Chapter 26

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"I can't believe they're keeping you in longer because you left the hospital. It's not like you did anything wrong, this is so whack." Dinah scoffed. "Yeah except leave the hospital, which is against the rules anyway." Camila pointed out. "It's not like it's new, Lauren's always been a rule breaker." Normani shrugged. "Can you all stop talking like I'm not in front of you? It's fucking rude." Lauren interrupted the trio. "Sorry." The three chorused, finally addressing her for a change. "Thank you." Lauren mumbled as she crossed her legs on the bed. "At least I'm not restrained today. Do you see these fucking red marks? These are from restraints." Lauren huffed. "Well, actually, it was your fault for resisting them." A nurse pointed out. "Shut up." Lauren rolled her eyes. "I don't think you should say that. I could do things to you girl." The nurse threatened, only angering Lauren further. "Yeah? Go on then. Fucking fight me bitch." Lauren got in her face intimidatingly. Normani was the one to push Lauren back. "Easy Lauren, but you need to back off. That's a total abuse of your power." Normani said. Camila nodded and spoke up for her fiancé. "Say one more word to her and we'll all report you for threatening a patient." The nurse shook her head at them, eyeing Lauren carefully before leaving the room. "She's such a bitch." Lauren growled. "You don't have to tell us twice." Dinah sighed. "God. How do you deal with these people Lo?" Lauren looked away from them. "What choice do I have? I have no choices anymore, at least not in here." Camila lay a hand on her shoulder and smiled sadly. "We promise Lo, we'll get you out of here as soon as we can." Lauren sighed and put her hand over Camila's. "I know babe." Camila sat behind her fiancé and kissed her cheek lovingly, wrapping her arms loosely around her neck. "I miss being at home so much, I fucking hate this place, and everyone in it too." Lauren sighed as she leant back into Camila's body. "Has anyone been bothering you? Mani and I can knock their asses out if they are." Dinah offered. Lauren chuckled brightly at her best friend's sweet overprotectiveness. "Psh, I can handle them, it's okay D. Plus, you don't need to go to jail for some stupid assholes. Honestly the best thing you can do for me is to get me out of here." "And we will...maybe I'll even talk to my father. He's a good lawyer." Camila muttered. Lauren frowned slightly at the words. "Camz I don't think that's a good idea, you're not on good terms, I don't need his help." Camila nuzzled her face into Lauren's neck. "If it'll help you then I'll do it, I would do anything for you." "Baby.." Lauren trailed sadly. "Can you two please give us a minute?" Lauren asked Normani and Dinah, they both nodded with small smiles. "Actually, I should be getting to work soon. Maybe we should go anyway." Normani said to Dinah who nodded in agreement. "See you tomorrow Lo, love you boo." Dinah kissed her cheek affectionately, then Normani did the same, and they left the couple alone. Camila hadn't moved but then Lauren turned around so that she was facing Camila, who now stared at her lap. "Camz you don't have to talk to him for me. I do remember, the last time you saw him he'd said some really hurtful things and you came back home in tears.." Lauren spoke softly, rubbing her knee supportively. Camila drew in a shaky breath and looked up at Lauren sorrowfully. "I know you'd do anything for me, but you don't have to do this." Lauren whispered, stroking her cheek. "But you want to get out of here, and he could make that happen." "Yeah and so could any lawyer." She rebutted. "But-" Lauren shook her head firmly to get her point across. "No, Camila. The answer is a definite no. Now come here, I can see you're upset." Lauren opened her arms and Camila crawled into her lap and wrapped her arms around her, laying her head in her chest. "Every bad thing that he ever said to me just keeps coming into my head." Camila sniffled. "Don't think about him baby, he's not worth it." Lauren said, kissing the top of her head. "I'll think about you then. I love you, you're more than worth thinking about." Lauren couldn't even try and contain herself from smiling widely at Camila's honest words. "I love you too babygirl." "Have your family seen you yet?" Camila asked, Lauren shook her head. "Last time I saw them I said I never wanted to see them again. They haven't come here since." Camila pouted. "Well no wonder! If you said that to them." "Well obviously I didn't mean it! I used the hospital phone to call them but when Chris heard my voice he hung up. I wonder if he even told them I called." "That's so stupid. He's your brother for God's sake. Isn't he always the one most pleased to see you, aside from your Dad?" Lauren nodded sadly. "Yeah, and I guess that's why it hurt so much when he did it." Camila pecked her lips and smiled gently. "Well I can go and talk to him if you want?" Lauren smiled brightly at her. "You will? You'd do that for me?" Camila nodded. "Duh! I'll get them here, at least one of them." Lauren hummed and held Camila close to her body. "Cuddles Camzi." Lauren demanded in a childlike voice making Camila giggle. "Aw I have to go get your family Lo. But I promise we can cuddle when I get back." Lauren pouted and held out her little finger, Camila linked hers with Lauren's and then they kissed their hands. "See you in a bit." Camila kissed Lauren's forehead and left her. When Camila got to the Jauregui house she was nervous to knock on the door, but she promised Lauren, so now she waited for the door to open. "Camila." Taylor leant against the doorframe as she looked around her. "What are you doing here?" "Lauren wants to see her family. She didn't mean what she said, she's better now." Camila smiled, but it didn't look like Taylor was bothered in the slightest. "So?" Camila frowned. "S-What do you mean 'so?' Lauren is your sister. She misses you, she misses all of you." Suddenly Chris appeared at the door. "That's not our problem." "Chris what the hell do you mean it's not your problem?" "Chrissy!" Camila heard a younger girl call out. "Coming Leah!" He called and suddenly a young girl came to the door. "Who's this cutie?" Camila bent down to get level smiling. "I'm Leah, and I'm this many years old now." She smiled toothily, holding up four fingers. "Camila, meet our new little sister, Leah." Taylor ruffled her hair playfully. "Tay Tay!" Leah whined. Camila scowled at the siblings. "What? You can't just replace Lauren." Chris shrugged. "Oh I don't see why we can't have a new girl in the family. Besides, Lauren is dying. One death, and one new life." Camila scoffed at his words. "I doubt that your Mom and Dad are just forgetting about Lauren." "Honey! Help me move some of Lauren's things to the attic? Leah's new room needs redecorating!" Mike shouted, rendering Camila speechless. "You still doubt it?" Taylor asked smugly. Chris picked up the four year old and winked. "Goodbye Camila." The door shut and Camila was left in shock. They had literally kicked Lauren out of the family and replaced her. How could she go back to Lauren and tell her? When Camila went into Lauren's room while Lauren's green eyes gleamed happily at the sight of her fiancé. Camila's filled with tears at the memory she had to tell Lauren, Camila had broken her promise. "Babe what's wrong? Are you okay?" Lauren rushed over to her, holding her shoulders. The Cuban couldn't even find any words to speak as she stared into her eyes. "I-I'm fine." Camila stuttered. "Well where are they then? Camz stop messing with me I wanna see them." Lauren looked over Camila's shoulders excitedly. "Hold on Lauren.." Camila's voice cracked as she took her hands. "They're not coming.." Lauren stopped snd stared at Camila. "B-but you said that you'd get them here." Camila shifted her gaze to the floor nervously. "Camila, come on. Just tell me. Where are they?" Lauren asked, sounding more serious. Camila was scared to even look at her fiancé, she didn't want to see her broken eyes when she told her the truth. "Look at me." Lauren strained out shakily. "Tell me." Camila looked up and gulped. "I think you should sit down Laur." She whispered. "I don't want to sit down, just tell me!" Lauren shouted shakily. A nurse approached Lauren with doctors to restrain her again and Lauren moved away, now scared in more ways than one. "We're fine, don't." Camila shook her head before she finally turned back to Lauren. "Okay..I..I went to the house and they had a little girl there and they-Lauren they replaced you. They're done with you." Camila said in a quick mess of words. Lauren stared at her fiancé with tears in her eyes. "That, no that can't be true." "Lauren-" "They wouldn't do that to me, they just, they wouldn't-" Lauren croaked as her knees buckled beneath her. "I'm sorry baby." Camila pulled her into a hug, Lauren whined weakly and clung onto Camila, who picked her up and placed her in her lap on the bed. Lauren sobbed into Camila's neck while Camila stroked her hair and held her tightly. Then Dinah appeared at the door and stopped in her tracks at the sight. "Not now. Just go home." Camila mouthed, and Dinah knew not to argue, so she just left them with a sad smile. "Why would they do that to me?" Lauren cried and Camila tightened her hold on Lauren's shaking frame. "I don't know babe, but you've got me, and I'm not going anywhere." Her words made Lauren cling on tighter for fear of losing her too. "Shh, it's okay I'm here." Camila whispered in Lauren's ear against her wet, tear stained cheeks as she stroked her hair. "I thought they loved me." Lauren cried into Camila's chest. "I love you." Camila steered the conversation away again. "Camz I just wanna go home." Lauren sniffled as she wiped her tears and looked at Camila with broken eyes. "Go to sleep Lolo." Camila smiled for a second before she kissed her forehead. "Will you stay with me?" Lauren asked, scared to be abandoned. "I'll be around babe. There's something I have to take care of." Camila pulled the covers over Lauren's body and pecked her lips. "I love you Camila." Lauren said whole heartedly. "I know." Camila smiled as she rubbed their noses together. "Get some rest." Camila waited for Lauren to fall asleep before she left to find a way to get her fiancé home for good.

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