Chapter 27

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"Babe, come on, it's time to wake up." Camila coaxed, Lauren opened one eye and closed it again. "What?" She huffed tiredly. "Guess what." "It's too early for this Camz, just tell me." Lauren sighed. "Pack your things." Camila said simply. "Why?" Lauren asked her sheepishly, keeping her tired eyes closed. "You're coming home babygirl." Camila grinned, Lauren's eyes shot open. "How??" She gasped. "All I had to do was have sex with the Head of the Department." Camila said nonchalantly, Lauren didn't take the hint. "Wh-You did what?!" Lauren shouted in horror "Lauren relax, I'm joking. It took some persuading, and arguing, and me using's a long story. But I signed the papers and you're free to come home." Lauren sat up "Are you sure they didn't throw me out the hospital?" Lauren chuckled as she packed her things. "No, no..I mean I'm fairly certain, oh what does it even matter." Camila shrugged. "The point is you're free, so pack up, and then I can finally take you home." Lauren grinned and pulled Camila towards her and then into a long and passionate kiss that Camila was happy to reciprocate. Lauren leaned her forehead against Camila's, Camila breathing heavily at the surprise action. "Thank you Camz, you're so amazing." Camila smiled and winked before she helped Lauren pack up her things. Lauren had never been so glad in her entire life to be woken up at 5 o'clock in the morning, she cuddled her stuffed Nala and turned to look at her fiancé. "I really love you." Lauren whispered. Camila looked at her for a second before she returned her eyes to the road. "Did you hear me Camz? I love you, I love you so much." Lauren just stared at Camila, who was driving them both home for once. "Yeah babe, I know you do, I love you too..forever and always." She mumbled. Lauren saw that Camila's mood had switched and decided to just address it when they got home. Home. It felt so good to know she was going home, it had been an exact time of 2 months and she wasn't sorry to leave that hospital ward in the slightest. Camila helped Lauren get her bag out of the car and opened the door for them to go inside. Lauren settled on dropping her bag at the door, she could deal with it later. Right now Lauren needed to focus on Camila, she followed her up and got into their bed, wrapping her arms around her and laying her head on her shoulder. "What's wrong?" Camila shook her head and sighed. Lauren stroked her arms lightly and kissed her cheek. "I'm here whenever you're ready, okay?" Camila nodded and stared ahead of her. "Can we sleep for a little while?" Camila asked softly. "I won't object." Lauren said gladly and rested her head in Camila's hair, breathing in her scent. "I love you." Lauren whispered. "I love you too." Camila whispered back with a small smile on her face that lasted only a moment. "Thank you for getting me out Camz." Camila closed her eyes and turned over in Lauren's arms, staring into her green eyes. "You're welcome. I really missed you." Lauren kissed the tip of her nose making Camila scrunch it up instinctively. "I missed you too." Camila nestled her head into Lauren's chest and cuddled up to her body. "I've missed holding you like this, like nothing else in the whole world matters." Lauren sighed contently. "Nothing does, nothing except for you, Lauren you are my world." Camila said effortlessly. "And you're mine babe." Lauren replied and closed her eyes. When Lauren woke up mid sleep later on, Camila was still in her arms doing anything but sleeping peacefully, she was awake and crying. "Camz..I hate when you're upset, come on, what's the matter?" Camila tightened her hold on Lauren and moved her head into her neck now that she knew she was awake. "Camila you have to talk to me.." Lauren trailed as she stroked her hair lightly. Camila just shook her head stubbornly and wrapped her leg over Lauren's body, giving her a koala hug to get closer to her if that was possible. Lauren frowned and closed her eyes, kissing the top of Camila's head. "I love you, whatever's going on I'm here for you baby, whenever you need me." Camila sniffled, leant back and closed her eyes as she spoke. "It's just a really bad day for me." Lauren sighed. "How bad?" "A 9, the only reason it's not a 10 is because you're home." Lauren's eyes became sad as she looked at Camila so upset. She reached out and stroked her cheek with the pad of her thumb, her hand gently placed under her chin. Camila's brown tear filled eyes were practically begging for Lauren to hold her again. "Come here Camz." She breathed and Camila gladly settled herself back in her fiancé's arms. "Don't cry, I've got you." Camila whimpered and Lauren tightened her hold. "Shh, everything's gonna be okay." Camila fisted her top and closed her eyes, she could feel a panic attack coming. "Hey, no. You're gonna be fine, shh slow down, breathe with me babe." Lauren purposely slowed her breathing until Camila was calm, now they just stared into each other's eyes. "What happened?" Lauren whispered sadly. "I've just got you back, and I don't wanna lose you again." Camila croaked. "Camz stop thinking like that. In fact, I have an idea." Lauren grinned suddenly. "What's that?" Camila asked with a smile on her face. "Tomorrow let's go to Disneyland!" Camila laughed. "What the hell?" "Disneyland, we live in Florida babe, I can't believe we've never been, we can take the girls too. It'll be fun." Camila smiled and pecked her lips. "Sounds great love." Lauren pulled Camila on top of her body and kissed her deeply. "Lauren." Camila moaned as she kissed her neck. "That sounded a lot better than Disney to me." Camila chuckled lightly. "I want you." Lauren sighed against her neck. Camila smirked. "Oh you do, huh?" Lauren just nodded as Camila slid her hand under her shirt. "How bad?" Camila asked huskily into Lauren's ear. "S-so bad baby." Camila stroked her hand over Lauren's abs and into her pants. "Oh god." Lauren gasped as Camila teased her. "Camz! Babe please stop teasing!" Lauren whimpered, "For you." Camila growled against her lips as she kissed Lauren and let her ride out her orgasm. "Babe, I hope you don't mind but I asked Dinah to take you out today." Lauren said while the pair were both getting dressed. "Why Lauren? To be honest I just wanted to spend the day with you." "You'll see soon mama, it'll be worth it, honest. She'll be here in an hour." Lauren kissed Camila's cheek affectionately. "Oh are you going out too?" Lauren nodded. "With Mani, I'll meet you back here later." "What are you up to?" Camila asked suspiciously. "No questions. Just go with it and don't worry about a thing." Lauren leaned in and kissed Camila. "In fact, you and Dinah meet me at the hotel. I'll text you the cab's time." "The hotel? Lauren seriously-" "Do you trust me Camila?" Camila rolled her eyes. "You know I do babe." "Then do as I say." Lauren kissed her nose and grabbed her phone and keys. "See you later babe." Camila waved shyly and looked around, not knowing what to do with herself. "Walz come on!" She heard Dinah shout to her from downstairs. "Coming China!" Camila shouted back and met her impatient friend. "What is all this?" Camila asked and Dinah smirked. "All will be revealed in time." "You're so in on this! Lauren told you everything didn't she!" "Well duh. I am her best friend, of course she told me. Come on Mila, relax. Go with the flow, chill out." Camila crossed her arms. "You actually suck." Dinah rolled her eyes and sighed as she got Camila into the car. "Oh stop whining, we're going shopping." "Fine but is this a good thing? Can you tell me that at least?" Dinah smiled. "It's a very good thing." After that, Camila grew increasingly excited for what was ahead. They shopped for ages, Dinah told Camila to go and find them a place for dinner while she ran a quick errand. Camila looked at her phone and just as she did she got a text from Lauren. Hi baby, tell Dinah your cab will be there at 8pm. You have a couple hours, the guy knows where to go. See you soon mi amor. Te amo xx - Camila couldn't help but grin at the text and told Dinah when she arrived at her table. "Great." Dinah smiled as she dug into her first slice of pizza. "I can't believe we're all going to Disneyland tomorrow." Camila spoke later as they moved on to dessert and Dinah looked up from her phone to smile at Camila. "I know. It's gonna be amazing, the best day of your life." She nodded. Camila hummed and saw that their cab would be waiting. "Come on, Lauren's cab is waiting for us." Dinah paid the bill only after Camila argued with her about who was paying, then they went to Lauren's assigned driver and made their way to their mystery hotel. Dinah got a text from Normani and a blush formed on her cheeks. "Uh, I'm gonna head up my r-room, is, uhm, will, will you be okay down here Camila?" Dinah stumbled over her words making Camila giggle. Whatever Normani said had Dinah a mess. "Yes, now go to your girl." "Thanks." Dinah rushed up the stairs because apparently the elevator wasn't fast enough for her. Then she felt hands cover her brown eyes. "Guess who." "Hi Lauren." Camila laughed, Lauren removed her hands and wrapped her arms around Camila from behind. "Dang it, you got me. But I'm glad you made it safe." She heard Lauren's voice in her ear. "Did you have a good day with Dinah?" Camila nodded. "Yeah it was good, how was your day with Normani? What did you do?" Lauren giggled. "We did a lot of stuff, now, you might not be too fond of this idea but you're rooming with Ally tonight." Camila pouted, "Aw why?" Lauren kissed her cheek. "I don't feel well and I need to be alone." "And you think I'm really leaving you alone when you're sick? No Lauren." "Camz, you're trusting me, remember babe?" Camila huffed as she battled with herself in her head. "Ugh, fine..okay, but promise me you'll call me if you feel too bad babe." "I swear." Lauren nodded, placing her hand on her heart. "Okay, Disneyland tomorrow, are you excited Lo?" Camila said, she sounded like a child. Lauren grinned, turning Camila around and pulling her into a hug. "You have no idea."

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