Chapter Seventeen: Graduation

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Today is the day, the day I have been waiting for senesce the first day of my freshman year. Today we graduate and leave our high school behind to grow in the world. It has been a crazy morning with getting ready and me rehearsing my speech with Jack for what felt like a million times. We had just gotten done taking pictures in our cap in gowns, we decided to quickly eat before we leave to the school.

"Kate are you feeling okay? You look a little flushed" David asked me as we were cleaning up from our meal.

"Yea.. I think I'm just nervous about this speech" I sighed closing the dishwasher.

"You'll do great babe" Jack smiled taking my hand.

We gathered all of our things and headed towards the school. Jack and his parents were talking while I was sitting here looking out the window thinking about my speech. I don't want to make a fool of myself in front of everyone. I never thought it would stress me out this much, it's making my whole body hurt.

We pulled up to the school, we got out of the car hugging Katherine and David before they went to take their seats. Jack and me walked hand in hand to ours. I still can't believe this day has come so fast. I have said it before but I'm going to say it again, I have had this speech planed out for years and now that it is here I'm freaking out.

"Babe calm down you will do great" Jack said putting his hand on my knee so I would stop shaking it.

I looked up to him and smiled. The music started playing witch meant the ceremony was starting. I placed my hands on my stomach because the baby was kicking a lot, feeling that made me calm down a little. I love feeling he or she move around. We listened as out principle have his speech along with a few other teacher and team coaches. Sophia was class president so she was now on stage giving hers. She seemed so calm and collected, if she's anything like me she is freaking out on the inside. Everyone clapped as she finished. After an hour graduation was coming to an end, witch means is time for the closing valedictorian speech, my speech.

"I would like to introduce out 2015 class valedictorian Graduating with honors Kate Jensen" Mr. Onstad said through the microphone.

Everyone clapped, Jack squeezed my hand as I stood up and started walking towards the stage. Once I reached the steps I felt a sharp pain strike though my whole body. I griped on to the railing to support me, luckily the pain went away I don't think anyone noticed. I got to the podium looking out to the crowd. I was nervous until my eyes landed on Jack's he gave me a sweet smile a mouthed 'you go this'. I took in a sharp breath and began.

"Distinguished guests, parents and this years graduating class. While I was reading the other day I stumbled upon a quote by William Shakespeare that seems appropriate" I sighed taking a deep breath gripping onto the podium as I felt another sharp pain before speaking again.

'There is a tide, in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood leads onto fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of your life is bound up in sorrows and in miseries. On such a full sea we now float, and we must take the current when we serve or lose our ventures." I smiled as I finished, looking up to Jack winking at me.

"I think that what that quote means is that life is short and opportunities are rare and we have to be vigilant in protecting them and not only the opportunities to succeed but the opportunity to laugh" I felt the pain come again I had to stop so I could breath, "oh wow" I laughed as I breathed out everyone was looking at me funny. I laughed it off trying to play it cool.

I started off where I left "to see the enchantment in the world and, to live. Because life doesn't owe us anything as a matter of fact I think that we owe something to the world. And if we can just believe..."

This time when I felt the pain I also felt a small drop of a watery substance runny down my leg. The pain was becoming more and more intense. I laughed in both pain, worry and excitement as I realized what was happening my water just broke.

I laughed when I looked into the confused crowed as my eyes landed on Jacks.

"I'm sorry I have more" I stopped to breath out the pain "I just think I'm having my baby...."

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