Chapter Thirty

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"Hello?" I answered my phone skeptically, I mean why would someone be calling me at midnight especially from a number I don't have?

"What are you doing at this exact moment?" The voice on the other line said.

"Watching friends... Who is this?"

"Ouch my heart hurts" I heard the person fake sigh over the phone "it's Kian dummy, pause it and go outside"

"Haha why? It's the middle of the night" I laughed questionably.

"It's a blood moon, you have to see it" he said, I could hear him shutting the door so I'm guess he is now outside.

I put on a sweatshirt and opened my porch door quietly trying not to wake my mom or Stella. That's the last thing I would need right now, especially sense me and Stella have a flight back to LA early in the morning. Once I was outside I looked at the moon, Kian was right it's absolutely stunning.

"Wow" is all I was able to.

"Told you" he laughed "when are you coming home?"

"Tomorrow" I sighed "how did you get my number anyways?"

"Cameron" he laughed "so what's your plan when you get back?"

My plan, do I even have a plan? I'm obviously not living in the house anymore, I can't be around jack especially after he turned me down when I was willing to give him another shot. It still hurts that I gave him my all to find out he has given me nothing, as if it was all a lie. Then there is Madeline and the other boys, I can't just let it go that they new the whole time. They were suppose to me my closest friends well other then Johnson he was a package deal with jack. But Sammy skate and maddi I have known sense grade school and they did the worst betrayal any friend could do.

"I have to look for an apartment I guess" I sighed "it's been a week, jack wants to spend time with Stella so I will take those few days she is with him to find us a home"

"Yea I heard he was kind of a dick about it all" he sighed "but hey Madison is an annoying bitch so maybe they will be good together"

"Yea" was all I could say. I want to hate jack more then anything, I want to be Abel to talk bad about him but I can't. My heart belongs to him and I'm not ready to take it back yet. After the cheating, lies and broken promises I still want him, all of him. As for Maddison I bet she is an annoying bitch.

"I take it you have seen him?" I questioned assuming I was right.

"Yea, tonight actually. He came with her"

"Well she will not be around my kid" I said almost wanting to brake down. If jack want to be with her fine someday I will get over it. However I will not have some girl who knows nothing about my daughter around her no way in hell.

"I don't think he's that stupid" he laughed but I didn't, Instead I let the tears fall " look I know it sucks, but he down graded. And plus now it's your turn to have some fun, jack will have Stella some nights and on those nights you can act your age"

"And what's that suppose to mean?" I laughed at his comment.

"Well first I'm going to help you find a place to live" he laughed "second I'm going to take you to the party of the year, by the end of the night all your stress will be washed away"

I thought about it for a moment, maybe it is time to act my age. I can still be a great mom and have some fun right? Stella is my main priority but I also have to take care of myself. Even thought I have only known Kian for like a week and really only met him once, him and Cameron are all I have right now as friends. So why not?

"Yea.. Okay I'm in" I smiled through the phone.

"Alright pretty girl get some sleep, I'll be calling you tomorrow" he laughed through the the phone.

"Goodnight Kian"

"Night beautiful"


Diaper bag, suite case, laptop, phone chargers, snacks are all packed and ready to go. Stella is bathed, changed an fed so it should be an easy flight. I shut the trunk to the car after making sure I had everything. Once I knew I was good I walked over to my mom to grab Stella and say goodbye.

"Thank you, for everything" I said hugging her tightly I never really realized how much I missed her until this last week.

"No thank you, after everything that has happened Kate I am so thankful you came" she smiled wiping her tears.

"Mom don't cry" I started to tear up with her " we will be back at Christmas I promise"

"I know" she sobbed harder "it's just... I just got you back and finally got to meet my beautiful grand daughter.. I have been waiting for this day for so long"

"Me to mom, thank you for everything" I tried to smile through the tears of leaving my mother. So much time has gone by sense we saw eachother last and it is hard to leave. I put Stella in the car and with one last goodbye we were off.

The plane ride wasn't as bad as it seemed, Stella slept the whole time and I thought of what it's going to be like seeing jack. I know it will be awkward  for me anyways. I got all of our things packed in my car and headed back towards the house we once shared together. When I pulled up jack was already waiting outside on the porch for us. Jack instantly walked to the back to get Stella.

"Daddy missed you!" He picked her up out of her seat what I got her things "heard you met grandma.. Did you have fun?" He smiled to her then looked at me.

"Yea we had a good time" I said uncomfortably handing him her things.

"Good" he smiled it wasn't the one I was use to but at least I got something. "How are you?"

"Good" I looked at my feet as my heart sped up "you?"

"Good.. I just don't want things to be weird with us"

"Yea I get it" I lied of course shit is going to be weird "umm I hope this doesn't upset you but I don't want your girlfriend around Stella, not now at least I need to know she is a forever things before she can become apart of her life"

"Of course" he smiled "I wouldn't do that to you Stella is ours not hers"

I was kinda upset when he didn't deny that she was his girlfriend but what else was I suppose to expect "well I'm gonna go" I sighed "bye baby" I stood up to kiss Stella.

"Bye Kate"

When jack said goodbye the look in his eyes almost seemed sad, but I know I'm wrong, he's happy. I'm the sad one I guess I just don't get how he could move on so fast and how he acts like everything is okay. I decided to push it in the back of my mind, Kian had texted me an address to meet him at saying there was a house for rent so I started driving there. The drive wasn't too long actually not long at all witch makes me happy about this location knowing I wouldn't be far from Stella if she is with jack.

"Hey" I said to Kian as I got out of the car "wow this house is beautiful"

It's not big but not small either just by looking at the outside I can tell I would love it. Only one level but the architecture is beautiful. Made out of old stones and a perfect white porch. It reminds me of my grandmas house I grew up playing at before she passed.

"I thought you would like it" he smiled, Kian showed me inside and just as I thought it was breath taking. A wide open kitchen with floor to ceiling windows and a dining room to the right. A huge  living room that could probably fit forty  people, I then walked down the small hallways to the right was the master bedroom and bathroom once again breathtaking and to the left was another bathroom and a decent size bedroom for Stella.

"How did you find this place?" I asked Kian turning around.

"My mom is a realtor she said its your is you want it, all the furniture comes with it so all you need to buy is groceries"

"We're do I sign?"

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