Chapter Twenty Two: Packing

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"Where's Stella's diaper bag?" Jack asked walking into Stella's room witch me and Madeline were just about finished packing.

"Downstairs on the couch" I answered then he left.

Tomorrow is the big day we're moving. Jack had sent a moving crew so all of our big things are gone. Everyone is driving down but Us That's to long of a drive for Stella. Sammy was kind enough to drive my car down sense him and skate share one, then Johnson will drive his own and Madeline will drive Jacks. Her crappy G6 finally died so she will get a new one once in California.

"Are thing between you and Jack okay? You two seem.. Distant" Madeline asked folding up the last few outfits of Stella's placing them in the box neatly.

"We're fine" I lied not looking at her.

If I'm telling the truth things between me and Jack suck. Ever sense California, we have been home for a week now and we still have yet have an actual conversation. Neither of us can look each other in the eyes at the moment. The only interaction we have is at night when we're sleeping and one of us accidentally touches the other. I love Jack I really do but he doesn't see my side of things at all, and I'll admit I don't see his. We have hit a bump in the road, that makes me scared for this move. How will things be with such a big change.

"Good" Madeline smiled "sorry for asking.. It just seemed like something was up" she laughed.

"Well you were wrong" I smiled lying to my best friend for the second time today.

We finished packing up the rest of Stella's things, hers was the last room so we are officially ready. I said goodbye to Tessa yesterday, I was happy to hear she has a mission trip in LA about two months from now. It will be nice to see my sister I really don't know what I would do without her, were closed yet not close at all. I think that's what makes our relationship so good, we can go weeks without talking yet pick up right were we left off.

"Anything happens to my jeep, I'll kill you" Jack seriously said handing Madeline his keys.

"Oooo so scared of you Jack" she laughed and left.

I walked past Jack not saying anything and picked Stella off the floor. She fussed a little bit, she moving around. I took her to our bathroom and filled her bath tub.

"Tubby time" I sang to her whilevI took her clothes and diaper off. I set her in the lukewarm water. She instantly started kicking around splashing me. I giggled along with her, she always loved what we call tubby time.

"Can you grab me a washcloth" I turned my head looking into our bedroom asking Jack.

He stood up digging around in one of our drawers pulling out a purple wash cloth handing it to me. Jack sat on the floor in front of the bathtub playing with Stella's  little toes while I washed her down. Once I was Finished I picked her up out of the water and placed her in jacks arms, he had a towel ready for her. He took Stella and left the bathroom laying her down on our bed drying her off while I cleanup the bathroom.

"Night baby" I kissed her, jacked picked her up and placed her in the portable crib in our room seeing as hers was already in California.

We left our bedroom with Jack shutting the door quietly behind him, trying to make as little of noise possible. I walked down into the living room sitting on the couch finally taking a second to relax after is vary stressful and busy day.

"Keith called, they found a nanny for Stella, her name is Dorothy, she is older and I guess great with kids" Jack said sitting down next to me.

"We don't need a nanny" I replied plainly.

"Kate, I'm going to need you to do certain things with me like red carpets or some of our shows, things Stella is too little for." He sighed bringing his hands through his hair "so please just agree to this, she won't be around all the time, only when we need her" I guess what Jack says does make sense. I mean as long as this lady isn't raising my kid I'll be okay with it. Just when we need her.

"Okay" I said.

"Okay?" Jack questioned looking over to me, this is the first conversation we have had in over a week.

"Yea.. Okay"

"Well good" he slightly smiled "I'm going to go to bed, we have a big day tomorrow, goodnight" he stood up and surprisingly leaned down to kiss me.

"Night" Jack kissed me but It didn't feel the same as it use too. Instead of felling the love behind his kisses that I usually do, I felt pain. Not a bad pain more of a worried pain. I'm worried that this move is going to ruin us, and the worst part about all this is, I think both of us are just playing along in this relationship at this point. It's more as if we're roommates then we are boyfriend and girlfriend.

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