Flashback: Camila and Lauren First Meet

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"Come onnnn, I'm starving and I'm not about to eat alone." "I know." "Please come." Dinah complained. "Dinah would you chill? I'm coming." Lauren rolled her eyes. "You're not the only one who's hungry. I'm sorry we skipped lunch, but next week's history test was bugging me. I needed help to study.." Dinah ignored everything after the words I'm coming. The Polynesian clapped excitedly and jumped up and down on the spot. "Yay! Can we go off campus though? I'm sick of this school's shitty ass food." She huffed, crossing her arms in a momentary sulk. Their school really needed to change up the menus, and get better chefs. "Yeah alright." Lauren smiled as she shut her locker. "Cool, let's go." Dinah grabbed Lauren's hand and pulled her out of the school. "God okay I'm coming, calm down." Lauren chuckled at her best friend. "I told you already, I'm hungry." "Okay so where's the nearest place off campus to eat?" Lauren questioned rationally. "Uhh, I don't know. Let's just go to the first place we see." "Alright." Lauren shrugged. Suddenly, Dinah's phone went off signalling she had a text. "Ooh, my friend wants to come too. D'you mind?" "Sure thing." Lauren half smiled, trying to just find somewhere to eat. Lauren pointed out a casual restaurant to Dinah, who nodded and texted her friend back to meet them there. Lauren and Dinah got a booth and scanned their eyes over the menu while they waited for Dinah's friend who would be joining them. "Hi, sorry I'm a little late." The girl said in such an angelic voice that Lauren turned around. Her heart almost stopped, she swore on it. Wow, she's so beautiful. "Hi Chancho!" Dinah stood up and hugged the girl with a wide smile on her face. "Who's this?" Camila asked. "This is my best friend." Lauren snapped herself out of her daze and coughed. "Hi, I'm Lauren." "Lauren, hi. I'm Camila." Lauren caught her eyes and they were undoubtedly the most beautiful shade of brown she had ever seen. "Well it's nice to meet you Camila." "Y-Yeah, you too Lauren." Camila stuttered before sliding into the booth, next to Dinah. Lauren wondered why she stuttered but thought nothing of it. Perhaps she was just nervous around new people. Dinah simply smirked as she observed the two girls' cute shyness around each other. Little was it known to both girls sat at the both that either one was gay. But she was determined to get them together romantically. It was obvious at first sight they thought either person was attractive. "So anyway," Dinah broke the silence making Lauren and Camila both look at her instead of Camila looking at her menu, and Lauren looking, well no, staring at Camila. "shall we order?" Dinah cleared the tension. "Oh yeah. Right." Lauren muttered breathlessly. Damn, Lauren only met her five minutes ago and Camila seemed to have managed to take her breath away. Incredible. Camila took the opportunity to assess Lauren's appearance properly as she looked at the waitress to order her own food. Dinah ordered next but Camila wasn't quite quick enough to look down before Lauren met her eyes. Camila subconsciously bit down on her bottom lip, and Lauren thought her heart may well have jumped out of her chest from the action. Shit Lauren, get it together already. "So Camila," Dinah suddenly interrupted the staring contest. "why don't you tell Lauren a little bit about yourself." "Oh, uh sure." Camila blushed with embarrassment. Had she been staring into her eyes that long? She thought she only glanced into the green orbs. "I'm studying design and business. I love singing and uh, I'm six.." Lauren's intense gaze on her face made her lose track of her sentence. "Well damn, that's news to me." Camila turned to Dinah at her comment, she'd undeniably lost her focus. "What's news to you?" "You're six?" Dinah smirked. Camila was totally hopeless at first meetings with new people. Especially when they were as attractive as Lauren. Who by the way was quite obviously holding back a laugh. "No! No sorry, I'm sixteen. I'm not six I promise." She hurried out her words. Good job Camila, you're officially the queen of messing up in front of hot girls. Nice one. "Well," Lauren cleared her throat. "I'm glad. It's cool you're studying business. Do you enjoy it?" "I do actually. Someday I want to own my own clothes store." Camila smiled at her brightly. Thank God her nerves were dissipating. "That's cool." Lauren smiled. What idiots, don't they know how to flirt? Dinah groaned internally. "What about you?" Camila directed at Lauren. "Me? Oh, I've not really thought much about my career specifically. I'm just kinda going with the flow. But I love drawing and stuff, I'm like totally obsessed with art. But I love singing too, like you." "See, there we go! You guys have something in common." Dinah smiled, leaning back in her seat. "Art is fascinating, I definitely agree with you. Do you have tumblr?" Camila asked interestedly. Stupid question, everyone has a tumblr Camila! "Yes I do. I reblog tons of art and quotes. I love writing and just the way words work. I've always loved English." "Me too!" Camila exclaimed excitedly. "Sometimes I post song covers on there too." Lauren beamed. "That's it. You're clearly made for each other, you're definitely soulmates at heart." Dinah put a hand on her chest dramatically. "Shut up Di." Lauren laughed, reaching over the table to smack her arm. "Well write down your tumblr on a napkin and I'll follow you." Oh come on, really Camila? Dinah rolled her eyes. "Orrrr," Dinah interjected. "You could give Lauren your number and she could text it to you." Do I have to do all the work here?? "Oh right! Sorry, of course." Camila blushed. Lauren giggled and it instantly became Camila's favourite sound ever in the whole world. "Here." Camila held up her phone, her number shown on the screen. Lauren took out her phone and inserted it into her contacts. "I'll text it now, just to see that it's definitely the right number." Lauren said and Camila's phone dinged. The words ssweet-dispositionn written in a white bubble. "I'll text mine back." Camila informed out loud as she typed waakeme-up and it slid up the screen in a blue bubble. After some more staring on Camila and Lauren's part into one another's eyes, Dinah got bored and decided to let them both know she was actually there too. "Sorry." Lauren apologised honestly. It felt like Camila and herself were the only people in the room aside from when Dinah was trying to set them up, to Lauren, she couldn't have been more obvious. "Oops. Sorry Cheechee." Camila pouted. "It's alright lovebirds." Dinah teased. "Aaaaaand the food's here!" Lauren raised her voice to avoid further interrogation from her best friend. Thank God, she'd definitely give the waitress a tip for her exceptional timing. "Enjoy the food ladies." She said politely before she left the trio to it. Lauren saw the way both Dinah and Camila dug heartily into their food and chuckled. What weirdos. Now Lauren was hungry too, don't get her wrong, but she found that she was considerably more interested in Camila than her grilled cheese. About halfway into her cheeseburger and fries, Camila felt a pair of eyes on her and looked up. She met the green eyed girls gaze and blushed, causing Lauren to blush too. Camila became aware she was eating like a starved caveman and decided for the sake of first impressions and the very attractive girl in front of her, to slow down. But it was a little late, since Lauren had her eyes on her the whole time. "Not hungry?" Camila questioned curiously when she saw Lauren's sandwich untouched. "Oh, uh, not really." She lied. Dinah looked at her best friend and raised an eyebrow. "Oh come on, eat a little Lauren for me?" Lauren met Camila's chocolate brown puppy dog eyes and saw her bottom lip jerked out in a little pout and couldn't resist.  "Okay." Lauren just couldn't help the small smile that appeared, gracing her already magnificently perfect features, according to Camila's mind. Dinah glanced over at Camila, silently thanking her for intervening. Camila gave a small nod and returned to her own food. Lunch passed by pretty quietly after that and they all departed. "I'd better go, I have to pick up my little sister from school." Camila said regretfully. "Okay Mila." "No worries, see you soon." Lauren wanted to see her again?? Wow. "Uh yeah okay, sounds good. I'll text you!" Dinah gave a light chuckle at her enthusiasm. "Okay, I'll look forward to it." Lauren dared to send a wink her way. "I'll probably be stalking your tumblr, so you won't forget to do it." Camila giggled and nodded. "I'll check yours out too." "Okay I'm bored let's go." Dinah pulled Lauren away and huffed impatiently. "Alright Dinah I'm coming! Bye Camila!" "Bye Lauren!" Camila called after the green eyed beauty and sighed contently. Camila watched the pair walk away until they were out of view, before going to pick up her sister. Needless to say the entire walk there, Lauren filled her thoughts.

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