Chapter Eight: Vine

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Jack is at Johnson's today, so I have the day to myself to get the babies room together. I started by getting all the neutral clothes that we have bought hung up on little hangers, there so cute and I can't wait to see him or her in these little onesies. My child is going to be the cutest one out there or as Jack says it will be full of swag, what ever that actually means. Katharine took a half day at work so she could help me set everything up, because God knows I can't to it on my own and Jack keeps putting it off.

"Okay so should we start with the crib or changing table" I asked as we stared at the boxes.

"Uhh" she looked at the "I think changing table with be easier so let's start with that" she laughed as I did too.

We took all the pieces out of the box and honestly for as much as we spent on this you would think it would come all put together or at lease it would be easy to put together, that's not the case. So many pieces and the directions are confusing as hell! How do they expect people to understand this.

"Okay, I think this goes here" Katherine said as we tried to put it together. "Nope" once again we were wrong.

I laid back in frustration "why is this so hard" I said voice full of venom.

"Calm down Kate we will get it" she tried to soothe me.

"No we won't! This is to hard!"

"Let's put this aside and try the crib okay?" She said pushing all the pieces aside.

After about an hour of trying to get the crib together we both gave up, I think she was just as mad as I was. I'm deciding right now this is no longer my problem if I'm carrying this baby then Jack can get the nursery together.

Kate: Get your ass home now and put this fucking crib together.

Jack: okay damn calm down, I'll be there in ten minutes.

Kate: did you seriously just tell me to calm down?!

Jack: love you.

I feel bad for snapping but this is hard. He only said I love you because he knows if he says the wrong thing it will be worse. The best part of being pregnant is I get away with being moody, and honestly I would never be like this but my hormones control me.

Katherine and me went to the kitchen to have a mid day snack. I'm lucky to have her she always has something prepare for us to eat, and she's an amazing cook. My cravings have been fruit salad lately so she made me one yesterday to last me a few days. I scooped some in a bowl she did al well.

"So this came for you" she said handing me an envelope addressed to me.

I grabbed it and to say I was shocked was an understatement "it's from my parents" I said almost confused.

"When was the last time you talked to them?" She questioned.

"The day I told them I was pregnant and they kicked me out" I sighed.

Sometimes I think about them, at times I miss them especially my mom and I wonder how their doing until I remember what they did. It was one thing to make me leave the home I grew up it but it's another to pretend I don't exists. I saw my dad once at the grocery store about a month ago. He saw me to, he looked at my stomach seeing that I had a bump then simply walked away without saying a thing.

"What does it say?" She asked taking a bite of her food.

I opened and read it "my sister coming home, there having a party for her" I sighed I missed Tessa.

"You have a sister? Iv never heard you talk about her"

"Yea, she left on a mission trip to Africa three years ago with the church. She had no access to phones or Internet. I haven't talked to her sense she left." I sighed "witch means she has no idea she is going to be a aunt, Tess would be happy for me I know it.

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