Chapter Twenty One: The Cameron Dallas

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Me and Jack woke up pretty early, not to an alarm clock but to Sammy and skate jumping on us while Johnson video taped. What lovely boys they are.

"Kateeeeee" Sammy said grabbing on to my arm as we sat down for breakfast.

"Sammmmmmmmmy" I dragged on longer then him laughing. "what's up?"

"You excited to meet everyone today?" He asked kindly digging into the fruit bowl that  was placed in front of him.

"Yea sure" I smiled, it's not that I'm not excited I just don't really see the big deal. I still think it's weird that there famous now, it will take some getting use too.

"Kate, this is our manger, Keith" Jack said as he sat down next to me, I smiled and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you Kate, I have heard a lot about you and your daughter from the boys here" he smiled kindly.

"It's nice to meet you too" I greeted back "so can you tell me what we're getting ourselves into" I laughed asking him.

The boys are really bad at explaining anything. Every time me or Madeline as we get the same answer 'I don't really know, but it's fun' yea great guys it's fun. But in reality what are you actually doing?

"Well Jack and the rest of the boys have been getting a lot of attention around the world from the videos that have posted" he smiled "So my company decided to gather a group together, viners, YouTubers, ect. Everyone will be working together along with side projects, like Jack and Jack they will be a duo"

"So what will they be doing together then filming videos?" I questioned, I looked over to Jack as he looked at me funny, all I'm trying to do is get answers.

"Yes, there is also a deal with MUDD clothing line in the works, tours are in talk. Music Videos, TV appearances, Movies. There is a vast amount of opportunities in front of us right now"

"Okay wait.. Tours? TV appearances? How much traveling is going to be happening?" I asked a little frustrated that Jack never told me all the possibilities that are in front of him.

"Like I said at the moment nothing is official at the moment. As soon as we know then we will talk" he said kindly I could tell he knew I was getting upset.

I ended the conversation there, knowing I had a lot more question that I will save for another day. Keith finished his breakfast leaving us to ourselves again. All eyes were on me as he walked away and we sat in silence.

"She's mad" I heard Sammy say.

"No she's not.. You not mad are you?" Jack asked confused looking at me.

Before I could answer Skate spoke "Sorry Jack but we have known her our whole lives. She has her legs crossed and hands over her chest Also she is snapping the hair bin on her wrist" Jack look puzzled as Skate spoke.

"I'm not mad.." I dragged off "I'm just confused... None of you told me about any of this"

"Babe like he said nothing is official yet" Jack calmly said.

"We will let you guys talk, Keith texted me the other boys are here, meet us there when your finished" Johnson said as they boys got up and walked away.

"What about when it does become official?" I asked.

"If it does we will sit down and discuss everything before any papers are singed"

Why am I so upset about this. Maybe it's because he wants us to move here so we're not always 'apart' yet there is a chance of him still being gone just as much as he has been if not even more. That's the thing about Jack he doesn't think down the road, he thinks in the present witch sometimes isn't always the best idea.

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