Chapter 24

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"No, I don't care who you are, there are no visitors allowed, not within the first 24 hours." The nurse firmly told Dinah and Camila. "We'll wait then." Dinah said in a serious tone. "Sit in the corner with a protesting sign for all I care, just don't bother any of our patients." The nurse collected her folders and walked away. "Will she even want to see us?" Camila asked the Polynesian hesitantly, Dinah shrugged simply. "Lauren reckoned that she hated us, but who knows." "Lauren has a habit of saying things that she doesn't really mean." Camila retorted quickly. "You're her best friend Dinah, and you have known her for nearly all her life. Don't think she'd throw it all away like that, she literally outright adores you Dinah Jane. I know Lauren loves you, she loves you so much." Dinah sighed. "We'll see, but I hope you're right Mila, I really do." Camila reached for Dinah's hand, intertwining their fingers while Dinah stared at the white wall, thinking of the green eyed girl. Lauren woke up from her sedation, dazed and confused. She went to rub her eyes but her wrists were restrained. Great. "Hey!" Lauren shouted out for someone's attention in a raspy voice. "Hey! I need help here!" A male doctor had stopped in his tracks walking by her room. "Hello." "Can you get these off me please?" Lauren asked directly. "Can I ask if you want to harm yourself, before I remove them?" Not me, someone else maybe. "No, now can you get me out of these so I can rub my eyes? I swear, I won't try shit." Lauren sighed, she didn't want to do anything but go home. The doctor removed them and Lauren let out a sigh of relief and eagerly rubbed her tired eyes. "There's people waiting for you, you've been out of it for a long time. You're allowed to see visitors now." Lauren scoffed. "No, I don't want to see anyone right now." "Are you sure?" "Positive." Lauren had to grit her teeth to hold her anger back, she couldn't risk being restrained again for her short, fairly harmless, temper. "If you insist, I'll send them away. But just so you know, they've been here for the last 20 hours waiting." But Lauren didn't seem to care, turning her head in the other direction she sighed. "I don't care, I don't want them anywhere near me." She said in a low voice. "Okay, I'll have a psychiatrist come in shortly for your evaluation, Lauren, isn't it?" The doctor asked. "Fine." Lauren breathed with a nod of confirmation, and then her company disappeared. "Hey! Will Lauren see us?" The doctor picked up one of the reception's phone to call the psychiatrist before he covered one part of it. "Sorry, Lauren doesn't want to see you. Maybe try later." He immediately went back to the call when he heard a female voice talking on the other line, questioning if he was there. Dinah just looked heartbroken when Camila went back to tell her what the doctor said to her. "I'm staying here, I need you to get Lauren's family for her, Mila. I couldn't bear facing them, not after what I did to their daughter." Camila put a warm hand on Dinah's shoulder to reassure the girl. "Stop torturing yourself, none of this is your fault, nor is it Lauren's. It isn't anyone's fault." Dinah nodded, but she was clearly dismissing her honest comment. "You'll tell them, won't you?" Camila nodded with a sigh. "Yes, don't worry, I'll get them here, but only God knows if she'll even see them." "She will see them, they are her family after all." Dinah responded, her eyes trained on the wall, she still hadn't looked at her Cuban friend. "Well I'm going, just take care of yourself Dinah, I'll be back with everyone soon." Dinah smiled weakly. Camila left it at that as she walked out the building, knowing she wouldn't get any more of a response from her. "Oh, oh no my baby." Clara clasped a shaky hand led her mouth as Camila told her. Mike put his arm around his wife and rubbed her shoulder comfortingly. "But is she alright?" He questioned. Camila hesitantly shrugged. "I wouldn't know, she refused to see Dinah and I. But she is awake." Chris looked at his parents worriedly. "Can we see her?" Mike as if it was instinct grabbed his keys, leading Chris and Camila out to his car. "Love, stay home and wait for Taylor to come back from school. You can meet us up there." Clara nodded, "Of course, and please call me when you've seen her." Mike kissed her cheek and they went to the hospital as a three. Camila threw a glance at Chris, he didn't seem in the best of moods with her personally, she didn't know why, but Camila wondered if Lauren had said anything about their fight, their one sided fight.. "I'll take us up." Camila mumbled, sticking to Mike like glue. Mike was like another father to her, and she didn't feel like being on Lauren's younger brother's side was the best idea. But to be fair, Dinah put her in here. Even though Camila had been the one to suggest it. Before they knew it, they came to the psychiatric ward in which Lauren was held. Dinah was still staring into space until she noticed the presence of the trio. "Dinah, it's good to see you again." Mila wrapped Dinah in a hug, one of which the distraught girl was forced to uncomfortably reciprocate. "Can we see Lauren now, Dad? I really need to see her, please?" Chris asked impatiently, although he was the younger brother, he was so protective. "Right, see you girls soon." Mike said, whisking himself and his son away to Lauren's room, which Camila had told them the number of. "It's not your fault Dinah." Camila reminded the girl in a soft voice. Dinah face crumpled up. "It is though Camila. This is all my fault. I made the call, Lauren..she trusted me. I made her really believe she could trust me." Camila rested her head on Dinah's shoulder. "She can trust you, and she'll forgive you. She'll forgive us both. Just wait and see." Dinah noticed Chris and Mike coming back in their direction. "I thought you were going to see Lauren? Is she okay?" Dinah asked worriedly. "I mean, you're both back sooner than we thought." Camila elaborated. "Well she won't see us either." Chris mumbled. "I can't believe it." Camila whispered. "I'll deal with it, she can't push us all away." Chris held her arm worriedly. "Camila I don't think that's a good idea." Camila faced the young man and sighed. "I don't want her to be alone, she may be really mad at us right now, but we still don't deserve to be punished like this, all for doing the best thing for her. We did it because we care. We still care, and she really needs to see that. Lauren needs to know someone's fighting for her and not giving up at the first hurdle like we all are now, well not me, I won't give up on her." Camila rambled, and it seemed to be enough for Chris, seeing as he had released his grip on her arm. "I used to honestly think that you didn't deserve Lauren, recently especially." Chris said catching Camila's attention. "But really, she doesn't deserve you Camila." Chris smiled gently, Camila smiled back at him before returning her journey to her fiancé's room. "Lauren." Camila said in a gentle voice. Lauren turned her head and eyed her, an unreadable expression on her face. "I know you're angry, and you're upset with us, but you can't push everyone away babe, not like you are." Lauren shrugged and shifted her gaze to her lap. "You're hurting us Lauren. I mean, we stayed out there for so many hours and you refused to let us see you. Dinah is really blaming herself, and I'm worried about her." Lauren looked up hesitantly, her best friend was actually more insecure than people thought, but right now she didn't feel anything. "You don't really hate us Lolo, you know you don't. You were scared and we betrayed you in ways unimaginable. But my God, I fucking love you Lauren. Dinah loves you, don't even get me started on your family. You didn't even let them in. You know your mom nearly cried when she heard what had happened, that you're in this place." Lauren scoffed. "Yeah, I am, who's fucking fault is that?" Camila ignored the remark as she tried harder to get through Lauren's guarded heart. "Please, we just want you to feel better, to get better. Talk to us, let us help you and we can work to get you out of here. What do you say Laur?" Camila asked, hope glistening in her eyes. "I say get out." Lauren said bitterly, and Camila frowned, her heart shattered. "No, no, nu-fucking-uh, you listen to me Lauren Jauregui and listen good." Camila said fiercely, stomping her way over to Lauren's bedside. "We don't deserve any kind of punishment for caring about you, for loving you, we really deserve an explanation for why you're pushing us all away. We care about you and you just won't see that at all, won't or can't, I don't know. But we're trying Lauren, you have to meet us halfway." Lauren shook her head slowly. "Camila, go. All of you just go away, I don't want to see anyone. Not one of you, not you, not Dinah, not Mom, not Dad, Chris or Taylor. I just want to be left alone, okay Camila? Get it? I just want everyone to leave me the fuck alone!" She held back a sob. Camila sat on the bed and pulled Lauren into her body. But now, Lauren didn't want to be held, she didn't want comfort, not from Camila or Dinah, not from anyone. So Lauren fought against her chest and pushed Camila away, so hard she fell on the floor, but that was mainly from the shock. "I said go away! Go away!!" She screamed. Suddenly, a small group of doctors and nurses had flooded into the room and forcibly held Lauren down on the bed. "No! Please don't hurt her, it was my fault!" Camila pried the doctors away to get to Lauren but all the fight in Lauren's green eyes, it had gone. Lauren's body relaxed as a needle was inserted and her restraints were put back on, tighter than last time since they thought she was a threat to others. If it were possible at all, Camila felt even worse than when the girl was initially admitted. "You're safe now ma'am." A nurse said and Camila scoffed. "You don't get it. I was safe, and that was uncalled for. Lauren wouldn't hurt me, because she loves me, now she'll just hate me even more than she did before." The female nurse raised her eyebrows. "I thought you just said she loved you." "She does, she did, I don't know. She's angry, she's hurt and she doesn't know how to deal with it, life, she's not thinking straight." A doctor turned around to Camila with a sympathetic smile. "Right, and that's why she's here. She'll wake up in a few hours, but I'd make yourself scarce to be on the safe side." Camila rolled her eyes. "Lauren wasn't going to hurt me." She insisted. "It's our job to make sure of that, whether the patient would hurt you not, we have a duty of care to just follow protocol." "Well 'the patient' has a name and it's 'Lauren'. So no matter what you say, or what Lauren, says. I'm staying." Camila said as she pulled up a chair beside the bed and sat down. "If we can't change your mind, then you can sit there alone if you must do." The doctor hummed and guided his team out. "You bet your ass I will." Camila muttered.

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