Chapter Eleven: Monster

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After last night I never want to leave my bed. How could my dad say such hurtful things, then my mom just stands there like a lost puppy. What kind of parents do that to their children? It's more then obvious that I'm pretty much an orphan now, they don't care about me. Thank god I have Katherine and David they are all that I need I guess. Katherine stayed with me lastnight to calm me down after that mess, she did what a mother should do. She held me as I cried until I fell asleep, she even offered to take the day off as nice as that was I said no, I'll be fine. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard my phone ringing it was Jack.

"Hey baby!" He said as I answered the phone.

"Hi, how is it going down there" I asked him.

"Amazing! Babe I think something is going to happen out of all of this! Me Sammy, Jack and Skate are going to be unstoppable. They want us to keep filming vines, we'll be getting paid to do what we have been doing! They want us back down here in two weeks to discuss more! Ahh Kate I wish you coulda been here" I can tell how excited he is just by the tone in his voice, that put a smile on my face.

"That's great Jack, I'm happy for you guys" I told him.

"Yea. So how was lastnight? Sorry I didn't call or text, we were busy all day and I didn't want to wake you."

"Let's just say my parents are officially out of my life" I sighed "lots of screaming, I'm just happy your mom and dad were with me"

I heard him sigh on the other end "I wish I coulda been there babe, I'm sorry"

"It's fine.. When will you be home?" I asked.

"In about four hours, were at the air port now"

"Okay, travel safe. I'm going to lay down for a bit"

"Okay, i love you" he said through the the phone.

"Love you too"

I put on an episode of friends and snuggled up into my blankets letting the stress of yesterday go, finally falling asleep.


"Kate" I felt someone shaking me as I woke up, I looked up to see Katherine standing over me. "Your sister is here" I sighed and sat up in bed.

"Why?" I said as I looked at the clock I had been sleeping for almost three hours.

"She wants to talk to you.. Should I send her up?"

I nodded my head yes and got out of bed to put a sweatshirt on. After yesterday I still don't know we're Tessa stands when it comes to this baby. The fight between my dad and jacks parents kinda got in the way.

"Hi" I said as she walked into the room and sat down next to me.

"You live here?" She said as she look around "it's nice"

"It's home" that's all I could think to reply I mean it is my home now. "So what's up?" I asked seeing as I have no idea why she is here.

"I came for a few reasons" she paused and turned towards me "first I'm sorry how things ended with mom and dad. Regardless if your pregnant or not I love you the same, and will stand by your side"

I sighed of relief "thank you, I needed to hear that"

"Kate we all make mistakes, but just because of dad don't think this baby will be one. I know you'll make a great mom"

"Do you really think that?" I asked, I still wonder if I'll make a good parent.

"Of course I do" she hugged me.

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