Chapter 51

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"Breakfast?" Camila offered, Lauren smiled suspiciously. "Cereal, or toast?" Camila asked, stood by the bed. "Mm, I have something else in mind." Lauren said, without warning, pulling her on top of her body and kissing her hard. "Fuck." Camila gasped when Lauren attacked her neck with open mouthed kisses. "What the-oh God." She rasped in her morning voice. "Do you want me anywhere princess?" Camila grabbed Lauren's hand and trailed it down her stomach. "Mm, well someone's eager." Lauren grinned against her lips. "Says the girl who pulled me on top of her for morning sex for her breakfast." Camila said before Lauren rolled them both over, pinning Camila down on the bed, wrists above her head. Camila smiled, admiring the view. "Take it off." Lauren said challengingly, looking her wife in the eyes. "My hands are above my head Lo, how am I meant to take off-" "With your teeth." Lauren husked against her ear. Camila chuckled and wrapped her legs around her waist, angling her toes in line with the clasp. She desperately continued fiddling around with the clasp of Lauren's bra for a good five minutes before it finally came undone. Camila leaned forward and dragged the black lace bra off her wife's body. "Why did you sleep in your bra?" Camila said as she swirled her tongue over Lauren's nipple, making said girl gasp. "F-Forgot to take it o-off." She panted as Camila pulled her wrists free from the new lack of force and tangled her hands in her natural brown locks. "You're so fucking beautiful baby." Camila said, or more like breathed as she pinned her wife down below her and let open mouthed kisses down her chest. Lauren panting heavily as Camila made her way down to her abs. "So perfect." Camila said, licking across the linings of each one. "C-Camz." "I'm having my breakfast first." Camila said firmly, looking up to meet Lauren's dilated pupils. "I'm so hungry, Lauren." Lauren bit her lip so hard she nearly drew blood. "I'm all yours." Lauren grinned. "Damn fucking right you fucking are." Camila growled, kissing her, taking Lauren by surprise, but not so much her reaction wasn't immediate. After they both calmed down from their highs, they just stared at each other for a while. "Camila." "Yes baby?" "I'm in love with you." Camila pecked her cheek affectionately. "I'm in love with you too." Lauren nuzzled her nose sweetly. "Always stay that way." "I promise you." Camila stroked Lauren's cheek. "Lauren?" "Hm?" Lauren asked, looking into her brown orbs. "I really fucking love you, more than anything in the whole wide world, in the whole universe, I love you, do you know that? Do you remember all the time?" Lauren swallowed thickly, her eyes watering. "No." She whispered. "You should. You should remember every time you wake up till the time you fall asleep." Camila said, stroking her jawline. "You're too good for me, you know. I don't deserve you." Lauren breathed. "What? No way. You're wrong. You deserve everything and more Lolo, you deserve everything you get baby." Lauren blinked slowly and opened her mouth to speak. "Do I deserve cancer?" Camila took a shaky breath and kissed the top of Lauren's head. "No babygirl." Lauren closed her eyes, taking in the feeling of Camila's plump lips on her head. "I was thinking, how would you feel about having a sleepover altogether with the girls." "Here?" Lauren asked. "We could if you'd prefer to, but Ally offered us to stay at her place." Lauren nodded. "That sounds good, tonight?" "That was the plan, are you alright with that?" "Mhm." She said, but Camila was unconvinced. "Are you sure? We can do it another night if you want." "Camz look, I'm fine, okay? I promise." "Then why are you getting up?" Camila sighed. "I'm going out." Lauren said as she rummaged through her drawers for some clothes. "Where?" Camila asked, Lauren hesitated for a split second. "I want to go to the gym." "No. You know what the doctor said! Don't over exert yourself, don't be silly Lauren!" Lauren growled and slammed the drawer shut. "I'm an adult and I can do what I want. I don't go by doctors orders, or even yours. Just leave me to do this." Camila groaned. "Fine, but when you home in pain, whining and tired from this damn workout, don't come crying to me." She said stubbornly, even crossing her arms over to make her point. "Fine!" Lauren screamed and slammed the door shut behind her. Camila flinched at the loud sound and sighed, grumbling to herself. "For fuck's sake Lauren." Meanwhile at the gym, Lauren was working out to the max. Her adrenaline was pumping wild and she could feel both everything and nothing at once. Eventually it subsided and the effects of exhaustion and pain set in. Lauren didn't even want to move to go home. She finally looked down to check the time, only to see it was 6pm. How had she gone a whole seven hours on nothing but Camila's bodily fluid, so to speak. Lauren looked at her phone as she walked to the showers to see two missed calls from Camila and a text.

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