Flashback: First Date

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Camila and Lauren had been hanging out all Saturday morning at the mall, and alone for a change. Usually Camila got anxious and ended up dragging Dinah out with her to see Lauren since they were best friends and she knew the girl better than her. But this one time, Dinah was sick. Well Camila seemed to believe she was, but Lauren knew it was a lie because she'd actually spent the night at Dinah's place before meeting Camila. So there they were, examining various records in an old music store, although their music was up to date. It was Lauren's idea to go there, but Camila didn't mind. The more she got to know Lauren, the more she enjoyed her company and realised there was nothing to be afraid of. Lauren had this essence about her that just made you feel calm and relaxed in her presence. Lauren picked up the new Lana Del Rey record and held it up victoriously. "Finally! Okay, I'm gonna buy this record real quick. Are you getting anything?" Camila shook her head and Lauren gave a smile and nod before she proceeded on to the counter where a casually dressed, friendly looking man was waiting for her. Camila took the short amount of time to look around the store properly. She didn't just look at the records, she looked at the posters, the walls and the decorations. It looked old and run down on the outside, but the inside was artistic and beautiful in its own way. Any music lover would appreciate it. "Ready to go Camz?" Lauren appeared at her side waiting happily, her suddenness made Camila jump. "Uh, yeah. Yeah I am, sorry." "You okay?" Lauren tilted her head to the side as she asked the question. "Yeah I'm fine Lauren, I was just appreciating the decor." Lauren scanned the place briefly and nodded. "Yeah it's very nice in here, I come here a lot." It wasn't just records that they sold. There were CDs, musical instruments (mainly guitars), guitar strings, flutes, music books - you name it, and they probably had it. "Let's go then, I need to get back for my guitar lesson." Camila said, noticing the way Lauren grabbed hold of her hand as they left the store. But then how could she not? She'd been crushing on the girl for the past two weeks since they had met. Lauren had brought her car with her, so she offered Camila a quick ride home. Camila told Lauren she could get the bus home, but Lauren insisted. Just as Lauren slowed down to let the Cuban out, she stopped her by addressing her. "Can I ask you something?" Camila stopped in her tracks and turned to face Lauren. "Yeah, of course, what's up?" "Will you go on a date with me tonight?" Camila's cheeks flushed red and she nodded with a wide smile painting her face uncontrollably. "Yes." "Yes?" Lauren smiled back brightly. "Yes Lauren, I would love to go on a date with you." "Awesome, what time does your lesson finish?" "6 o'clock. I'm going home early because I have some chores to do before my teacher arrives." "That's fine, so I'll pick you up at 8:30?" "Why 8:30?" "Because seven is cliche." Lauren said simply. "Plus, I have an idea for what we're gonna do." "Okay, 8:30 it is." Camila smiled before she opened the door. "See you tonight!" Lauren said as Camila shut the door. Camila gave a small and sweet wave before she turned around and walked up the path leading her to the front door. Lauren didn't leave until Camila had gone inside and straight away she headed over to Dinah's to tell her the news and her plans. She had thought a lot about asking Camila on a date over the past couple days. She knew she had a crush on Camila, and it was also obvious the girl felt the same way. Now it was just about starting things off with the perfect date. Lauren was sure Dinah would like her idea, she had to admit she was pretty proud of it herself. Dinah's mother opened the door and told her Dinah was in her room and to make her way up. Lauren opened the door hurriedly. "Oh hi Lau-" "I ASKED CAMILA ON A FUCKING DATE!" Dinah raised her eyebrows at her loudness and chuckled. "I think you'd better come inside and tell me the deal." Lauren came in and shut the door behind her. "Come sit down, tell Dinah what happened." Dinah couldn't help but smirk at her own words. "Don't!" Lauren whined. "Okay, okay seriously. Give me the details." "So Camila and I went to the mall this morning, right, which by the way thanks for ditching!" "I had to!" Dinah defended. "How else were y'all gonna make the next move already?" Lauren rolled her eyes, she supposed she had a fair point. "Okay so we went to the music store last-" "Music City?" Dinah clarified. "That's the one. So we went there and Camila had to get back to do chores and she had a guitar lesson, so I gave her a lift home." "Uh huh, and?" "And then I just went for it, I asked her out on a date. I'm picking her up at 8:30 tonight." "Nice one Lauser, gimme five!" Lauren giggled and high fived her friend. "So do you have a plan for this date?" "Yes!" "Oh wow, you really do?" "Yeah! I've been thinking a lot about this over the past few days. But I wanna run it past you to make sure it's okay." Lauren said nervously. "Okay, shoot." "I was gonna set up a little picnic, then take her down to the beach, so we could kinda paddle, eat the food and just chill out." "Awww," Dinah cooed. "Lo that sounds perfect! You're quite the charmer aren't you?" Dinah reached out to pinch her best friend's cheek but Lauren swatted her hand away just before she could. "So will you help me set it up?" "Yeah, but you better text Mila to bring her swimsuit with her." "You're right." Lauren said, getting her phone out.

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