Chapter 18

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"Remind me, who's idea was this? Was it Dinah again?" Ally questioned as she got out of the car. "Uh no it was not! It was Mani's idea, don't shoot the dang messenger." Dinah said defensively. "You know I'm scared of heights, why are we doing this of all the things we could be doing?" Lauren said with a hint of worry in her voice. "It'll be fun! I thought doing something as a group outside of a house was overdue. Doesn't everyone love theme parks? Hey, Dinah agreed with me." Normani pointed to the girl. "Mani stop! I'm not about to be beaten for this." Camila let out a laugh and intertwined Lauren's hand with hers. "Don't worry Laur, it'll be fun like Mani said. You don't have to ride anything you don't want to." She smiled reassuringly. "Can I ride you?" Lauren whispered as she walked ahead to jump on Dinah's back. Camila felt a blush creep on her cheeks. Ally caught up with her, "Why are you all hot and bothered Mila?" Camila shook her head with a smile. "Nothing Ally, now come on, let's have some fun!" She pulled her friend along till they got to the ticket booth. "What are we going on first?" Dinah asked eagerly. "Let's go on the Ferris wheel, we can see everything up there." Ally smiled in awe. "Uh, hates heights!" Lauren pointed at herself. "Hates fun!" Normani mocked earning a slap on the arm from Lauren. "Stop it, no fighting! This is meant to be fun, it won't be if one or both of you end up in A&E." Camila scolded, pulling her and Lauren apart. "How about I go on the Ferris Wheel with Smalls, and you guys do whatever you want to. Then I'll text you when we're done." Dinah suggested to help. "Sounds like a plan." Camila said with a smile. "Sure." Normani said but it was in a grump tone. "Lighten up Mani, you can pick what we do first." Camila nudged her, earning a smile. "I pick the dunking machine. I swear that clown is eyeing up our asses so I wanna dunk him so bad." Normani said with a glint in her eye. "Oh I have to see this." Lauren laughed and pushed her friend towards the tank. "Come on Camzi!" Lauren called and Camila smiled at the pair waiting in line before she went to Normani and Lauren. "Go Mani!! You got this!" Lauren clapped as Normani threw the first ball, immediately the clown fell into the water. And Normani still had two balls left to throw. Camila high fived Normani eagerly till she had turned around to do the same thing, of course she dunked him all three times but on the third the clown looked as if he was struggling to get out of the water. "Wait is he fucking drowning?" Lauren gasped. "Oh shhhit!" Normani cursed and ran to the tank. "Camila get that ladder!" Lauren shouted as she stood on top of an overturned bucket. Normani got the ladder from Camila and put it up. "Oh please tell me you're not going in Lauren!" "Fuck yeah I am, do you want him to die and then it be our fault?" Camila kept her mouth shut and let her fiancé go in. Lauren jumped into the tank and pulled the man up as best she could. The clown then took his chance to grope Lauren but she tried to ignore it while she saved his goddamn life. "Is she okay?" Camila asked hesitantly as the clown resurfaced, makeup running down his face with a satisfied grin on his face. "I can't see Lauren!" Normani worried. At that moment Lauren swam up and gasped for air, holding onto the top of the tank. "Holy shit, thank god!" Camila put her hand over her chest as Normani pulled her out of the water. A nearby worker noticed the chaos and hurriedly got a towel for the girl. "Are you okay?" Normani asked as she held the towel tighter around Lauren's body. "I'm fine, but that bastard groped me when I was saving his fucking life!" She cursed angrily. Camila stormed over to the man as soon as she heard 'groped' and slapped him so hard he fell over. "Don't you dare touch my fiancé again! You pathetic loser, she saved your life!" Camila shouted, a worker approached the pair. "I'm so sorry on behalf of the theme park for the inconvenience girls. Would you like free tickets-" "No fuck you, we're leaving." Normani guided Lauren through the crowds and tapped Camila's shoulder. "Text Dinah and Ally to meet us outside. This was a bad idea anyway." Camila nodded and got out her phone. Lauren sat down on a bench, hair dripping with water and an angry look on her face. "I'm sorry Lo, I shouldn't have set this up." Normani said guiltily. "Don't be Mani, if nothing else at least that was eventful." Lauren laughed to make light of it. "You're not mad at me? The whole thing was all my idea, thus it was also my fault." Lauren shrugged as her teeth chattered. "Nah, I'll just take it as a compliment. I mean, at least they're good enough to touch." Normani laughed at Lauren's response loudly causing Lauren to laugh too. "It really isn't a problem, I think the tank's dunking thing may have been faulty anyway, so I guess we kinda did them a favour." Lauren dried herself off as best she could. "Guys we got off as soon as we could! What happened?! Why are you all wet?" Ally questioned as Camila and Dinah followed her. "Lauren just casually saved a life and got touched up in a tank." Normani chuckled, making Lauren giggle. "Why are you two even laughing it's not funny!" Camila said in a serious tone. "Camz not everything is a big deal, if you ask me it was actually kinda funny." Camila crossed her arms. "He touched you." "I know." "And I'm the only person who's aloud to do that." Lauren smiled and pulled Camila into her lap on the towel so she didn't get too wet. "It's okay, I'm over it, and you have me to touch anytime you want." Dinah cringed. "Y'all can save that for the bedroom, why don't we go back to Lauren and Mila's so Lo can change, then we can all go get tacos?" Camila clapped her hands eagerly. So they got in the car and suddenly Dinah had a thought. "Maybe we should take Laur to the hospital to check she's actually okay. You know, her immune system being low she could have hypothermia. Should we?" Ally nodded. "Good point Dinah." "So first we go home, then to the hospital, and then we get taco's?" Camila checked and Normani nodded. "Guys I'm fine!" Lauren rolled her eyes. "No babe, Dinah has a point, it's just to be sure." Lauren huffed but went along with the idea anyway. There was no use in arguing with them, since it was four against one. At the hospital, just as said girl insisted, Lauren was checked over and fine. She was a little cold still, but fine. "See?" Lauren hopped down from the bed and lead the group out of the hospital. "Lauren she just wanted to be on the safe side, don't be like that." Ally stuck up for Dinah. "Lo, Dinah's scared for you-to lose you." Lauren licked her lips nervously, she hadn't thought of it like that. "We'll meet you in the car." Lauren told Ally and grabbed Dinah's wrist to halt her movements who was confused as to why she'd been stopped. "Sure, but don't be long. I think that Camila's about ready to eat Normani." Lauren giggled. "5 minutes." Dinah was silent as they talked, playing with her fingers nervously. Ally nodded and got in the car, leaving Dinah and Lauren alone to talk. "So do you wanna tell me, or am I going to have to force it out of you?" Lauren nudged her best friend, waiting for her answer, well if she was even going to talk. Dinah shrugged and leant against the wall. "Come on, I can't guess what's wrong Dinah, you have to talk to me." Lauren linked their hands and tilted Dinah's chin up so she could look at her properly. "Can I just gave a hug instead?" Dinah asked in a small voice that made Lauren's heart ache, in a dull way though, one of those times that clung onto your soul. "Bring it in loser." Lauren joked initially, to lighten the mood. But the way Dinah fisted her sweater and held Lauren so tightly, told her it wasn't the time to mess around. "Dinah, I'm still here. You're not losing me yet." Lauren reminded her. "Stop it, don't talk about it." Dinah mumbled in her neck. "The girls are waiting for us babe, we can't stay." Lauren smoothly stroked the back of Dinah's neck before pulling away and caressing her cheeks. Dinah couldn't speak, she only looked into Lauren's eyes. As Lauren looked at the brown eyes of her best friend, she could fully see how vulnerable and lost Dinah felt at that time. Dinah took a deep breath and swallowed thickly. "I'll tell Camz you're staying over tonight. I think you need cuddles with your best friend." Lauren smiled gently, rubbing her thumb ever so gently over Dinah's knuckles to relax her. "Thanks Lauren." Dinah smiled shyly. "Come on, Camila looks like she's about to pounce Mani." Lauren and Dinah made their ways to the car. Lauren and Dinah both got in the back seat by Camila since Normani was driving and Ally was beside her. "Dang you guys, finally. I was so ready to come out there and shove you in the fucking car myself. Ally had to hold me back." Camila praised. "It's true." Ally sighed with the immense relief that the situation was avoided. "Sorry Mila, and Ally. Now let's get us some tacoooos." Dinah cheered making Lauren smile, at least she felt better now. "Dinah's going to stay over tonight. Is that alright with you?" Camila nodded instantly. "Yeah, of course it is. Is everything okay with her?" Camila checked as Lauren lay her head on her shoulder. "I think like Ally said, she's a little scared, you know?" Camila nodded and brought a hand up to stroke her fingers through Lauren's silky black hair. "Yeah, are you hungry babe?" Lauren nodded and sighed in content of Camila's soft movements. "I am, very. But I must admit I'm pretty tired too." Camila nodded. "Me too. But we can head back after this. It's like 11, I'm surprised Taco Bell is open so late." Dinah yawned as soon as she heard the time, carefully leaning her head on top of Lauren's shoulder. "Looks like Dinah is pretty tired too." Camila noted. "Shut up Walz, a girl's gotta have her beauty sleep." Ally giggled from the front seat. "We're here guys, I'll get us all a drive thru, but if y'all get my car dirty it'll be you lot who's paying to get it cleaned." Normani warned the group of four. "Uh huh whatever Mans, it's a deal." Dinah answered tiredly. When the girls all ate on their way home, the conversations were all light from their tiredness. "I'm so beat, I'll see all you guys soon." Ally smiled and kissed Normani's cheek as she got out. "Thanks for the lift babe." Normani smiled reassuringly. "It's not a problem, goodnight Ally." "Night Ally see you soon." The other girls chorused after Normani. "Bye guys." Ally waved before she went inside. "So I guess I'm dropping you off at Lauren and Mila's? Yeah Dinah?" "Yeah Mani." Dinah said in a tired, raspy voice. "Alright I got it." Normani answered with a yawn. "Mani you can stay too if you want. You seem really tired, too tired to drive safely?" Camila hinted and Normani looked up at the mirror to meet Camila's eyes. "If that's okay? Lauren?" Lauren nodded. "It's not a problem." Lauren smiled at her and then at Camila. When the four girls got inside the house, Normani of course headed for the spare bedroom in seconds. Camila quickly kissed Lauren goodnight and told her to come to bed whenever she was ready, knowing that Dinah was needing some love from the girl. "And then there were two." Lauren chuckled until she saw Dinah shielding her face from view. "Dinah?" Lauren stroked her blonde hair out of the way to see her face but Dinah covered her eyes with her hands instead. "Dinah let me look at you, please? You don't need to hide away from me if you're upset." Lauren mumbled sadly. Dinah wiped at her eyes before she dared to look over at Lauren, but that didn't help at all. It just caused more tears. Lauren almost wanted to cry herself at the sight of her best friend in such pain. Lauren tugged at her arm, a sign she knew all too well. Dinah allowed herself to be guided into Lauren's arms for cuddles. "No matter what I say it won't help, will it?" Dinah shook her head at Lauren's question. "I love you so much Dinah, and I'm really sorry." Lauren whispered into the girl's neck as Dinah's head rested just in the crook of her own. Although Lauren was still feeling the wetness of Dinah's tears on her neck, she knew her best friend had fallen asleep. Now it was just how to get up to go to bed with Camila. But after a couple of minutes of figuring out how to do the task, it didn't seem fair to leave Dinah alone after this. So Lauren reached for her phone and texted her fiancé to tell her that she was sleeping downstairs with Dinah for the night. Of course Lauren, knowing Camila would be up and waiting, got a reply straight back. Camila told her to look after the girl and that she loved Lauren with all her heart. Lauren pressed call on her number, Camila picked up in not even a second. "What's up?" Camila's tired voice rang through the phone. "I can't sleep, will you sing to me Camz?" "Babe I'm too tired." Camila said in her raspy tone, she could feel her eyelids getting heavy. "Camila please." Her voice was wavering and Camila woke up a little at her tone. "Lolo what's wrong?" Camila said in a worried tone. "C-can you come down here?" Camila hung up and got a few blankets and pillows for the three girls before heading down. Lauren saw Camila coming at Camila saw the tears rolling down Lauren's cheeks. Camila carefully lay the blanket over Dinah's limp body. The Polynesian was now on the other end of the couch, in the most awkward position you could imagine. "What's the matter?" Camila crouched beside Lauren, taking her hands and stroking her thumbs over her knuckles. Lauren shrugged, even she didn't know what was wrong. She opened her arms for Camila. "Cuddles?" Camila gave her a sympathetic smile and curled up into Lauren's side. Lauren leaned her head on Camila's and sighed. "Do you want to come to bed?" Camila asked, Lauren shook her head quickly. "No, I should stay with Dinah. But you can go if you want to." Camila sat up and Lauren had thought she was actually going, so she released her from her hold and brought her knees to her chest. "Lauren I'm not leaving you. But just talk to me, tell me what the problem is, and we can deal with it." Lauren rested her chin on her knees, refusing to meet her eyes. "Just go." Lauren said in a weak voice. "Laur come on, don't do this again." Camila tried to stroke her cheek but Lauren swatted her hand away. "No! Will you please just leave me Camila?" Camila wanted to object but she knew it was a rhetorical question. Dinah's eyes now fluttered open at Lauren's outburst but she chose not to make herself known to be awake. "Fine, I'll see you tomorrow." Camila sighed in defeat, and crept her way up the stairs. When Camila was out of sight, Dinah sat up and cuddled Lauren's small frame. "Lauren, why are you crying babe?" Dinah mumbled as she tried to smooth the hair out of her face. Lauren crawled into Dinah's lap and rested her head against her chest. "Will you hold me?" Lauren croaked in the saddest most childlike tone, like the one that you would use on your parents if you got in trouble for something. But still, she said it as if Dinah even had a choice, she was already in her lap. Not that she would have objected anyway. "Of course I will but tell me what's up." Dinah pushed, Lauren clung to her like a little monkey. "Cuddles." Lauren said to avoid talking. "Lauren I am giving you cuddles and I'm not going to leave it. We can't tiptoe around this shit, so if you can't tell Camila, tell me." "I can't." Lauren whispered so soft Dinah barely heard her. "Yes you can." Dinah kissed the top of her head and she noticed her best friend fiddling the with end of her sleeve. Dinah frowned with worry, as she thought the worst. "Lauren stop, let me see." Dinah held her wrist, hesitant to make the next move. When Lauren stayed silent, she still knew that it was her way of saying it was okay. Dinah gently pushed her sleeve up before she nodded slowly and pulled it down ever so gently. "You promised me you would never do that again." Dinah wrapped her arms around Lauren that little bit tighter. "I know." Dinah thought back to the time that Lauren had first done it. Lauren was 14 when she came out to her parents, and let's just say that they didn't take it too well in the beginning. When Dinah went over to Lauren's to console her, she found her crying and alone in her bedroom. She had a razor blade in her left hand and fresh blood running down her arms. Dinah was the one who cleaned her up that day and made her promise to never do it again; no matter what happened. Nobody ever knew because it stayed between them. Lauren kept her promise for the whole five years leading up to now, when she broke it. "Does Camila know?" Lauren shook her head hurriedly. "No and you can't tell her either." Lauren begged with fresh tears building in her eyes. "Dinah ple-" "Shh it's okay I won't tell her, I won't say anything Lauren. It'll stay between us." Dinah promised and kissed the back of her hand for comfort which Lauren was grateful for. "Never again, okay?" Dinah whispered against her hand. Lauren closed her eyes, took a slow, deep breath before hesitantly nodding. "Okay?" Dinah repeated and Lauren met her worried, warm brown eyes. "Okay." Lauren spoke softly, but her voice cracked as tears threatened to spill over the surface. So Dinah pulled Lauren closer in her lap and gently ran her fingers through her hair while she cried in her arms. It was silent tears, no sounds, nothing that would being the pair to anyone's attention. The intimate moment they shared that night told the two they needed more of the moments like this. Quiet cuddles, deep talks and just time spent alone. Lauren licked her lips and leaned up to kiss Dinah's cheek and let it linger, before laying her head back on her chest. "What was that for?" Dinah asked with a soft smile. "Just for being you, for being my best friend, for being the only one who's always stuck by me, through every single thing that's ever happened." Dinah knew what she was referring to. "It never mattered if it was my fault or someone else's, either way you were always there, always on my side." Lauren mumbled as she was playing with Dinah's fingers gently. "I'll always be on your side, and I would do it all over." Lauren smiled for a second before she let it drop and took another deep breath. Dinah noticed and stroked light patterns on her bare shoulder. "I love you Lauren, always." Dinah kissed the top of her head. "Always." Lauren nodded and intertwined their fingers.

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