Chapter 55

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"Babygirl, wake up for just a second." Camila patted Lauren's shoulder. "Are you okay?" Lauren asked sleepily. How typical of her to worry about Camila first. "I'm fine Laur, I'm just going out to get some groceries." Lauren smiled and kissed her cheek. "Okay, I love you. Get me some of my cereal please?" "Of course, I love you too. See you in a bit." Camila replied and kissed her forehead affectionately before leaving the house. Lauren, however, had fallen straight back to sleep. Camila hadn't really anticipated herself tripping over when she got to the house after getting their groceries for the week, but when did she ever? "Are you okay?" A stranger asked worriedly. "Fine, thank you." Camila blushed from embrassment. "What's your name?" The mystery girl asked. "I'm not very sure that's your business." Camila said suspiciously. For whatever reason, she didn't trust this girl. "Well mine is Alexa." And that would be the reason. Camila pressed the girl against the wall in a choke hold. "You're Alexa?" The girl tried to claw at her tight grip but Camila was unusually strong. "I have a few bones to pick with you." Camila said lowly. Lauren sensed a commotion outside though because she opened the door and screamed at the sight of Camila choking someone she couldn't see in her position. "Camz! What the hell?!" She ran over, stopping in her tracks when she saw who her wife was choking. "Alexa." Lauren crossed her arms. "Lauren." Alexa choked out. "Camz let her go, this bitch isn't worth a prison sentence." Lauren grumbled. Camila reluctantly removed her hand from Alexa's neck and stood by Lauren's side. "Get lost Alexa, don't come around here ever again." Camila said in a low, serious tone. "If you do, trust me, I'll set Dinah on you again." Lauren threatened. The girl looked visibly scared and nodded, jogging away. "Come here, my princess charming." Lauren smirked, turning Camila to face her. Camila raised her eyebrows and bit her lip. "What do you have to say for yourself?" "Nothing. I'm not sorry at all." Camila said honestly. Lauren laughed out loud and kissed her forehead. "I love you." Camila kissed her lips and cuddled up to her wife. "I love you too, thank you Camz." "I'd do anything for you, you know that." The Cuban smiled sweetly. "Hm. Next time though, if you do plan to kill someone, maybe don't do it in broad daylight." "Right. I'll try to remember that if the opportunity presents itself again." Camila smirked. "Aw fuck!" Camila shouted. "What's up babe?" Lauren asked. "That bitch stole our groceries!" Camila groaned. Lauren rolled her eyes and pulled the girl back into her arms. "Honestly, I'd rather our groceries were stolen than you got hurt, plus we have a good amount of money to buy more. It isn't quite that big of a deal Camz, just relax." Camila huffed and cuddled up to her wife in the street. "Come inside for a minute, I'll get ready and go with you this time." "Lauren, put that back, we only need one box of cereal." Camila laughed. "No I know. But I want another box." Lauren fluttered her eyelashes. "Please Camz? Pretty please?" Camila stared at her wife thoughtfully before taking the box and grumbling to herself. "That's my girl." Lauren grinned and kissed her cheek. "Shut up, you're pushing the trolley now." Camila stepped away and crossed her arms. "Geez, fine grumpy." Lauren muttered as she took hold of the handlebar. "I'm gonna go and grab the bread, I'll meet you by the eggs." Camila said before wandering off in her direction. Lauren didn't know why Camila was so grumpy over cereal, but she guessed it wasn't the whole reason. "Hi Lauren, long time no see." "Lucy!" Lauren grinned and brought the girl into a hug. "Oh my god it's been ages, how are you?" "I'm good, thanks. How are you?" "That's good, yeah I'm good." Lauren smiled. "How's college?" "It's going well." "Caleb?" "Yeah he's good." "Good. I'll have to see you soon." "You have my number right?" "Uh, no. New phone, put it in." Lauren handed Lucy her mobile. "Here you go," Lucy said slowly as she typed it in. "Awesome, I gotta get back to Camila." "You guys are still together?" "It's really been that long since we saw each other?" "I guess it has." Lucy laughed. "Yeah we're still going strong, we're actually married." "Oh my god! Where was my invite?" "It was so last minute, and I couldn't find your details." Lauren said awkwardly. "No worries, I had a ton of exams lately so with all my horrible luck I probably wouldn't have been able to come. So is Camila here with you?" Lucy asked. "By the bread." Lauren smirked to herself. "You wanna see her?" "Sure thing, I got time." "Cool, wait here. Watch my stuff if you don't mind." Lauren smiled "No of course not." "Camila!" Lauren called down the aisle. "Yeah? Where have you been?" Camila asked, emerging from the egg aisle. "Sorry, I saw Lucy!" "Oh, cool." "She wants to see you too." "Hold the bread then cause I can't carry eggs as well." Camila said hesitantly as she tried to balance both in her arms. "Oh, my bad. Follow me." Camila smiled at the wide smile on Lauren's face. When Lauren was happy, Camila was happy. "Here she is!" Lauren beamed. "Lucy, hi." "Hey Camila, how are you?" Camila out the eggs in the trolley before hugging her politely. "Oh, alright, yourself?" "Good thank you." Lauren wrapped an arm around Camila's waist and stroked her hip affectionately. "So, I should probably get back now. I'll see you soon Lauren?" Lauren nodded and took note of how Camila cuddled up to her and kissed her head. "Yeah I'll text you." "Okay, bye Camila." "Bye Lucy." Camila smiled shyly. "Are you okay?" Lauren asked worriedly. "Yes." Camila said hesitantly. "I'm not convinced, tell me the truth Camz." "Can we just pay and go?" Camila sighed. "And you'll tell me what's wrong when we get home?" Camila nodded and Lauren linked their hands. "Okay, let's do self checkout. It's quicker, and no more people." Camila smiled, thankful her wife was taking into account her current mood. "I'll put the groceries away, wait for me babe." Camila said, taking the bags into the kitchen. "I haven't forgotten, we're still talking about what's wrong with you!" Lauren called out determinedly. Camila cursed under her breath and sighed in regret. Why did she agree to talk about her mood? She literally hated talking about herself, she had always feared she was a huge bother, her father made damn sure that she knew how horrible a person she was in her younger years. "Camz." Lauren snapped her fingers in front of her face worriedly as she stood in the middle of the room. "Hm?" The Cuban snapped out of her daze and noticed how close Lauren's hand was to her face, flinching back in surprise. "Are you okay?" Lauren asked such a soft voice that it wrapped right around Camila's heart like a warm blanket. "Can you just, can you please just-" Camila stumbled over her words, moving close so Lauren would take the hint and hold her. Lauren instinctively wrapped her arms around her wife and stroked the back of her neck gently. "Bad day huh?" Camila nodded against her chest and breathed in her scent. "Can we stay like this? Please, you make it better Lolo." Camila mumbled. Lauren let go of her wife and sat on the couch, patting her lap. "Like this, let's cuddle." Camila's cheeks heated up and she settled down in Lauren's arms comfortably laying on the couch. "I love you." "I love you too Lauren." Camila mumbled in response, pressing her lips to her collarbone affectionately. "I hate when you're sad." Lauren sighed, playing with the ends of the brunette's hair. "I'm not as sad with you." "Good, maybe you should have a little cat nap, and then you'll feel better when you wake up." Lauren suggested. "I don't want to sleep, I just want to lay here with you." Camila said, looking up at Lauren with gentle eyes. "Whatever you want princesa." Lauren leaned down to plant a sweet and soft kiss to Camila's forehead before closing her own eyes to simply live and love in the moment. When Camila felt better, she allowed her wife to leave her to take a shower. So while she did that, Camila, like the child she was, watched Spongebob by herself. "Laur are you crying?" Camila asked in shock when Lauren sat down in her lap. She had felt something wet, which was what she guessed was a tear, hit her cheek. Lauren gripped Camila a little tighter and sniffled. "I f-fucked up Camzi." Lauren croaked sadly. Camila frowned worriedly. "What do you mean babe? What happened?" Then, noticing her attire of sudden long sleeves in the warm atmosphere of the house, Camila twigged on. "Oh Lauren," she mumbled quietly. "C'mere baby." Camila sighed, pulling the girl a closer. "It's alright." She soothed, peppering faint pecks on her cheeks and neck of reassurance and love. "Do you want to talk about what happened?" Camila asked sweetly. "We don't have to, it's up to you." She added after a moment. Lauren hesitated, took a shuddery breath and nodded. "No, no I have to. But, can I stay like this?" She asked shyly, she wasn't looking at her wife in this position. Lauren's face was buried in her shoulder and her hot, sad tears fell against Camila's neck. "Sure, of course, whatever's easiest for you." "This is so fucked up, my god, I'm such a freaking moron." Lauren muttered to herself. "Ordinarily, I know." Camila chuckled. "But in this case, I'll be the judge of that." Upon Lauren's silence, Camila pursed her lips. "Okay I'm sorry, I shouldn't joke." "I'm scared I'll let you down Camz." Lauren sniffled, trying to gain confidence. "I'm scared I'll let everyone down." Camila furrowed her eyebrows, unsure of what Lauren meant by that statement. "Elaborate." "I know Dinah said I'm responding to the treatment, but what if I can't do it? What if I give you all false hope and I mess up-" "Lauren you can't mess up consciously, okay, this is a fight with your body and the cancer, I know you think this is all on you but it's not." "It's not?" Lauren croaked, daring to look up at Camila's face. "No, baby, of course it's not, the only thing that you can do for yourself is stay positive, and calm." Lauren shifted her position so she looked into Camila's eyes. "Will you help me?" Camila's heart melted and she stroked Lauren's cheek gently. "You don't even need to ask." "Really?" "Lauren I love you, we're married for God's sake. What makes you think that I wouldn't help you?" Lauren cracked a small smile. "I love you." Camila smiled and blushed involuntarily. Lauren bit her lip and sighed contently, leaning in to kiss Camila. "Oh come here already." Camila muttered breathlessly. "I love you so much Camz." Lauren grinned against her lips. "Shut up and kiss me already Laur." Camila whined, cupping Lauren's face and then gently bringing their lips together. Lauren giggled and tugged on Camila's bottom lip. "Fuck." Camila hissed as Lauren scraped her teeth against hers. Camila gasped when Lauren bit her neck and swiped her tongue over the same spot slowly and seductively. "Oh my god Lo." Camila breathed. "You like that baby?" Lauren smirked. "More." Camila sighed. "My wish is your command." Lauren bit her lip and guided her hand down, Camila decided that Lauren was being too slow when she pushed her hand into her underwear. "Hey guys-" Dinah opened the door making Lauren and Camila jump in surprise. "Wh-Dinah!" Lauren shouted. " this uh, is this a bad time?" Dinah tried hard not to laugh. "Kinda!" Camila groaned. "I'll just, I'll just come back later." She said, backing out the room slowly. "Yeah you do that Dinah." Lauren said simply. "And make it much later!" Camila shouted out so loud Dinah would hear her, and Lauren couldn't help her burning cheeks from heating up further. "Now, where were we?" Camila smirked, turning Lauren's cheek back to look at her face. "Remind me."

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