Chapter 49

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Camila was currently in the middle of an important phone call, and Lauren was increasingly unsure whether or not to interrupt her when she had started to raise her voice. She was stood in the corridors nervously and she could hear part of it. "No you listen! That girl stole money from my company and I work so hard to keep it as successful as it is! Do not tell me that you can't arrest her you little-" Lauren ran in and took the phone out of her hands. "I'm so sorry sir she-" "Hey! You better give me back that phone Lauren Jauregui!" Camila reached for it angrily but Lauren held her away with one hand. "Of course, I'll pass on the message." Lauren said in a calmer voice than Camila's frantic one. "Thank you." Lauren said and avoided Camila as she tried to grab the phone. "You can't talk to the police that way!" Lauren hissed. "But Lau-" "But nothing! Do you want to get yourself arrested?" "No I want that little bitch arrested and that guy said there's not enough evidence to convict her!" Camila screamed, she was so mad right now. Lauren took her into her arms and gently stroked her fingers through her hair. "Lauren no! Let go!" Camila tried to push her off but Lauren held her tighter. "Shh, calm down. Take some deep breaths, come on Camz. You can do this babe." Camila whimpered and wrapped her arms around her wife. "There, feel better now?" Lauren asked without letting go of her. Camila sighed sharply and Lauren knew that sign, she pulled back and cupped her cheeks. "I just-" Camila croaked as Lauren stared into her eyes lovingly, she just froze. "You just what baby?" Camila tilted her head slightly as she continued to look into her emeralds orbs. "I don't know, I forgot." Camila mumbled in a trance. Lauren smirked and stroked her cheeks with her thumbs. "I knew that would work." Camila smiled gently and pulled her in for another hug. "Thank you." "It's okay." Lauren said softly as she rested her head on top of Camila's. "Mrs Jauregui, there's a situation on the 3rd floor." Someone said over the telecom. Camila frowned and looked up above her. The one time, the one time that she was at peace, they were interrupted and no doubt this would stress her out. "Okay, I'm on my way down." Camila replied, Lauren smiled in sympathy. "I'll be right back." She sighed tiredly. "Okay, I'll be waiting." Lauren said as she spun around in Camila's chair. "Don't do that, you'll break it!" Camila said as she walked out the room. "I won't-" Lauren started but then the chair dropped and she heard a snap, her face fell and she sighed to herself. "break it." Camila was in the elevator thinking about how she'd have to buy a brand new chair for her office, knowing Lauren would break the chair. In barely any time at all the doors had opened and she could hear arguing. Camila groaned, she had never had this problem with her employees before. It seemed like the thief may have caused some tension. Camila sighed and began to look for the source of the shouting. "Hey!" She shouted firmly when she found the two girls arguing. Her jaw almost dropped when she saw one of the girls was Normani. "Miss Kordei, Miss West. My office, now." Camila said through gritted teeth. Normani opened her mouth but Camila gave her a firm glare that told her no. Normani sighed and followed her boss and her co worker to the elevator. Camila sent a quick text to Lauren to tell her to go to her own office while she sorted the two girl's mess out, Lauren texted back that she would just see her at home. Camila would be lying if she said that the idea didn't disappoint her a little, but she'd previously agreed with Lauren that she could leave if she wanted to at anytime. Camila strutted her way into the office confidently, her heels clicking on the marble floor with each step. "You two had better have a good explanation for this." Camila said as she leant against her desk, her eyes flitting to Normani. She was more surprised that her friend had gotten into a verbal fight, and this was because Normani generally wasn't an argumentative person. Both girl's eyes went to the broken chair. "What happened to your-" "That's irrelevant. Miss West, I'd like you to go first." The girl took a deep breath and began to talk. "Well see I was only doing my job, Normani asked me to take a few files over to her desk, so I did and then I accidentally spilled her coffee over her computer." Camila looked over to her friend who had a frown on her face. "I apologised and that should have been the end of it, but she started insulting me to the heavens above, cursing me out!" "That is not true! She-" Normani interrupted but Camila shook her head. "You'll get your turn Miss Kordei, carry on." She nodded to the other girl, who wore a satisfied smirk on her face. "So I said that wasn't very polite and she like went on a rampage on me, I was simply defending myself." Normani gritted her teeth and Camila could practically see steam coming out of her ears. "Thank you Miss West, if it's okay with you I'd like to see Miss Kordei alone." "Oooh, someone's in trouble." The girl said in a teasing voice as she walked out. "Don't think I didn't hear that Miss West, don't go anywhere, you wait outside my office until I call you back in." Camila said firmly. When her eyes went back to Normani, her breathing was shaky. "Don't get upset Normani. I'm not mad at you. I just want to know what really happened." Camila said, she wanted to comfort her in some way, unfortunately that would be unprofessional. Plus, the other employee was able to see them through the glass doors. "Talk to me." Camila said in a warmer voice. "I asked her to bring the files to my desk, she's always been off with me and I-I asked her why.." "It's okay, go on." Camila said gently, her heart ached at the fact she couldn't physically comfort her, her words would have to suffice for now. "I asked what I had done to her to make her dislike me..and she know, the racial slur, and I got upset about it." "That stuff doesn't usually affect you." Camila said worriedly. "Is everything okay?" "I'm having a really bad day." Normani croaked, she never cried, she was never one to break. Normani was an emotional person, but she didn't tend to show it. "We can talk about that after. Did anything else happen other than that?" "She spilled my coffee and then.." Camila nodded encouragingly. "She insulted you, and that's how I got mad." Camila furrowed her eyebrows. "What did she say about me?" Normani took a deep breath, she appeared very hesitant. "I can take it, you know I have to address this with her, Normani. You have tell me what Miss West said about me." Camila said in a certain voice that told Normani that there was no other option. "She..she said that you were an immigrant, and that you shouldn't be in this country let alone be her boss." Camila gulped and bit her lip. It wasn't the time to cry, not now, she could do that later, at home with Lauren, or later with Normani. But now, she needed to sort out a punishment. She grabbed a tissue from her desk and handed it to Normani. "Take this, I'm going to talk to Miss West, can you wait outside for me?" "Mila.." "No this won't take long, please." Normani took a calming breath and blinked her tears back before she left the office and summoned her racist co worker. "Finally. So did she tell you what happened?" "Yes Miss West, and Miss Kordei's version of events highly differs to yours." "Who's do you believe boss?" She said snidely and it took a lot for Camila to remain as composed as she was. "I believe the truth Miss West, you know the rules of this company. I heard that you used a racial slur today, and not only is it unacceptable in this company, but in any and every case. I will not have such language and such awful behaviour in my establishment. Therefore, I'm now relieving you from further work here." "You're firing me? For a Ni-" "Don't you dare, finish that. I want your desk fully cleared of your belongings and you gone." "What about my-" "You'll receive your last pay check in the mail." "When?" "By the end of the week." Camila said stiffly. "Good luck to you Miss West. I hope you sort out that attitude of yours for your next job, and future. Being bitter and racist will get you nowhere good in life." "Uh huh." She said dismissively. "And Miss West." Camila said in a firm voice. "Yes Mrs Jauregui?" She asked bitterly. "I have as much a right to be here as you, and as Normani." "For now." The girl grumbled. "Now get the hell out of my office and pack your things before I do something I regret! Go!" Camila shouted. The former employee scrambled to the door and ran down the corridor. At last it was the end of the day and so Camila called Normani into her office, finally pulling her in for a tight hug. Normani clutched her best friend gladly and let out a stifled sob. "Shh, she's gone Mani. I fired her, you'll never have to see her again. Neither of us will." "T-thank you Mila." "It's okay, now tell me. Why are you having a bad day?" Camila asked as she rubbed her back soothingly. "I-I'm just so stressed, and Dinah, she needs my support lately and I can't-I can't do it all Mila I can't-" "Okay okay okay, it's alright. Lauren, Ally and I can help. It's gonna be fine, I can reduce your hours for a bit, or you can take some time off if that's what you need. Remember that your health comes first, okay? Always." Normani took a few deep breaths and nodded. "Anything you need, you tell me. I'm here for you anytime Mani, any day." Normani pulled back and wiped her eyes. "You take the day off tomorrow. I'll call over for you and we can grab some lunch together, how does that sound?" Camila offered. "Have I ever told you how amazing you are?" Camila thought for a moment. "I don't know, but I've been told now. So, you good?" Normani smiled slightly. "I'm better." "Good." Camila smiled. "What about you?" "What about me?" Camila asked, but she guessed she knew. "She did say some horrible things about you too." "It happens, it's about how you deal with it that matters." "You're not dealing with it though, you're dealing with me, not yourself." Camila didn't reply. "Promise me you'll at least talk to Lauren about it when you get home, can you do that? For me?" Camila thought for a moment and nodded. "I will, now let's get out of here." "I'm down for that." Normani said, gladly she sounded brighter at the prospect. "Me too, let me drop you home." "You don't have to-" "I want to." Camila said in a firm but sweet voice. "Thanks Mila, you're the best, best friend ever." "Duh. I know." Camila winked as she started the car. Normani got out of the car as soon as they arrived and was surprised to see Camila get out too. "Uh.." "Go on inside, I just want to speak to Dinah for a minute." Camila said warmly. "What are you going to tell her?" "You let me worry about that." Camila said, but Normani trusted her so she did as she asked. "Hey babe." Dinah smiled and pecked Normani's lips. "Did you have a good day?" "I kinda wanted to talk to you about that." Camila said from behind her and at the sound of her voice, Dinah peered over her girlfriend's shoulder to see her friend. "Chancho! What are you doing here?" "I just need a quick word." "Oh okay, well I'll see you in a second Mans. Order a pizza for us too, yeah?" "Yeah sure babe." Normani said and slipped inside to give the two girls some space to talk. "Normani told me she's feeling stressed out so she's having a day off tomorrow. Today she said that she was having a bad day, and then another worker who, before you blow up, has been fired, used a racial slur against both Normani and myself." Dinah growled but Camila rubbed her shoulder warmly. "We talked it out, but I just really need you to look after Mani for a change." Dinah nodded slowly. "I also heard you've been relying on her a lot lately, and if there's anything you need, please come to me, or Lauren or Ally. It's not just Normani you can talk to." Dinah licked her lips. "Right. Yeah I'll do that from now on." "Good." "Hey and thanks for taking care of her today. I owe you one." "Of course you don't. I love Normani to death, you know I'd do anything to help her." Camila smiled fondly. "I love you Chancho." "I know, I love you more Cheechee, now go back to your girl already." "Oh yeah, okay, have a nice night Mila. Drive safe." "Thanks. I will." "And send Lauren my love!" She called out as Camila walked back to her car. "Will do!" Camila called back. Now back to her wife, she just couldn't wait to finally go into those warm arms that felt like home.

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