Chapter 44

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"You're sure you haven't seen her? Not even at a glance or something?" Lauren asked anxiously. "It's the middle of the night! Sorry Lo, but I really haven't seen Camila." Ally sighed to the girl sympathetically. "Ugh okay, thanks anyway Ally." "Sure. I hope you find her soon." The shorter girl said tiredly. It was late and Lauren had woken her up. "Yeah me too. If you do hear from her at all can you give me a shout?" Lauren relented as she chewed nervously on her bottom lip. "Of course." Ally agreed softly before Lauren said goodbye and continued down the street. When she had gotten home from the beach that night, Camila was gone. The girl wasn't answering any of her calls or any of her messages, there was no note, and Ally hadn't seen her anywhere. Lauren even asked her family, regretfully, and none of them had heard from her or seen her either. Suddenly, her phone rang and she let out a relieved sigh when she saw the caller was her wife. "Camz! Where the hell are you?? It's like 1am!" Lauren said but she stopped shouting as soon as she heard sobbing on the other end of the line. "Baby? What happened?" "Can you pick me up?" Camila gasped between her sobs. "Where are you?" Lauren asked as she hurried down the street to her car. "The g-g-graveyard." "I'm coming, wait at the entrance for me." Camila hung up and Lauren sped down to the miserable place. "Camila." Lauren breathed as she got out of the car and wrapped her arms around the crying girl on the floor, picking her up and making her stand up. "Why are you out here so late at night?" Camila shook her head weakly and buried her face in Lauren's neck. Lauren stroked her hair and whispered soothing words into her ear. "Come on Camz, it's okay babe I'm taking you home." Camila whimpered as Lauren drove them home. After a little protesting Lauren had finally got Camila into their bed before she settled herself in next to her and gently wiped her cheeks. "What happened?" Lauren asked softly. "It's Holly's birthday, and I remembered when I woke up. I just had to go and see her." Lauren held her tongue, refraining from mentioning she was dead. "But it's dangerous to be out around this time babe, you could have gotten hurt." "I'm sorry Lolo." Camila sniffled. "It's okay, now go to sleep." "I love you." "I love you too Camz." The next morning, Camila woke up before Lauren. The Cuban watched her sleep, she looked just like a puppy. The light puffs of air escaping her nose made the small bear Camila had given her in her hand's fur move slightly. Camila moved to stroke her arm to which Lauren gave her a small smile in her sleep. Camila's touch was light, but it still made Lauren get goosebumps. Lauren pulled the covers further over them and shuffled closer to Camila. Camila lifted up her head slightly and allowed her wife to rest her face in her neck. Camila had found out over the years that Lauren was most at peace with her when she had her head in her neck. It brought a new level of darkness for relaxation and comfort to her heart, her words, not Camila's. The younger girl moved her hair out of the way and stroked Lauren's neck lightly, the action making the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. Camila lived for these moments. Camila closed her eyes and continued her light strokes. Lauren sighed contently in her sleep and licked her dry lips, which by default meant she licked Camila's neck and so brown eyes immediately shot open. Camila's eyes went to the time and it was getting near midday, so she decided it was time to wake her sleepy Lauren up. "Babe." She whispered "Mm," Lauren hummed and wrapped her arms around Camila's waist. "It's time to wake up." Camila mumbled as a blush formed on her cheeks. "No." Lauren mumbled in her raspy morning voice, pulling her wife closer in her arms. "Lauren come on, I'm getting hungry." Camila whined. "But cuddles." Lauren huffed against her neck. Camila could hear the pout in her voice. "I'll make your breakfast too if you get up now." Lauren opened her eyes, moved her head out her neck and kissed Camila's forehead. "I'm up." The Cuban giggled and kissed her nose. "I'll just go and brush my teeth and then I'll start on our breakfast." "Okie." Lauren said cutely. Camila smiled adoringly at the girl before getting out of bed. Lauren wrapped herself up in the blankets, she would get out of bed when Camila was done brushing her teeth and whatever else she needed to do, there was always something. She wasn't going to leave the warmth of the fluffy blankets until she had to. When Camila exited the bathroom she looked more refreshed and smiled at her wife before going downstairs. Lauren knew her warmth would come to an end soon and shivered as she got out of bed. "I hate this bit." She grumbled to herself as she found and put on one of Camila's long jumpers. It was a Bambi jumper and she looked so cuddly that Camila would probably tease her and cuddle with her all day. She brushed her teeth and washed her face, doing her usual morning routine before finally going downstairs. Camila was still in the kitchen, jamming out to One Direction as she cooked their eggs. Lauren had to cringe a little at the music choice, but she brushed it off. Camila was happy, so she was too. She slipped her arms around her waist and leant her head on Camila's shoulder. "Hey babe." Camila smiled widely when Lauren pecked her cheek. "Hi." Lauren grinned. "You had a shower huh." She observed. "Mhm." Lauren smiled. "Aw and you're wearing one of my Disney jumpers." She cooed. "Yep." Lauren blushed. "Aw Lauren you look so cute." Lauren rolled her eyes. "I do not do cute, I do badass." She said. "Ha. Not with me you don't." Camila smirked. Lauren whined and released her to get a glass of orange juice. "Want some?" Lauren asked when noticed her wife eyeing up her drink. "Yes please." Camila gave in. "Okay, hey watch those eggs Camz." Lauren reminded her. "I know." Camila rolled her eyes at Lauren's help. "I'm getting better at cooking." "Oh really? Then why is our breakfast burnt?" Lauren laughed. Camila's head shot to look at the pan and groaned at the black eggs in the pan. "Why can't I do anything right?!" Camila shouted out to no one in particular, nearly in tears. Lauren chuckled. "Camz it's just some eggs." "It's not just the eggs!" "Oh did you burn the toast too?" Lauren smirked. "Lauren!" She choked out. It was only then Lauren realised it was more than their breakfast. "Hey hey hey, what's the matter?" Camila wiped her eyes and took a deep breath. "Nothing." She huffed and sat down. "It hurts." Lauren pressed her lips together, holding back a laugh. Now she understood. "I'll get a hot water bottle." Camila looked at her and smiled appreciatively. "Thank you Lolo." Lauren squeezed her shoulders and went to get them. Camila turned her attention away from SpongeBob when her wife came in with a hot water bottle. "Thanks." She said when Lauren carefully put it on her stomach. "Wait here." Lauren said, disappearing and coming back with a glass of water and some paracetamol. "Thank you Lolo." "Sure thing babe." "Wait, what about breakfast?" Camila remembered. "Oh I sorted that too." "Are you kidding me? You salvaged our breakfast?" Camila shouted out in shock. "Nope. That shit was burnt too bad, I made pancakes." "Pancakes?" Camila said in a dreamy voice. "Not just any pancakes. Peanut butter and banana pancakes." Lauren said as she brought two plates in. "Oh my god I cannot believe- you haven't made these in over a year!" Camila said immediately digging into the food and moaning at the taste. "Well, I felt bad you were on your period. And I'd say we both deserve a treat." Camila kissed Lauren's cheek and grinned. "You're so good to me." "Mhm and don't I know it. Now eat up." "No arguments from me." Camila said as she turned her attention back to her food and SpongeBob. She couldn't stop herself from smirking when she saw Lauren was watching too. "Told ya you liked him." "Shut up before I eat your pancakes." Lauren huffed. "You wouldn't!" "Fuck yeah I would." Camila gasped and pressed her lips together. "Shutting up ma'am." A knock at the door made them both look away from the TV and groan. "I'll get it babe." "Thanks Laur." "Don't press play till I'm back." Lauren said and went to the door. "He- ugh." Lauren rolled her eyes. "Didn't I tell you to stay away?" "Didn't I tell you you'd regret our little run in?" Alexa challenged. "What the hell didn't you understand about stay away from us?" Lauren seethed. "Baby what's taking so long?" Alexa scoffed. "What a soppy dumbass." "Don't, talk about my wife like that." Lauren hissed at her ex. "We're done here. Don't come back." Lauren said slamming the door shut. "Who was that?" Camila asked in a timid voice when she saw Lauren was angry. "Alexa." She grumbled. "What did she want?" Camila asked as she put her plate down. "Don't know, don't care, let's just watch the fucking show." Camila pressed play and cuddled up to her wife. Lauren melted at the contact and all her previous anger dissipated. "I love you Camz." "I love you too Lo." Camila smiled and attached their lips. Lauren smiled into the kiss and cupped her face. They ended up having a make out session with SpongeBob's annoying laugh in the background. And yet, it couldn't have been more perfect. That is until Camila had to part their lips to let out a groan of pain from cramps. "I think I need to go and lie down, sorry." Camila mumbled. "Don't apologise, it's fine go." "Come with me?" "Sure thing." Lauren said, she wasn't about to say no to going back to bed. Once they were both settled in bed Camila cuddled up to Lauren. "How bad are your cramps?" Lauren asked as she stroked her fingers through Camila's hair. "Bad." Camila mumbled. "On a scale of one to ten?" "Like an eight." "With pain relief? Do you need to go to the doctor?" "What could they do? No I just need to stick it out." Camila huffed. "I'm sorry you're in pain baby." "I'm a woman Lauren, it comes with the package." Camila said in an obvious tone. "I bet I'm due soon too." Lauren cringed. "Well I'll be sure to return the favour when you're on." Camila sighed. "Have you heard from the girls about their holiday?" Camila asked. Lauren nodded, "Yeah Dinah says that they're having a really great time and Mani never wants to leave." Camila laughed once. "She's like that wherever she goes." "Oh no she's not, remember that time she went home for Christmas? She couldn't wait to leave." "Well yeah I don't blame her. They all spent the whole holiday shaming her for being gay, and she missed Dinah." Lauren nodded. "Dinah told me that she cried for hours when she walked through the door, poor kid." "Normani doesn't cry, like ever." "I know, so you can imagine Dinah's surprise when she saw her housemate fully bawling at the door." Camila pouted at the thought. "I kinda miss em." "Me too, when they get back we can all do a little get-together." "Sounds good to me." Camila agreed. "Ally called you earlier, I forgot to say." Camila said suddenly. "Okay." "Aren't you gonna call her back?" "Mm..later maybe." "Is everything okay between you two?" Camila asked suspiciously. "Why wouldn't it be?" Lauren sighed out her words. "You're acting weird." "No I'm not." Lauren insisted. Camila reached over for Lauren's phone and held it out to her. "Then call her, now." Lauren groaned and took the phone. "I will just not right now." "Why?" "I'm looking after you." "I can wait. If you want some privacy then go outside. But I'm gonna keep badgering you until you call her." Camila said matter of factly. "Ugh fine." Lauren huffed and got up reluctantly. "Thank you." Camila said emphasising her words. "Oh shut up." Lauren grumbled as she shut the door behind her. "Hello?" Lauren grumbled when Ally picked up. "Lauren!" "You called?" Lauren sighed out. "I wanted to check you were okay. You seemed so upset this morning." "Well my wife was missing." Lauren scoffed. "No Lo it was more than that." "What do you care?" Lauren rolled her eyes. "I do care, of course I do Lauren you're like my best friend." Ally's voice wavered over the phone. It was then Lauren came to her senses, she was heartless, making Ally, the sweetest girl alive, on the verge of tears. "Don't cry Allycat, I'm sorry." Lauren opened the bedroom door and covered the phone. "I'm gonna call over to Ally's, just for a little while, will you be okay?" "Of course, I'll probably have a nap." "Well make sure you-" "I'll call you if I need anything." Camila smiled reassuringly. Lauren leaned down and pecked her lips. "Good. I love you." "I love you too." Camila grinned. Lauren pressed a kiss to her forehead before she returned to her call with Ally. "I'll be over in ten." "Okay." Ally sniffled. Lauren frowned as she hung up. She hoped Ally was okay. "Oh Lauren!" "Yeah?" Lauren called back, entering their room. "Don't forget you have an appointment tomorrow with Doctor Harris, she wants to talk to you about your treatment options." "Great."

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