Chapter Fourty Five

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The car ride back to the boys house was horrible, I don't think me or Skate could even process what to say. Twins? Holy shit how did that even happen? I mean one baby is a lot to handle but two of them scares the daylight a out of me. The doctor said I was two months along. How does a lunch date with Skate turn into me finding out I'm pregnant, this was not how I was expecting my day to go.

"Please don't tell anyone" i said as I pulled into the driveway of his house.

"What about jack? Your going to tell him right?" Skate asked.

"Yea... Eventually" I am scared shitless to but it's not like it's something I can hide "I can't believe this is happening" I cried as I laid my head on the steering wheel.

"Kate you and jack love Stella, and will love these babies just as much" he said comforting me "it's kinda funny though, you will have three kids before your even twenty"

"Stake" I sighed "now is not the time"

"I know" he said quietly "just go home, and tell Jack everything will be okay"

He got out of the car and we said our goodbyes. Thankfully I can trust him probably more then anyone when it comes to my secrets. Out of everyone Skate is the one I'm closest too, it might not seem like it. Growing up he was always like a brother to me, always had my back. He even got into a fight with Jordon Henderson when he called me a slut in class once.

Why can't anything ever go as planned? Because this was definitely not planned at all. I mean I have always wanted more kids but in the future like way in the future, not now. I guess it will be nice Stella will have siblings close to her age and maybe they can grow up and be close, best friends. Then there is Jack, he loves being a dad, to Stella that is. We have never talked about having more kids hell it hasn't even been a thought. Until now I guess.

"Hey babe" jack said as I walked into the house. Stella was on his lap sound asleep looking cuter then ever with her blanket up to her face and mouth partly open.

"Hi" I said as I sat down quietly next to him kissing Stella on the cheek in the process.

"Did you get the locks for the fridge?" He asked "you had me worried, you said you'd be gone for an hour it's been five"

"No I forgot, sorry we got caught up in a movie"
I said as I cuddled into his side.

Moments like this is what I love the most, it's night time Stella is asleep on her dads lap while I'm cuddled into his side as we watch some weird ghost adventures show. Looking at Stella makes me realize how much I will love these babies and is making the thought of them excite me. I love being a mommy I swear it's what I was mean to do. It might not have always been the plan but plans change. Without know it's being my mom could have been my dream all along.

"She's so cute" I spoke quietly bringing the blanket up so she was covers fully.

"That she is" jacked laughed tucking a pice of her chocolate brown hair behind her ear.

"Hey" I said looking up to him "would you ever want more kids?"

He looked at me and laughed.. This can't  be a good sign "God no! Not with everything going on. Could you imagine having another kid right now that would suck, I don't even want to think about it"I know he doesn't know yet but that set me off. I sat up so we were no longer touching as he just looked at me confused.

"So you never want anymore kids" I asked rudely.

"Maybe in a few years"

"Years?" I question.

"Yea maybe in like ten years, we will be thirty Stella will be in school-"

I didn't let him Finnish instead I just got up off the couch and walked away. It's great to know I'm pregnant with not just one but two kids and the man I'm married to thinks it would be the end of the world, maybe he doesn't deserve to know.. Damn I'm feeling the hormones already.

"Kate" he said as he walked into the room "why did you just storm off"

"I didn't I just got tired is all" I lied as I got into bed.

"I'm sorry if I said something wrong" jack said laying down next to me, he must have out Stella in bed.

"You didn't" I spoke quietly as I turned away from him "I just think ten years is a long time" to bad you only have about seven months buddy.

"Just because I said ten doesn't mean it has to be. Maybe five I don't know? We can talk about it when were ready"

"Okay" I simply said, I know I shouldn't take out my anger on him but I don't want to look or even talk to
Him right now.

"Are we good?" he asked touching my shoulder as I faced the opposite direction.


Are we good? If I wasn't afraid to tell him before I sure as hell am now. How do I even tell him do I walk up to him and say, oh jack remember how you said you don't want kids right now well we are oh and by the way we're having two. Yea because that seems like the best idea ever. I'm just going to get a good nights sleep, telling him tomorrow won't hurt any.

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