Chapter Fourty

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Before I did anything I sprinted around the house packing bags for me and Stella, then placed her in her car seat so we could get to the airport. It's bad Kate.. It's really bad? What the hell is that suppose to mean Madeline. That could mean the car is in bad shape.. It could mean they are severely hurt it could mean so many fucking things. And all she tells me is its bad.

"Dammit jack answer your phone" I said to myself as I got Stella out of the car and rushed into the airport. I put my phone in my pocket as we got into the ticket line.

"I need a flight to Omaha" I said rushed wanting to get there as soon as possible "one for me and my daughter"

"Flight 590 is boarding now so if you hurry you'll make it in time " she said kindly I'm guess she could tell something was up by the look on my face.

With our bags and Stella in my hands I rushed to our gate making it just in time. It was a small plane considering it's not a long flight but at this point I don't care. I still have time to make a few phone called but jack won't answer is phone so I tried Molly and thankfully shit did.

"Kate" she crooked as she answered "please tell me your there, me and Emma are stuck in New York because of the snow storm" she cried through the phone "Kate I don't want him to be alone" she cried harder.

"I'm on my way.. How bad is it Molly?" I said trying not to cry to be strong for her.

"They didn't even make it to the hospital Kate" please god tell me this isn't happening "we didn't even get to say goodbye" I tried to be strong but at that point I no longer could. The two people who took me in cared for me and loved me were taken not only from me but there three beautiful children tonight.

"Jack is alone.. Johnson said he won't come out of his room.. One of us needs to be there"

"I'm on my way I'll be there in a few hours" I said quietly as I was about to say goodbye and hang up the phone.

"Kate" Molly said grabbing my attention "we're going to be okay right? Jack will be okay right?"

"We'll get through this" I said quietly "my plane is taking off, call me when your abel to get a flight out"

"One more thing.. Me and you have always been the strong ones, I'm here with Emma, promise me you'll take care of my little brother?"

"I promise.. Love you Molly"

"Love you too"

I turned off my phone regretting it once the plane took off, I should have texted jack I was coming. I don't care about anything that has happened between us. David and Katherine were our number one supporters. I feel like I just lost my parents I can't even imagine how jack, Molly or Emma feel right now.

As we flew I looked out the window at the stars holding Stella close hoping and wishing this is all just a dream. I wonder how it even happened or why it had to happen. Why does bad things always happen to good people? And what am I going to do with out them? This is the first time i have ever lost anyone I'm close too. But jack, he was the closest to his parents out of everyone. He was the youngest he was there baby boy, he could tell them everything, and now they were taken from him, like Molly said we didn't even get to say goodbye.

After what felt like the longest two hours of my life we finally landed, Stella was still sound asleep in my arms. I grabbed our things and rushed out of the plane to grab a cab. Luckly there was one available so we grabbed it. We drove to the house and all I could think about is what I would say to jack, how do I make him feel better? How do I make any of this okay? What can I do to make this easier on him? After a ten minute car ride we finally pulled up to the house, I grabbed our things and paid the driver, as I walked up to the door memories came flooding in like the first time jack brought me here, If I would have known then that this place and the people inside would become my home and family I would have cherished many more moments.

"Thank god" Sammy said as I walked into the house, I set my bags by the door and handed Stella to Skate. Sammy, Skate, Johnson and Madeline were sitting in the living room with tear stained cheeks. They were close to Katherine and David too it's affecting all of us.

"How he doing?" I managed to speak not being able to see anyone as I wiped the tears falling from my eyes.

"He won't talk" Johnson said "i tried going into his room but every time he just yelled"

"Will you watch Stella for tonight?" I said asking everyone sitting around the living room, they all nodded there heads yes and without saying a thing I walked upstairs.

As I walked down the hallway to jacks room I found myself standing in front of Katherine's and David's. Their was open, as I looked at their bed was still unmade from this morning along with some clothes laying around as I'm guessing they were trying to find something to wear for the day. It's weird knowing there were here this morning planing on coming back and now there gone. I left the room and shut the door knowing it would be to hard for anyone else to see. I kept walking down the hallway until I was outside jacks door with my hand on the knob afraid to turn it.

I took a deep breath and opened it slowly, I looked towards the bed to see jack laying down slightly with his head up to see who walked in. Once he saw it was me he put his head back down and wipped his eyes. I walked over and laid down next to him. As I looked at him with his eyes shut and tears pouring down his face I realized I have never seen hole so broken, so hurt.

Instead of saying anything he cried harder. I was at loss for words, there is no way to take away the pain, sadness or anger he must be feeling. So instead of speaking I pulled jack in close to me as he latched his arms around me and sobbed into my chest, rubbing his back I tried to comfort him as much as I could. I held him while he cried while he let it all out, and it that moment is when I remembered the last thing Katherine's said to me "something someday will happen, and that something will make you realize your life is meant to be spent with the one you love" that someday is today, I realize it now while holding him in my arms. Jack is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with just like Katherine's and David until death do us part, jack is the one I love.

I pulled away from jack so I could look him in the eyes, his mouth was parted and he was confused. And with out thinking I just went with my gut feeling and said what was on my mind.

"Let's get married"

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