Chapter 1

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"Good morning!" Camila chirped at her girlfriend and Lauren only groaned in response, they had been together for 3 years and she still never understood Camila's cheery mood in the mornings. "Let me go back to sleep Camz, I'm so tired today." Camila gave her a worried look "You've been so tired for the past everything okay Lauren? Do you need to go to the doctor?" Lauren shook her head quickly in refusal "No, no I'm just lazy I guess." She quickly dismissed the idea. She had been to the doctor 2 months ago and she knew already what was happening, she just didn't dare tell Camila. It would change everything. "I don't have to go in to work today, so we can both stay home together and watch Netflix." Camila let it go as Lauren had wished her to, she knew now after the long duration of their relationship not to badger her girlfriend if she didn't want to open up. Camila would always respect Lauren's wishes, even if she was oppositional to say the least.

"That sounds great Camz, why don't you choose a film, I'll be right back." Lauren excused herself to run to the bathroom downstairs to be sick, she couldn't risk going into the one in their attached bedroom. Lauren groaned and held her head to try and ease the dizzy spell that overwhelmed her as she sat up again. Lauren felt her phone ring in her pocket, that was all she needed. "Mom, listen I know you mean well, but can you please stop calling me every morning to check on me." She huffed "I worry honey, it's a mother's job. How do you feel today?" Lauren sighed "The same as I have everyday for the past 2 weeks." Her mother sighed "Can I take you to the doctors? To at least put my mind at rest." Lauren shook her head causing even more dizziness before she remembered her mother couldn't see her and they were on the phone.

"I don't need to go and see the doctor, I already know the score." She heard her mother elicit a tired sigh "Why don't you just tell Camila, she can help you-" Lauren cut her off quickly "Mom we have been over this so many times now, and every time you get the same answer. I'm not going to tell her, not until I absolutely have to." She heard her father speak in the background "Can I talk to papa?" "Michael, Lauren's on the phone." She heard and within an instant her father's voice filled the line with a cheery greeting to which Lauren smiled widely "Hi Daddy, how is everything?" Lauren smiled, she had a great relationship with her father and it had always been that way, truth be told Lauren had always been a huge Daddy's girl.

"Ah it's alright over here, Chris has got himself a girlfriend would you believe." Lauren gasped "No fucking way!" Her mother quickly responded at the curse word in the background "Language!" Lauren called back an apology before her father spoke again "So honey, will you be coming to the softball game this weekend? If you feel up to it of course." Lauren quickly agreed "Yes, I'll be there and I can't wait." Camila shouted for her before her father could talk again "Lauren!! Where are you? We're gonna watch Finding Nemo!" Lauren groaned "Not again! Pick another one!" Camila shouted back a refusal "Dad I gotta go, I didn't want to tell Mom, but can you drive me up to the doctors tomorrow? Something just isn't right now, it feels different." Lauren said and her father sighed as he came to reality again "Of course I will baby, take care, okay? I'll pick you up at 10am sharp tomorrow." Lauren sighed with relief "Thank you. Don't tell Mom." She quickly added, and he agreed not to before they hung up the phone.

Lauren raised herself from beside the toilet bowl and flushed it before going to the sink to wash her hands. Lauren stole a glance at the mirror, she looked the same as she always did, but she felt much worse. But hell, what was to be expected. "Lauren come on, Nemo's going to touch the butt you can't miss it!" Camila whined and the older girl chuckled brightly at her enthusiasm, Camila was 18 but she still acted like a little puppy. "Okay okay I'm coming!" She called after grabbing a cold bottle of water from the fridge, Lauren knew she had to keep her hydration up to stay as healthy as she could, even if it was very close to being pointless. But as bad as it was, she had time left. She unscrewed the cap and entered the room as she took a swig and glanced at the TV. "Sit here Lolo." Camila patted the spot in front of her without taking her eyes of the TV. Lauren smiled gently at her endearing girlfriend and put her water bottle over on the table before settling herself, leaning back into Camila's body as slender and perfect as it was. "Are you okay baby? You look a little pale." Lauren nodded "I'm okay, just focus on the film right now." Some time passed and Lauren was doing anything but focusing on the film. Lauren didn't see much of a point anymore, she wasn't enjoying life to its fullest, unless she was with Camila. But Camila spent a lot of her time working, but she took days off for Lauren which she was grateful for. Camila ran a business, it was a fashion chain of stores and she had very soon become very successful. Lauren didn't blame her for it, and it wasn't like it caused their relationship any damage either, because the two girls simply adored each other.

"Lauren..Why are you staring at me?" Camila blushed looking down at the girl unashamed "Because you're very beautiful Camila, and I'm glad you're mine, and have been for the past 3 years." Lauren smiled innocently. Camila awed and leaned down to kiss her girlfriend on the lips gently "I love you." She smiled when their lips had separated "I love you too. I'm going out with my Dad tomorrow, are you going to work?" Camila nodded "Yeah afraid so, say hi to your dad for me. Tell him I miss him." She smiled and Lauren gave a reassuring smile back and nodded to her. But there was always one single thing that Lauren had held back, and it was that she was really scared of what was to come. "Camila." Lauren croaked which surprised her because it was rare for her voice to betray her. "What? Hey, Lauren, what's wrong?" Camila tucked a few stray strands of hair behind her ear. "Hold me." Lauren mumbled and Camila frowned but opened her arms without question.

It was strange seeing Lauren appear vulnerable, she hadn't done so in a very long time so to say Camila was worried was a completely big understatement. "Babe, what's wrong? You look like you're gonna cry right now.." Camila observed sadly and Lauren nodded burying her head into her girlfriends neck "Camz I'm begging you don't ask questions, just hold me. That's all I need." She begged tearfully, Camila agreed but she had to admit she was getting worried for her girlfriend. It just hadn't been the quite the same with Lauren recently, something had changed, not between them. But there was something. Camila had a million questions running through her mind, but she didn't dare question the crying girl in her arms. "Don't cry baby, I love you so much." Camila mumbled and placed a kiss on her shoulder "Can you promise me something?" Lauren asked weakly "Anything." Camila agreed "I know that life is temporary, but we're forever aren't we? We're still forever?" Camila nodded "Yes. Even when we die baby girl, forever." Lauren sniffed "Are you sure? Even when I die?" Camila nodded fiercely "Even when you die, but that's not happening anytime soon is it." Camila squeezed Lauren tightly and Lauren closed her eyes and sighed. She didn't want to say anything, because for Lauren the truth was known, it was happening soon, maybe sooner than she realised.

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