Chapter 64

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Lauren and Camila were having a lazy morning, just sat on the couch together eating Cheetos. "How do you think Tay is today?" Lauren asked. "Lauren relax, you heard Normani on the phone last night, she's alright." "I know but I miss her." Lauren huffed with her head on Camila's legs, they were in an awkward yet comfortable position. "I need water, these are hot." Camila said as she saw she had picked up a red packet. "Shit me too." Lauren said, the two girls both got up and went to the kitchen, but on their way the door suddenly burst open and surprised them. Taylor ran straight over to her sister, crying, and wrapped her arms around her waist. Lauren's eyes widened as she looked at Camila, who shrugged. Lauren had the sense to immediately wrap her arms around her and quieten her down. "Shh, what's the matter? What happened?" Lauren held the girl at arm's length so she could take a look at her. Taylor only looked up and whimpered the words, "I don't want you to die." Lauren felt so stupid, how could she not realise her sister was simply hurting? "I'm sorry for pushing you and for being a bitch and breaking the rules I just, please forgive me Lolo I'm so sorry-" "Just come here Tay." Lauren dismissed, bringing her back into her arms. "I love you, of course I'll forgive you. Don't be stupid." Suddenly Taylor turned to Camila and wiped her eyes. "And I'm sorry to you too Camila, I was a bitch to you as well." Camila smiled gently. "It's alright." "A-Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" Taylor asked her sister frantically about the incident. "I'm fine Taylor, you know Dinah. She was just being overcautious and really protective, you know what she's like. Best friend a nurse are a real combo." Camila knocked on Lauren's head teasingly. "Yep, still got a brain in there too." Lauren glared at her and rolled her eyes. "You're an ass." "I got an ass and you love it." "Ew okay sister in the room. Save the dirty talk for when I'm not here please." Taylor cringed. "Now I don't think any of us have eaten, not properly anyway. Cheetos don't count Camz." Camila's mouth closed and her hand went back down. "How do you feel about WaffleHouse for breakfast?" Lauren asked Taylor and Camila. "Am I not grounded today?" Taylor asked in confusion. "No, for a few reasons. You were grounded for being a bitch, but it was unintentional and you apologised for your behaviour, you were hurting and I didn't realise that." Taylor's head bowed. "While you were at Dinah and Normani's, Camila and I had time to think, as did you. And we only have you here for a week, I don't wanna waste it." Taylor smiled and kissed her cheek. "I love you so much." "Yeah, I know, I love you too. Now go do whatever you want while Camz and I get ready." Taylor went over to Camila and unexpectedly hugged her. Camila awkwardly hugged her back and stared at Lauren in surprise and confusion. Lauren shrugged. "I love you too Mila, and thank you." "What for?" Camila asked. "For making my sister so happy, she deserves that, she's the best person I could ever know, and the best sister I could ever ask for." Camila's heart was melting at that. As was Lauren's as she listened. "It's a pleasure Taylor, I love her." "Awww." Lauren cooed. "I do love you Laur, with everything I have in my being." Camila smiled as her eyes connected with Lauren's. "Okaaaaay, on that note I'm gonna go upstairs while you inevitably make out." "Don't be cheeky!" Lauren shouted after her with a smile. "C'mere soppy." Lauren teased Camila, who giggled, leaning in and connecting their lips. "Shoot, y'all are gross, here's the kid's bag." Dinah said, dropping it in the house. "What-where were you?" Lauren exclaimed, pulling apart from her wife. "Around the door in case things went wrong. I doubted it though, and I was right." "So what're you still here for then?" Camila inquired curiously, but it didn't seem to come out as such. "Rude! Because I had Taylor's bag, she ran straight in to you guys and I didn't want to interrupt your big moment/conversation." "Right, so you've been standing out there for how long?" Lauren asked with a smirk. "25 minutes, but it's cool, I was playing a game on my phone." "If it's Pokemon Go then I want you out of my house." Lauren said seriously. "Our house." Camila corrected her. "Still applies." Lauren quipped. "No, relax, it was that game Crossy Road actually. Pokemon whatever requires walking and I ain't got the time nor the energy for that." "Wise woman." Lauren smirked. "Well thanks for dropping her off and looking after Taylor. I owe you Di." "Ah that's a loada bull, I'm your best friend. Always here to lend a hand. C'mere." Lauren smiled and went over to hug Dinah. "Love you." "Love you too Lo." "What am I, chopped liver?" Camila scoffed. "Ew gross." Dinah cringed. "Not the point! Does anyone love me?" "Course we do stupid." Lauren chuckled. "Ey! Don't insult your wife, it's rude." "You love me don't you Cheechee!" Camila pouted, walking over to the two girls. "No you're a loser, get away from me." Dinah teased, putting her hand in front of her face while Lauren laughed. "Di don't be mean. She loves you really." Lauren chuckled, kissing Camila's temple. "Yeah see? That's a lesson for you Chanch. Don't ask stupid questions and you won't get stupid answers." "I'll try and bear that in mind." Camila said, still grumpy. "Oh Mila will you get over yourself." Dinah chuckled, ruffling her hair playfully. "Of course I love you." "Yay!" Camila grinned. "I'll see you out, thank Mani for me." Lauren said as she guided her outside to her car. "See you Saturday? We're still on for it aren't we?" "What?" Lauren asked, bewildered. "Jesus, Lo." Dinah mumbled, looking a little hurt. "Saturday night, our anniversary, of our friendship?" Lauren slapped her head and frowned. "Yes, oh my god, of course. Dinah I'm sorry. In fact I'll be there on Friday night, make it the full 24 hour thing." Dinah smiled slightly. "Nice recovery Jauregui." Lauren breathed a sigh of relief. "Laters." She said as she got into her car. "Bye DJ." Lauren smiled, shutting the door for her and watching her drive away. "Taylor! Are you ready?" Camila called up. "Nearly!" Taylor called back. "Babe I'm going to be with Dinah Friday and Saturday cause it's the anniversary of our friendship, I'll talk to Taylor, but will you be alright with her here all by yourself?" Camila nodded. "Yeah, I'm cool with it, I just hope she will be." "I think she'll understand." Lauren said, but she was slightly unsure considering her recent actions the last couple days, despite the explanation she had given. "Hey, are we going?" Taylor asked, coming down the stairs with a smile on her face, which made Lauren smile in turn, her worries vanishing. "Tay, can I talk to you?" "Uh oh." "It's nothing bad I promise." Lauren said quickly. "Okay. Sure." "I'll go wait in the car." Camila smiled. "I just wanted to tell you I'm staying with Dinah on Friday and Saturday. So you'll be here with Camila alone." "Oh, how come?" "It's gonna be the anniversary of our best-friendship." Lauren said proudly, a grin on her face. "Aw, that's sweet." Taylor smiled. "I'm cool with it. But-" "But?" Lauren raised a curious eyebrow. "Can you spend two days with me when mom and dad get home?" "Awh, sure kiddo. I'd like that." "Then it's fine." "Don't give Camz too much trouble hm?" "I won't Lauren, I promise." "Good girl, now come on, I'm starving." Friday soon came around and Lauren was packing her bag to stay at Dinah's for two nights. "I'm gonna miss you." Camila pouted. "Aw, c'mere Camzi." Camila continued to pout as she went over to Lauren by their bed. "I'll miss you too." "Kiss." Camila tapped her pouty lips. Lauren smiled and pecked them softly. "No!" Camila whined in a child voice. "Proper kiss." Lauren chuckled and nodded her head behind her. "Camila, I've gotta pack my stuff up baby, Dinah will be here soon." "Please Lolo?" Camila brought out the infamous puppy dog eyes and Lauren was doomed to failure. "Alright." The green eyed girl smirked and attached her lips to Camila's making the Cuban inhale sharply, somehow, Lauren every time always took her breath away. She thought that stuff was a myth at first, but then she met Lauren. "I love you." Camila breathed when Lauren pulled away. "I love you too." Lauren smiled gently. "Now help me pack this." "If I must." Camila sighed dramatically. "Shut up you dork." Dinah knocked at the door and Lauren looked downstairs and smiled. "Yay! She's here!" Camila sighed and whispered. "Yeah, she's here." "Don't be grumpy. I'll see you in a couple days, you won't even notice I'm gone." "Highly doubting that one." Camila mumbled to herself. She spent a lot of time with her wife, it would be weird without her there. Lauren kissed her cheek and opened the front door. "Hey Di." "Hey Lo, Mila." Camila waved awkwardly, her spirits were down as she watched her wife step further towards the door. "You ready Lauren?" Lauren nodded to her best friend happily. "Sure am." "Great. Then let's go, go be mushy with your girl first though. She's all moody." Lauren then looked back at Camila and pouted herself. "Camz, you'll be alright here with Taylor, promise. Come give me a hug." Camila reluctantly wrapped her arms around Lauren's waist and rested her cheek on her shoulder with a frown. "Bye." Lauren squeezed her and pulled away. "Bye." Camila mumbled, kissing her lips when she tapped them, awaiting a goodbye kiss. "I love you." "Love you too." Camila sighed to the shut door. Taylor laid a hand on the Cuban's shoulder, making her jump. "Did she say goodbye to you?" "Earlier she said see you later, come on Camila, it's hardly a goodbye. It's only 2 days." "I know." Camila said dejectedly, she rolled her eyes at herself, she was being stupid. Taylor was right. She'd be back soon. "Oh well, at least I have you." "Ah yeah, about that. My friend Madison invited me to a sleepover, mind if I go?" "Who's Madison?" "My friend. Lauren knows her." "Hmm," Camila eyed the girl before getting her phone out.

Camz: taylor wants to sleep over at some girl called madison's, do you know her?

Lolo: Yeah, she's a nice girl. It's fine by me if she wants to go, babe.

Camila looked back at Taylor, who had hopeful eyes staring back at her. "You can go." Camila relented. "Yay! Thank you!" Taylor grinned, hugging her so fast Camila didn't get the chance to hug back before her sister in law darted up the stairs. Before she knew it, the girl was gone and she was all alone. "Yay, empty house." Camila sighed as she slumped on the couch miserably. Her eyes caught sight of an old and familiar notebook. There were some small only slightly visible creases, and it looked a little worn, but she loved the book all the same. It brought her a sense of nostalgia. Camila reached out for the book and picked it up hesitantly. She turned it over and assessed it carefully. Maybe this will help, she thought to herself. Camila used to love writing, songs especially. She flicked through the pages and saw some past scribbled writing. Lyrics of all types, happy, sad, reminiscent, lovesick, and heartbroken. She scanned the room, looking around for a pen and smiled when she saw one. Lyrics seemed to flow on the pages and time was flying by as she thought and wrote. Camila hadn't written anything in a long time, and as she wrote lyrics down now, she wondered why not. The silence in the room was actually rather peaceful now, as opposed to lonely and deafening. She may be missing Lauren, but her absence unintentionally gave Camila back her passion. Lauren was having fun with Dinah in their little fort together, throwing sweet and salty popcorn at each other and laughing at everything and nothing. "I can't believe you dated that douche, you know." "In my defence!" Dinah interrupted. "I was hiding my attraction to girls at the time so it was kinda justified." Lauren raised her eyebrows unconvinced. "Right, so it had nothing to do with the fact he was head over heels in unreasonable love, popular in school and hella rich." "Girl whatchu mean unreasonably?? I'm the best he ever had!" "Dinah face it, you were a little bitch in high school." "Not to you! Some people just got on my nerves is all." "Can't say I wasn't one of em. Remember I tried to set you up with that girl who then tried ask you on a date?" "No okay but that's different." "How? The poor girl came up to your locker all cute and shy-" "And nearly outed my ass!" "She thought you were cute and she asked you on a date, I personally don't see anything wrong with that." "Lauren she nearly outed me in front of the whole school!" "But you responded by literally yelling at her to shut her mouth." "I apologised to her in private the next day!" "After pulling her in a closet. Quite ironic if you ask me." "Yeah, who's the ass now?" Dinah scoffed. Lauren gasped and proceeded to throw a large handful of variously coloured skittles at the Polynesian. "Still you." "And you!" Dinah shot back as she chucked back some M&M's at the girl. "Ow?!" Lauren retorted. "Alright fine, we were both asses." "No I was trying to be nice and hook you up with a cute date. That's not being an asshole, that's being a good friend." "Yeah but you did it without telling me. So therefore, you were an asshole." "Uh duh, that's like the whole point Dinah. Like, hey, surprise. Here's a cute and unexpected date for ya." Dinah rolled her eyes and put a hand in front of Lauren's face pushing her away. "Shut your mouth." "Classic. Just cause you know I'm right." Lauren said, muffled behind her large hand. "Asshole." "Says the one with her massive hand in front of my face." Lauren said, pulling it off of her. "Call it even?" Dinah held a hand out to shake. Lauren giggled and shook it. "Fine."

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