Chapter 29

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"Uh, Camila..about our honeymoon.." Lauren trailed. "What?" Camila asked without looking up from her book. "I can't fly." Camila giggled. "As far as I know no human can." Lauren cleared her throat and gave her a look. "Oh! I got it. That's fine Lauren." She smiled reassuringly. "It's not though! I had all these great, awesome plans for us that we could do because I wasn't having treatment at the time, and now we can't do them." Lauren whined. "Where were you planning to go?" Camila asked as she set her book down on the bed with a bookmark in place. "I wanted to take us to Hawaii, but I've been too sick and I can't go. It's too risky, I asked or more like begged my doctor I don't know like twenty or thirty times, something like that." Camila smiled at the idea. "Okay first, don't worry about it. It's not your fault and when you get better then we can fly out to Hawaii for a late honeymoon. Also, you're not allowed to beg to anyone but me." Lauren smirked and crawled onto the bed, hovering over Camila's body. "Is that so?" Camila bit her lip, failing to suppress a smile. "Mhm." "Kiss me." "Gladly." Camila grinned as she pulled Lauren in by the loose collar of her long t shirt. "Hold on." Lauren gulped as she pulled away. "Nooo, please baby let me kiss you." Lauren scurried off the bed and into the bathroom. "Are you okay Lauren?" Camila called out to her worriedly. Lauren reemerged with a toothbrush in her mouth. "I have morning breath, sorry." She mumbled. Camila breathed a sigh of relief and put a hand to her chest. "Come brush your teeth." Lauren nodded her head to the bathroom and spat into the sink. "You had me worried, I thought you were gonna be sick." Lauren just pouted and kissed her temple, wrapping her arms around her waist from behind. "Sorry babygirl." Camila spat into the sink and put her toothbrush back. "It's okay, just kiss me again and make it better." The Cuban turned around in her arms. "But I didn't mean to scare you Camzi, I'm sorry." "Stop saying sorry, kiss me or I'll get mad at you and I don't want to get mad on my first day as your wife." Lauren laughed and kissed her softly. "What do you want to do today? We all leave separately, I think the girls have left already, but we actually have to be out of this hotel by 6 o'clock." Camila shrugged. "A day cuddling in a massive bed watching Friends on Netflix sounds pretty great to me." Lauren rolled her eyes. "We're in Disneyland." "I've done everything already, I just want have a nice day in with my wife, if it'll make you feel better we'll go out for lunch." Lauren nodded. "I'll take that." The newly wedded girls had gotten through about 5 episodes before Lauren prised Camila away from clicking on the next one to go out. "It's for your own good." Lauren nudged her as Camila walked stubbornly with a frown on her face. "I hate you." "You love me." "I know and it sucks." Camila huffed making Lauren laugh. "You married me just yesterday, what, do you want a divorce because I made you stop watching Friends to get food?" "No way that's stupid." Camila pouted as she grabbed Lauren's arm and pecked her lips. "I love you, and I'd never get a divorce." Lauren grinned. "Good. Does that mean I'm forgiven?" Camila shook her head. "No. Not unless you make me banana pancakes tomorrow morning." Lauren smiled and kissed her nose. "I know you, you can't stay mad at me any longer." "But you'll still make me those banana pancakes because you love me." Lauren sighed and nodded. "Yes I will." "That's what I thought." Camila winked at her. "But technically I didn't even do anything wrong Camz." Lauren said as she caught up with Camila. "You're just upset I love Friends more than you." Camila teased. "Fine I'll just leave you to fuck your laptop then." Camila made a disgusted face. "That's weird, shut up. Wait here and I'll get us a table." The Cuban smiled and Lauren nodded. The couple were half way through their food before Lauren's phone went off. She pulled out her phone and saw she had a message from her father to call him. "Hi Dad, are you okay?" The next words made Lauren have to catch her breath. "It's your mom Lauren." "Why are you using Dad's phone?" She asked hesitantly. "Well because it's important and I know you would have ignored me had I been calling on my own phone." Lauren agreed with that, it was likely for sure. "Why is it important Mom? Is everything okay?" "First off I want to say I'm really sorry for the way I acted towards you lately. I'm sure you heard about Leah." Lauren put down her fork and looked at Camila who frowned at her worriedly. "Yeah. I heard about my replacement." She said bitterly. Camila reached over for Lauren's free hand at the table and Lauren held it obediently. "Leah was in between being fostered, we offered to take her in while the process was being completed. It was only ever temporary sweetie. I've acted like I have because I don't want to lose my babygirl, it's hard for me to accept that I might sweetheart." Lauren felt her heart tug at her words. "No it's okay momma, I understand. I forgive you." She heard her mother sniffing on the other side and smiled slightly. "Hey I'll come over to you guys when I get back, I'll see you around 8:30?" Clara agreed and they exchanged I love you's before Lauren hung up with a smile. "I'm glad you've finally sorted things out between you, I was actually getting worried you never would." Camila said as she called for the bill. "She's my Mom, I love her." Lauren admitted as she rubbed at her tired eyes. "I'll call us a cab to take us home." "That's probably going to cost a lot Camz." "Sometimes I think that you forget I own a business." "Oh right. Go ahead then." Lauren giggled, yawning. "You're really sleepy, aren't you baby?" Lauren nodded as they waited on the sidewalk for their car to arrive. "You can sleep on the journey home, then you'll be refreshed when you go and see your family." "I will. You should come." Lauren offered. "Okay sure, why not." Camila smiled. When they arrived at the Jauregui house, they were greeted fondly by Lauren's parents and Clara made sure to hug her daughter for a longer time than usual. "I'm sorry mija, te amo." Lauren just smiled against her shoulder before she pulled away. "Yeah I know you are. Te amo mama. Where are Chris and Taylor?" Clara seemed to stiffen. "They're in their rooms. But, I don't think they want to see you baby." Lauren frowned. "Don't be silly mami, of course they do." Camila held onto her arm as she was going upstairs. "Lo do you want me to go and get you some water?" Lauren smiled at the girl. "Yes please beautiful. I'll be back in a sec." "Okay mama." Camila kissed her cheek and let Lauren continue up the stairs to see her siblings. "Hey Taylor." Lauren knocked on the door and opened it, not thinking anything of it. Taylor scowled at the voice. "What do you want?" "Tay! I came to see you all, aren't you happy to see me?" Taylor flicked to the next page of her magazine. "Nope. Laters." Lauren frowned and hesitated before she left her sister be. "Fine, see you." She mumbled before she went to Chris' room. "Yo lil bro!" Lauren said as she walked into Chris' room, the door was open. "Heya Lauren!" He grinned and brought the girl into a hug. "At least you're happy to see me." She giggled as she wrapped his arms around him. "Of course! Why? Who's not happy to see you?" "Taylor." Lauren rolled her eyes. "She's in a bad mood today. Ignore her sis." Lauren nodded and sat on his bed. "So, anything happen lately? I heard about Lily." Chris looked down. "Yeah, sorry about that. I was only teasing Camila. I'm sorry we couldn't make the wedding. I was uhm, I need to talk to you about something." Lauren crossed her legs and listened intently. "What's up?" "How would you feel if I joined the army?" He asked curiously. Lauren had an expression he couldn't read. "I'd be so incredibly proud of you, but don't get me wrong I'd miss you to death and worry my ass off about your safety, you are my little brother." "Good. Because I signed up yesterday." Lauren smiled. "I swear I'm not mad you guys missed the wedding, Taylor, she's a moody teen. I can sort of understand it, Mom and I were fighting, and you were doing such an amazing thing. I'm proud of you kid. I hope you know that." She nudged him lightly. "Yeah yeah, come hug me." He smiled and Lauren laughed and hugged her brother again. "Listen, Camz and I are heading off in about an hour, so do you wanna come down and see us for a bit before we go?" Chris nodded and followed his elder sister out. "Taylor! Come see Camila and Lauren!" Chris shouted. "I have a stomach ache!" She called back. Lauren giggled, of course, now she was catching on. "Don't worry sis, I'll bring you some chocolate and a glass of milk!" Taylor whined. "Thank you Lauren!" Lauren laughed and went downstairs to help out her little sister. Camila was at the bottom of the stairs waiting for her wife and Lauren nearly jumped out of her skin when she scared her. "Camila!" Lauren gasped when she got the shock of her life. "Sorry babe. Is everything okay now?" "I don't know. Tay's on her period, and Chris wants to join the army." Camila's eyes widened. "Wow, that's really big of him." Lauren smiled, looking over to her younger brother, who was helping their mom clean the dishes. "He's a good guy. I'm very proud of the man he's become." "You played a part in it." Camila smiled and Lauren hummed. "I uh, need to get back to Taylor." She said, speeding past her girlfriend to get a bar of chocolate and a glass of milk. "Here you go little one." Lauren teased as she gave her the chocolate. "Thanks, I'm sorry I snapped at you." Taylor pouted. "It's okay, I've done it to you many a time. Can I help you with anything else?" "I'm revising for my exam next Tuesday, test me?" "Sure." Lauren smiled and spent the next hour helping her sister. "You're gonna ace this shit Taylor." "Thanks Lo, and thanks for your help." Taylor smiled as she put away her books and revision cards. "Anytime babe, can I have a hug before I go?" Taylor smiled and hugged her before she groaned in pain. "Have you taken anything for the pain?" Taylor nodded. "I hate Mother Nature, why can't she just hit us up with a text 'Hey Taylor Jauregui, you're not pregnant, have a nice day!' That'd be much better than this shit." Lauren laughed. "You're right. But I would take period pains over cancer any day of the week." Taylor's face fell and Lauren put a hand on her knee. "Sorry babe." She heard Camila call her name upstairs, it was time to go. "I'll call you tomorrow. Is that okay?" Taylor asked and Lauren kissed her forehead before she got up. "Of course, see you later Tay, I hope you feel better." Taylor fell back on the bed tiredly. "Thanks. Love you." "Love you more." Lauren blew a kiss before she went down the stairs to her family and wife. "Sorry guys, I was helping Taylor with her homework." "Oh that was nice of you kiddo, thank you." Mike smiled. "Sure Dad, I'll drop by soon." Camila tugged on her hand making her wife look at her, she looked upset, and come to think of it, her mom did look a bit angry. "Uh, yeah, see you later then. Goodnight." Lauren said and pulled her wife out of the house. "Hey, baby what happened?" Lauren asked as Camila let out a strangled sob, wrapping her arms around her wife. "Shh, did something happen?" Camila nodded. "Can we go home?" Lauren frowned and kissed her temple. "Yes baby we can go home. We'll talk about it when we get in." Camila got in the passenger seat while Lauren drove, the ride was silent aside from the light hum of the engine. When they got inside Camila went straight to the bathroom meanwhile Lauren took her coat off and waited patiently. After about 5 minutes Camila came out, and she looked like she'd been crying, and at the sight of her worried wife, Camila ended up crying again. Lauren pulled Camila over to her by her wrist and sat her down in her lap. "What's wrong?" Camila didn't say anything in response to Lauren's words. "Are you just having another bad day?" Camila shook her head. "Did..did my mom say something to you?" Camila tensed. "What did she say Camz?" "She said..she told me I'm not good enough for you." Lauren was livid, but she couldn't show it. "She's so wrong, you're more than good enough. You're exceptional baby, you're worth more than me if anything. I love you to death Camila, please don't believe what she told you. Honestly my mom doesn't know what she's talking about." Camila sniffled and leant her head on Lauren's shoulder. "I'll talk to her later." Lauren said stiffly. "Don't yell at her, it was my fault really. I kinda yelled at her for not coming to our wedding." Lauren sighed tiredly. "Camz it wasn't important, and that's no excuse for what she said." "I think it is! She's your mother, she gave birth to you and she's meant to be there to see that special moment. But she still didn't come, I thought that was special but maybe it was different for you. I'm sorry." Camila sighed. "Camila look at me." Lauren said softly. "What is it?" Camila asked nervously. "You're right, it is a special moment. Yes, it would have been nice to have all of my family there, and all of yours too. Realistically though, the main purpose of it was to marry the love of my life, you. At the end of the day I wouldn't have cared if we'd gotten married in a forest alone with a priest. All that mattered to me is marrying you." Camila looked up at Lauren adoringly. "You always know exactly what to say." Lauren smiled at her sweetly. "Do you feel better now?" Camila nodded and kissed her lips for a few seconds. "Thank you mí amor." "Te amo." Lauren reminded her. In bed at around midnight, they were just about to fall asleep when Camila turned over and stared at Lauren. "You're so special Lauren." Lauren blushed wildly in the low light. "Did you know that?" Lauren hesitantly shook her head. "Honestly I don't get what you see in me at times." Camila pouted. "Everything you hate about yourself, I absolutely adore it, you needn't worry about why you're special to me, just make sure that you remember it." Lauren sighed contently and stared back at her wife before she spoke hesitantly in a scared voice. "I have another chemo session tomorrow and I'm scared, what if they keep me in again?" Camila reached out, stroking Lauren's hair out of her face. "Don't be scared. I won't let that happen baby." "Do you promise me?" Lauren gulped nervously, Camila enveloped Lauren in a hug and kissed her head. "Yes." "Do you think I'll beat it?" Camila sighed, how did she respond to that? "I hope so baby."

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