Chapter Thirty Five

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I have to be honest, when i was coming back from North Carolina I was afraid of how things would be. How my friendship with Madeline and the boys would turn out or how things with be a jack would change. Honestly it couldn't be better, I know jacks feeling but we have talked about it and the fact we have been able to not only parent Stella but somehow be friends and in a sense it has helped me get over him. I think I just needed to know he would still be in my life and not forever. I'm realizing that not only my look has changed but truly so did I. I have rebuilt the relationship with my mother, I have been able to forgive Madeline and the boys and I have been able to get over jack. It's all just seemed to fall into place.

Now my little girl is about to be one in just a week. I look at her and realize how fast time has gone and how so much has changed. Katharine and David have become parents to me, I'm not longer a geek and Sprite God, I have experienced what love is and the heartache that follows, it's weird to think I'm only nineteen years old and only in a matter on one year so much has changed. If you would have asked me back then where I saw my life I never would have imagined here but I wouldn't have it any other way.

"So where are you and jack at these days?" Madeline asked as we walked through the isles of party world getting things for Stella's party on Saturday.

"We're friends" I said grabbing the plates and putting them in the cart.

"I never thought that you two could be just friends" she laughed "and you like fully over him?"

"I don't think I'll ever actually be over him" I laughed as we walked "I mean look at what we have been through together.. But that doesn't mean I still have feelings for him"

"It's just so weird" she laughed "it's weird to think someday you are going to find some new guy marry him and possibly have kids"

"Why is that weird?" I asked "honestly when I first got back I cried on the phone with Tess because I wanted jack.. But now I didn't feel that way, I'm finally over all the shit he has put me though. I deserve someone who can give me their all"

"You do" she smiled.

"Yes I do.. Now where are the napkins?"

"You go find those and I'll looks for some decorations" Madeline recommend.

We both parted ways, I found the napkins and the cups, witch is good because I needed both. Now for the color I know she's a girl I should get pink cups, but does it really matter? An extra two dollars just for a girly color cuz when you can get the red or white solo ones for only $1.99. I'm usually not this cheep but it's kinda residuals.

"Well if it isn't the only girl who has ever slept with me then skipped town... Kinda broke my heart" I turned around to see a smiley face Kian standing there.

"Johan! Oh my god" I ran up to hug him "how are you?" I asked.

"I'm good" he smiled as we broke our hug "the question is how are you? How was camp? By the way looking fine as ever, digging the hair"

"Thanks I like it too" I laughed "I'm great and camp was amazing" I said still laughing at how big of a flirt he is.

"Good, I'm glad you ended up going"

"Me to" I caved and grabbed the link cups and put them in my cart "what are you doing tonight?" I asked Turing back to Kian.

"Don't know.. You tell me"

"Jack has Stella.. Come over around seven?" I said trying to play it cool. I honestly don't know if I'm asking him out or looking for a good time.. I guess I'll just go with it. It wouldn't hurt to hang with someone out of my group for a while.

Kian walked up to my not caring we were in the middle of a store. He got vary close to the point were I could feel his breath on my cheek "we you then hottie" I felt his lips on my skin. He pulled away smiling then walked off. Well I guess I'll see you then.

Kian really is a nice guy, cute too. I know we have slept together before but that doesn't mean that we can't just hang out. Even though I have a feeling j know where it will end up. And maybe being in a relationship wouldn't be the worst idea. I have had five months off just to be me. I'm not saying me and Kian will be its just a thought.

"Oh my god look what I found!" Madeline came up behind me braking me from my thoughts. She was holding up a bunch of little mermaid things. Both mine and Stella's favorite movies.

"Perfect!" I smiled.

I decided not to tell Madeline about Kian coming over tonight, not because I didn't want to just because she doesn't need to know everything going on in my life.


"Seriously Kate k have never seen Cameron so drunk in my life" both me and Kian laughed as he was telling me stories about parties and things I missed while I was gone. And this is probably the best one yet.

"Cameron taking body shots off a slut" I laughed "wish I could have seen that"

"There's probably a video somewhere" he laughed scooting closer to me. "What was your best night? You know when you were gone?"

"Okay so me and this girl Kristen i met decided to go to go to this frat party" Kian laughed at me "I know it sounds stupid but it was fun" I laughed "anyways we were all having a good time we were a little drunk and met a few people so we decided to walk around the city.. Somehow ended up in a tattoo shop"

"You got a little tramp stamp your hiding from me?" Kian laughed asking me.

"No.. But that's when I got my nose priced.. I know it sounds stupid but it's the first time I felt my age"

"That's not stupid" he said scooting even closer "in fact" his lips just inches from mine "I find that little hoop vary hot" right as about his lips were about to meet mine the door bell rang.

"You got to be kidding me" I sighed getting up "give me a second"

I walked to the door opening it "oh hey.." I said as I saw jack standing there "what are you doing here.. Is Stella okay?

"Yea she's with Dorothy.. I just had a a question about Saturday and was driving by so I thought I'd stop by" jack said walking into the house.....

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