.

He let out the biggest burp I have ever heard in my life "yea.. Well, didn't fallow that"

"Ahh shit sucks to suck" I laughed in his face getting up to dance "God I feel so good I could dance for days!"

"Kate stop your going to make me puke"

"What!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Dude the fuck" he said holding his head "did I not just tell you I was hungover?"

"You did" I laughed "now you know what it's like having an almost two year old.."

"Yea well I didn't get knocked up at 17" he laughed shoving me.

"Hey" I hit him back " I wouldn't change it for the world"

I got up and went to the kitchen to grab each of us a glass of water. He will need it for his hangover and I'm finding this pizza vary salty. Once I got back we each took another piece and decided to turn on Netflix and watch old episodes of One Tree Hill. We use to watch it together every Monday night when there was a new season. It might be a girly show but he doesn't deny loving it, it's kinda always been our thing.

"Hey" he said nudging me "you and jack are kinda like the Haley and Nathan of Omaha"

"Kinda" I laughed "excepted it all started because of a one night stand"

"Yea but Haley was a vergin and so were you and plus they had Jamie their senior year of high school just like you and jack. And.. She went into labor on her graduation day"

"Shit never thought of it like that" I laughed sitting up "oh my god I did have Stella on graduation day in the middle of my speech. I am Haley James Scott!"

"Your such a bad ass Kate"

"I know" I said as I stared watching again.

We had finished the who pizza witch isn't too shocking both of us can eat like mad men. We watched a few more episodes making jokes along the way on how much this show does seem like our lives. In some ways more then others obviously.

"Hey do you have any chocolate?" I asked.

"You hate chocolate" he said looking over to me funny.

"I know but I'm like really craving some" I laughed it's true to me chocolate is nasty but sometimes I get the need for it.. Well more like a want to the pint where my mouth starts watering. When I was pregnant with Stella it's all I wa.. Oh shit.

"I think there's some in the ki-"

"I'm pregnant"

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