Chapter Twenty Five

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I woke up to the feeling of wetness on my neck it only took me a moment to realize it was jack lips, once I felt his teeth gaze my skin I knew it was him. I opened my eyes to look over at the clock 3:41am. Great just great. I can feel his hands roaming my body witch is annoying because I can also smell the alcohol and blunts  he smoked tonight. Let's also not forget the fact that it's the middle of the night and I am trying to sleep.

"Jack" I spoke groggy still trying to fully wake up "not right now" I tried to push him off.

"C'mon baby I wanna make you feel good" he said than started back on the assault to my neck.

"Jack please" I pushed him off me this time succeeding sitting up "it's  the middle of the night Stella didn't fall asleep until 11 and let's not mention the fact your  high and wasted off your ass right now"

"Fine" he got up not denying a thing walking to the bathroom and slamming the door, every muscle in my body tightened waiting to hear Stella's cries  from that loud slam, lucky she must have been tried it's been a few seconds and I haven't heard a sound, I let my muscles relax and slumped back into bed.

It's not that I don't want to have sex with jack, I just don't want too when he is like this. I want him to want me when he hasn't been out all night. I want him to want me during the day, before bed or right  when we wake up in the morning. Not when he's drunk and horny as hell when I already have been sleeping for four hours.

"Goodnight" jack spoke coldly as he got back into bed, I just ignored it and decided to go back to sleep.


I woke up to the sound of small cries  coming from Stella's  crib on the side of jacks bed, I really need to detach and have her sleep in her room but I like her close by just incase  anything happened and sense she is so young. I crawled out of bed yawning walking over to her. Jack slept through her cries. He is laying on his stomach with one foot off the bed and his hands above his head.

"Morning sunshine" I grabbed Stella giving her fat checks a kiss then changed her. We slept until 10am witch is a new high for me and her, usually she has me up when the sun starts to shine.

With her in my arms I walked up the stairs to get he bottle ready. I was surprised when I saw everyone other then jack sitting at the counter looking hungover as hell, Madeline has her face in one of her books from her classes and the boys seem like they are starting off into space. Suck it losers I feel fantastic.

"Everyone looks dapper this morning" I joked as I waited for Stella bottle to heat.

"Crazy night" Sammy said taking a bite of his toast "so many shots, good music and damn those girls were smoking" he added on causing everyone in the room to let out a quiet laugh.

"Are you guys going to the one party tonight or CJ and Kegan?"

"You mean JC and Kian?" Johnson laughed "and yes we are so you should make us a bomb ass breakfast tomorrow"

"I don't know if I'll be able too, I'm going too" I laughed while everyone just looked at me.

"Dose jack know?" Skate asked.

"No, I'm going to surprise him so keep you mouth shut" I laughed.

"I don't know if it's the best idea if you go" Madeline said to me as I just gave her a weird look. I can go if I want to "I mean it's just not really your scene"

"Well aren't they all social media people, I mean you guys are and I fit in with you" I said kinda hurt.

"Look Karen ja-"

"Jack will love it" Johnson I interrupted Sammy.

"I'll love what?" We all turned out heads to see jack walking over to me grabbing Stella "what will I love?" he asked once again.

"What I got you for your birthday" I lied.

"My birthday isn't for five months"

"Yea but I found the perfect gift and was just telling them about it" I smiled.

"Okay" he dragged off "anyways are we still going to help JC and Kian today" he asked looking at the boys.

"Yea" Johnson and skate said in unison.

Jack stood back up walking over to me with Stella. He placed his in my arms gently Handed me her bottle so I could Finnish feeding her.

"I'm going to go get ready.. We should leave soon" he said as all the boys agreed walking upstairs to get ready for the day. "I might just stay there tonight, if not I'll probably be home late"

"Okay" I smiled knowing he would be seeing me tonight. I honestly can't wait. He disappeared to the bathroom to get ready. Soon enough everyone was walking out the door including Madeline because she had a class.

"Bye Stella daddy love you" he said leaning down to kiss her cheek then mine "I'll call you if I don't come home, love you"

"Love you too"

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