Chapter 7

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Camila actually had quite a lot of the day to waste without Lauren, so she decided to invite Dinah over for some company. But when she texted her, it was sadly come to light that she was too busy to come over. Camila tried Normani next, who was much more than happy to see Camila, she'd missed her company individually a lot. The girl arrived before they knew it and Camila pulled her into an infamous koala hug. "I missed you Mani." Camila pouted to which Normani smiled and ruffled her hair as she hugged her back. "I missed you too Mila, so where is Lauren this fine day?" Camila had found herself grinning at the question "She's getting stuff ready for tonight, we have a date." Normani gasped "Yay!! I swear Lauren is like the best girlfriend in the history of girlfriends ever. I mean, this coming from someone hella straight." Camila laughed at her enthusiasm. "I'm glad you think so, she's picking me up at 8. So what do you want to do for the next maybe, 7 hours before I have to go get ready?" Normani hummed in thought "Well why don't we both go get some breakfast, since I haven't eaten yet and I doubt you have either cause you have sex hair and morning breath." Normani teased making Camila's eyes widen "Oh my god Normani! What the hell!!" She covered her mouth in horror. "It's fine girl we've all been there, done that. But what do you say we get some food in our stomachs and go to the trampoline house? I'll even invite Ally if you want." Camila shook her head "No I want this to be our day, I'm gonna go change and brush my teeth, I'll be down in 10." She scarpered up the stairs and before she knew it she was back to see Normani on her phone. "Ready?" She looked up at Camila with a bright smile painted on her face. "When am I not ready for food?" She chuckled "Good point Mila, I gotchu." Normani clicked her fingers and made finger guns before joining her out the door.

"So what have you been up to lately, I haven't seen you by ourselves in a little while?" Camila sparked up a small talk conversation before shoving her eggs into her mouth making Normani smile at her eagerness. "Well," she covered her mouth to chew before she spoke again. "I've done a hell of a lot of stupid baby sitting." She complained making Camila laugh "Why don't you just get another job Moni?" Camila teased at her tone making Normani roll her eyes. "You try job searching and see how far you get." Camila smirked as she took a bite of a slice of toast. "I don't need to Normani, I actually own a business." Normani had a glint in her eye, "What if I worked for you?" Camila hummed in thought and watched as Normani took a sip of her drink, she also eyed her outfit for the day, which did look magnificent. "You always did have a fashion eye, I'll give you a taster day and you can see how you like it. I'll get my colleague Taylor to sort something out for you." Camila agreed brightly "But hey, there are no promises. If it goes shit then it's a no, I can't have my business go downhill for you, we've been doing so well this year it's great!" Normani squealed "Really?! I won't let you down Mila, thanks girl." Camila smiled and lay a hand on hers, "There's no pressure, right? Honestly just do your best and everything will be fine. I'm your friend before your boss." Camila smiled and Normani giggled at the thought of her being her new boss if things worked out. The two by now had both finished their breakfasts, so they eagerly made their way over to the trampoline house. They spent a good few hours there before they went for lunch and finished their day off with a trip to the mall. "I am exhausted, but I had so much fun with you today Mani." Camila smiled when Normani dropped her off home "I had fun with you too Mila." Camila kissed her cheek before getting out the car. "Good. I'll text you at some time tomorrow about your taster day. Don't worry about it, it'll all be fine as long as you stay focused and just be yourself." She advised her friend whole heartedly. "I believe in your skills Mani." Normani smiled at her heartfelt words. "Thank you Mila, I love you millions." Camila smiled wider than she intended at the compliment "I love you billions! Bye!" She waved and went inside. The time was 7:40 so she had just enough time to sort herself out and be ready and waiting for her date.

Camila heard the doorbell go at exactly 8 and wondered who was at the door at this time of night. When she opened it to reveal Lauren she smirked. "Are you serious? You have a key." Lauren rolled her eyes. "I'm trying to be chivalrous." She smiled before pulling out a single red rose in full bloom from behind her back, presenting the flower proudly to Camila. "Aw Lolo, it's so pretty. Thank you." She took it, carefully avoiding the thorns where she placed her finger and thumb. "Let me just go put it in some water and we can go." Camila smiled, and then did just that. Lauren waited patiently and took in Camila's effortless beauty as she watched her walk. "You look amazing tonight babe, very cute." Camila smiled brightly "So do you Lolo, now where are we going?" She asked as she headed for the car until Lauren had pulled her back. "We don't need the car tonight babe, we're walking." Lauren smiled, Camila was about to complain until she saw the smile she loved so much, then decided against it. "Okay." She leaned over and kissed Lauren's lips sweetly. The walk lead the girls into a secluded area of the park, Camila gasped when she took in the sight of what Lauren had prepared for them. "It's beautiful!" She slowly made her way over to the picnic Lauren prepared with romantic foods such as chocolate strawberries, marshmallows and finger sandwiches, very English, she thought on the last one. Lauren smiled bashfully. "Well I hoped you would like it," she said and pointed to the pizza box Camila had somehow missed while taking in the beauty of the picnic. "YOU GOT US PIZZA TOO?!" She gasped as if it was the most amazing thing in the world. "Of course I did. It wouldn't be a proper date with you if there was no pizza." Lauren chuckled, Camila sat down carefully on the wide spread blanket Lauren had set out. "So thoughtful." She smiled and patted the spot next to her where Lauren sat down too. She was true to her word on being chivalrous, Lauren even fed Camila chocolate strawberries. Anyone else in the world probably would have found the gesture either stereotypical or stupid; Camila just thought it was adorable. "This is so perfect." Camila hummed and Lauren got out a bottle of champagne that she hadn't noticed was sitting in a bucket of ice. "Wow.." She breathed as Lauren brought the champagne filled glass up to her lips, as a result Camila left an unintentional lipstick stain on the clear glass. "How are you enjoying our date?" Lauren smiled, Camila's eyes widened "Are you kidding me? It's so amazing Laur, you're amazing." She turned to kiss her and Lauren smiled lightly as she pulled away. "Good, because it's not over yet." Lauren got up and held out her hand for Camila to take, who just looked dumbstruck by the idea. "Wait, there's more?" She gasped and Lauren nodded with a smile. "Come with me." Camila had no hesitation in accepting Lauren's offer as she walked them into the forest. "Why is there a tent Laur?" Camila said puzzled and Lauren giggled "You always did say to me you wanted to sleep under the stars one day, so this has a clear patch on the roof part which you can open, and close if it rains. But I don't think it will, I did actually check the weather forecast for tonight." She said proudly and Camila grinned "You remembered? I said that to you like a year ago." Lauren shook her head, "A year and 3 months ago to be exact. But yeah, I remember everything about you Camz, I love you." Camila wrapped her arms around Lauren's neck excitedly. "I love you too, this is so cute." Lauren loved seeing the adorable smile on her face more than anything. So despite the massive fight she got herself into with some guy over this being the last tent in the shop, it was all forgotten when she saw Camila's smile. "Babe are you not coming inside the tent?" Camila asked, as Lauren stood there alone in thought, only just noticing Camila stood by the tent in anticipation. "Actually I thought that we could roast these first." Lauren said showing Camila the marshmallows she had brought without her noticing. "But there's no campfire." Lauren laughed "Yes there is, it's over there. Dinah is over there keeping it alight for us as we speak." Camila realised now that Dinah was busy helping Lauren all day for the date. "Ohh, so that's why she couldn't hang out earlier." Lauren furrowed her eyebrows "Nothing to do with me, I just texted her half an hour ago to start the campfire for us. I don't know what she was doing all day but she wasn't with me." She shrugged and Camila nodded and graciously took Lauren's hand she held out for her again. So Lauren lead them over to the campfire where Dinah was gone and a note was left on a long with 2 prongs for their marshmallows. "Have fun tonight losers, Lauren, you owe me 5 bucks for this." Lauren rolled her eyes and scrunched up the note, she was about the throw it into the fire for extra fuel but Camila stopped her "I want to keep it stop." She took the note from Lauren and un-scrunched it, then folded it up neatly and put it into her pocket, earning her a questioning look from Lauren. "I wanted something to remember this night, not that I think I could ever forget it." Camila explained making Lauren smile. "That's so sweet, sit down, I'll get to roasting these." She said before grabbing the box of gram crackers and chocolate Dinah had left hidden behind the log. Camila's mouth made an o shape when she saw Lauren retrieve them. "Oh my god Lauren! Are we making s'mores??" Lauren laughed "Well yeah why else would I have these with me?" Camila smiled so much she knew her cheeks would hurt tomorrow. "I've never made s'mores before. Have you?" Camila asked to which Lauren nodded. "I know you haven't baby, so I'm gonna teach you tonight. Here take this." She carefully put a marshmallow on a prong and gave it to Camila. "Be careful, don't burn it or yourself." She said seriously, but of course Camila has burnt a total of 4 marshmallows before Lauren took over the role. "Okay why don't I roast the marshmallow. You get the gram cracker and snap it in half." Now that was something Camila could do. The brunette did surprise herself and Lauren when it broke evenly. "Now get a piece of chocolate and put it on a cracker, I'll put the marshmallow on it then you put the other cracker on top." Lauren instructed, Camila just watched the process in what was nothing short of amazement as the gooey white marshmallow pressed into the chocolate melting it with its heat. "Woah.." She said in awe making Lauren giggle. "Be careful, wait for a minute before you eat it, it's hot." Camila actually had to stop herself in realisation, Lauren knew she was eager but she didn't want Camila to burn her tongue. When it was cool enough to try Camila loved it and held a thumbs up for Lauren with a chocolatey smile, she giggled and Camila pouted in adorable confusion. "What's so funny?" Lauren smiled in adoration "You got a little.." She trailed and Camila looked down in embarrassment "Oopsie." She went to wipe around her mouth but Lauren was opposed to that idea and kissed Camila gently, swiping her wet tongue over the sweetness of the chocolate. Camila had to keep her eyes shut for a minute as she savoured the moment when Lauren pulled away. "Open your eyes now you dork." Lauren smiled and Camila gave her a smile back. "Who needs napkins anyways." Camila giggled. Lauren gave her a flask to which Camila assessed it curiously. "It's hot chocolate babe, I put some marshmallows in it too. Take it." Lauren smiled, she just wanted to see Camila with a frothy moustache if she was honest. Sure enough Camila took a sip and there it was. "I know you did that on purpose Lauren. I'm not stupid, I'm clumsy, but I'm not stupid." Lauren rested her chin in her hands and gave her a smile. "It's a win, win situation." She said and Camila raised an eyebrow "How so?" Lauren smiled and got close. "You get hot chocolate, and I get to kiss you." She leaned in and Camila did the same thing before whispering against her lips "You know you don't need to give me hot chocolate to kiss me." Camila said "I know, but I wanted this date to be perfect." Lauren said connecting their lips, she couldn't have waited for any longer if she tried. "Let's get back to the tent, the stars are coming out." Lauren noticed, so she signalled for Camila to stand back and grabbed the bucket of water, standing away herself, and put out the fire leaving a sizzling sound as they walked back to their tent. Lauren saw that Dinah was true to her word and packed up their picnic but another note was left reading "Better make it 10 bucks." Lauren huffed, Dinah was very sweet and all, but it came with a price sometimes. Lauren gave the note to Camila and she did the same as with the last note, except this one wasn't scrunched up. They got into the tent which was filled with fluffy blankets and large comfy looking pillows, it was just like a dream date tonight. Lauren unzipped the opening and then stuck the velcro to the side of the tent so she sat with Camila. "They're all so pretty." Camila smiled and lay her head on her shoulder, Lauren hummed and got out a bear, handing it to Camila. It was an old style bear from an antique store but she knew Camila would love it, and she did. "Aw Lauren, it's so cute. Hey he's got a note in his paw." She noticed "If this is Dinah asking you for some more money I'm paying half the price." She said making Lauren laugh "No it's not from Dinah. Read it." Lauren said and Camila carefully unraveled the note.

Dear Camila,
I hope that our date went as perfect as I had hoped it would. I love seeing you smile so wide and so much your cheeks will hurt the next day. You make me so happy and I don't think I say that as much as I should. You're the best thing that ever came out of Dinah being the little matchmaker she is, introducing us was something that changed my life and yours too. You mean a lot to me, I love you so much. There's a lot that I love about you; let me list them. I love your mind, the way it comes out with the most thoughtful and intelligent things, the way you always know just what to say. I love your brown puppy dog eyes, I know you always say they seem boring compared to mine but where you see dullness I see a light in them it could even beat the sun. I love your little button nose and the way it scrunches up when you laugh and when I bop your nose to annoy you. I love your smile so much, and your lips Camz, God I could kiss them all day. I love the way you listen so carefully to people and remember the important things, and back them up when things go wrong. I love your beautiful brown hair and the way it effortlessly looks so perfect the way it cascades down your back. I love your collarbones too, they are the definition of perfect ones. I love your perky little breasts, even if you hate them. I love your incredibly toned stomach, and the little faint scar on it from when you got appendicitis. I love your hips, which are so perfect it's so unreal. I love your thighs which are so toned too it's amazing. Need I even say I love your ass and you know, the other thing? I doubt it. I love your little feet and how damn amazingly ticklish you are. I love your big heart and how much you care for people and animals, as well as all the little things. I love your soul and how passionate you can get when you talk about something that you love, like feminism, or pizza. There's a specific light in your eyes when you do that. You're kind and caring and you show me your vulnerable side above anyone else, even your own family. I love how you're never afraid to be yourself, the silly, clumsy, adorable dork that you are. I love your voice, I fucking love your voice. The way it's raspy in the morning and soothing when I cry in your arms. I love the way you sing to me because you only ever really sing in the shower. The point is I love you Camila. I am so uncontrollably in love with you, Karla Camila Cabello. I love all of you, every single part and I always will, because we're soul mates like you said and we'll be there for all the time we're on this planet and when we die, even when I die, well if I die, I know you hate me talking about it. It is a possibility and we both know it. I guess what I'm asking you now, which this is probably out of the blue for you but I'd love to know, will you marry me Camz?

Camila finished reading and looked up to see Lauren holding an open velvet black box with a gorgeous ring inside it. "I know it's a big question, and I don't expect you to make such a big decision right now..but Camz it's been such an honour to call you my girlfriend for the last 3 years and I've thought about this a lot before now. I think I knew from the first moment we met I wanted to do this, I didn't quite know how I would, but I knew I would do it. It's just that I love you so much, and you love me too right? So I was just wondering if we.." Camila cut Lauren off with her lips and kissed the girl like never before. Both girls were breathless and they leaned their foreheads together, Camila could feel Lauren's shaky breathing due to her nerves and smiled. "Of course I'll marry you Lauren." Lauren grinned at her "For real? Seriously?" Camila just smiled and nodded. "If I wanted to call anyone in the world my wife, I would want it to be you every time, Lauren Jauregui." Lauren then let out a shaky breath she didn't realise she even was holding in. "I don't know if this will influence your decision at all, but can we wait? I just don't want to overload our lives with wedding plans and stress while I have, you know. Plus I don't want to make you a possible widow, people are engaged for years so it's not like it'd be out of the ordinary as such." Camila firmly nodded "Yes baby we can wait, I'd wait forever for you if I had to." Lauren grinned at Camila and kissed her new fiancé. Camila pulled apart when she saw something as she opened her eyes. "Laur look! A shooting star! Make a wish!" Lauren looked up at the sky as she felt Camila cuddle up to her. "I don't need to, it's already come true."

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