Chapter Twenty Three: Jealous

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Let me let you In on a little secret about me. I'm not a jealous person, Jack could talk to other girls and I won't care, he can take picture, hug hell even a kiss on the cheek and I would probably be okay with it. What does get to me is being stuck on a plane for the next three hours with my daughter and boyfriend who has become recently famous and there are four gawking girl on the opposite side five rows up who won't stop looking at him. Not just looking but staring and smiling trying to get his attention. The worst part about it is their around our age and beautiful but more of the I rule the school beautiful not the I'm nice and have a brain kind. Jack hasn't even noticed he has been either playing with Stella or some game on his phone. But i noticed, it's all I noticed for the last hour. I'm have the window seat Stella is in the middle, Jack has the isle. Dear lord do these girls have anything better to do then stare at what mine?

"Switch spots with me" I demanded undoing my seatbelt while Jack just looked at me confused.

"Why? I thought you wanted the windo-"

"Dammit Jack just do it" I hissed standing up, he raised his hands in defense and undid his seat belt as well. Jack stood in the isle while I tried to move around Stella's car seat without waking her. Once I was out he took my pervious seat in by the window and I took his. The girls gave me a funny look, I just snapped them a fake smile.

*cough* "jealous" *cough*

"I'm not jealous" I huffed trying to pull off the best fake smile I could.

"Babe" Jack laughed reaching over so his hand was on my knee "Your soooo jealous" he laughed harder. I'm not going to lie i missed his beautiful smile.

Me and Jack have hit a rough patch, like I have said I'm worried about this move and how it could affect us more. I love Jack and I don't want him to go anywhere, after our kiss last night when I felt a mixture of worry and pain I panicked I don't want that. I love Jack and I know he loves me, I think I was just thinking to far into it. I have decided I'm going to do what ever I can to fix the way i have been thinking about me. Everyone will be with us so maybe it won't be that bad, it's like we're bringing apart of home to California, so if Jack discuss the big things with me like he promised, then we should be fine.

"Fine" I surrendered "but you were jealous of Cameron! So we're even"

"I never denied it though" he smiled picking up Stella seat she was sleeping in placing it on the window seat so he was sitting in the middle next to me.

"You know me and Cameron are friends right" I said as Jack placed his arm around me.

"And you know their my fans right?" He challenged.

"Yea well I still don't like them" I love his fans I really do they have done so much for Jack and the boys, I just don't think I'll be able to get use to them undressing what's mine with their eyes.

"Well I'm no longer a fan of Cameron either" he chuckled "So you can be annoyed with the fans, I'll be annoyed with Cameron. Then we can just have really rough sex every night to get our frustrations out, its a win win" he smirked looking at me licking his lips.

"Jack" I playfully slapped him he said that a little louder then he should have. "Your daughter is right next to you, don't talk like that"

Jack leaned in kissing my neck sweetly not caring who was watching "How do you think she was made?"

I moved away sense we were in a plane and this wasn't the place. I turned to Jack giving him a gentle kiss "I missed you" I spoke truthfully we have been so distant lately it's like he was gone.

"I miss you too" he kissed me back "and I'm sorry for the hurtful things I said, I was being selfish"

"I'm sorry too" I simply smiled laughing on his shoulder.

Two more hours of this flight, Stella's asleep and I'm tired as hell so mind al well get some shut eye before we get to the house witch I'm guessing will be crazy. I already feel bad for me Madeline and Stella we are going to be living with four vary childish boys who can't sit still. Yet we love them though I know I wouldn't have it any other way.


"Welcome home! We're it's already a mess and Sammy has already met a girl!" Madeline cheered as we walked inside. Oh god Sammy really?

"Dude she was so fine, meeting up with her tonight" he came up to Jack giving him a bro hug.

"Just be safe we don't need anymore babies in the house" I laughed.

"Unlike you and Jack I know what a condom is"

"So did we, jacks pull out game is just weak" I laughed while everyone looked at me funny "what?"

"I don't think we have ever heard you say something so.. Dirty?" Johnson laughed causing us all too.

"I have" Jack winked, we heard a bunch of ew's and laughter.

Jack and me brought our things downstair while everyone else played with Stella. This would be our area away from everyone else a quiet space for Stella mostly. It has two bedrooms and nursery already painted purple and set up for our little girl. The other was the huge master, the walls were a light brown with accent colors of a darker brown and green. Our bed was a king size so much bigger then what we have been sleeping on maybe Jack will now stop complaining about me kicking in during the night. There is also a master bathroom with two sinks a steam shower and a huge jet bathtub that j already can't wait to take a bubble bath in. This will be our nice own space, we even have our own laundry room, living room and another separate bathroom.

"How are you feeling?" Jack asked slightly concerned he knew I wasn't to happy about this move but now that we're hear I'm kinda excited.

"Actually" I smiled walking up wrapping my arms around him "I think we are going to make some amazing memories"

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