Chapter 62

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"Maybe you should go up there and talk to your sister; to sort things out between you." Camila suggested as she got prepared to make breakfast. She'd been trying hard lately as a distraction, and her cooking was actually getting better. "I don't know, I wanna eat something first. You know how grouchy I get when I'm hungry." "I do know, but I think it's important." "Yeah and so is breakfast, there is a reason they say it's the most important meal of the day." Camila rolled her eyes at her wife's tragically good argument. "Breakfast will take some time." "And?" Lauren sighed as she looked at her nails. "Just enough time for you to talk to Taylor." Lauren looked up at her wife who was staring at her with raised eyebrows, clearly waiting for her to go and make amends. "I was pretty hard on her, wasn't I?" Lauren sighed. "You were worried, I don't blame you." "Yeah, you don't." Lauren mumbled. "I'm sure she doesn't either, not really." Lauren reluctantly stood up and kissed her wife's cheek. "What was that for?" "Being you." Lauren smiled and headed upstairs to the spare room, psyching herself up to actually knock on the door because she was a scaredy cat. When she did, the reply was immediate, and upset. "Come in!" Lauren opened the door and sat on the bed where Taylor was leant against the headboard on her phone, tear stained cheeks despite her quick efforts to wipe them away. Lauren hated knowing she caused her sister to cry. "Can I talk to you?" Taylor nodded slowly and put her phone down. "Listen Tay, I didn't mean to be so hard on you last night. I was scared something had happened to you, since you promised me and you were so late coming back." "No, you were right. You were. I should have taken precautions Laur." "I won't dispute that. You should have.." Taylor looked down and Lauren decided to ask the question she meant to. "Who were those people you went out with last night? Were they really your friends?" Taylor shrugged. "Look at me." Lauren insisted, trying to keep her grouchy temper at bay. "Kind of?" "Don't lie to me Taylor." "I mean, no. I just wanted to fit in, find my place. I know it sounds stupid but the older kids are cool." "It's not that stupid, just, be safe and cool." Lauren nudged her leg with a small smile. "Am I still grounded?" "Oh yeah. Nice try kiddo." Lauren laughed softly. "Okay..hey, can I ask you something?" "Fire away." Lauren leant back on her elbows. "Are you and Camila okay?" Lauren frowned. "Yeah, of course we are. Why wouldn't we be?" "I heard you fighting over me last night, I thought I'd hurt your relationship. Camila was really upset last night when she came up." "And you would know that because?" Lauren raised her eyebrows. "I may have been eavesdropping." Lauren decided to let that go and just reassure her little sister. "Camila and I are just fine, I wasn't mad at her, if you want the truth I was mad at you, but I got over it." Taylor nodded. "I'm sorry." Lauren smiled and held out her arms for a hug which Taylor immediately melted into. "I know you are." "I love you Lauren." "I love you too." Camila smiled to herself, listening outside before she went downstairs quietly, and somehow miraculously unnoticed. "Did you have a good time last night?" Lauren asked. "Yeah, I did." "At least that's something." " what's happening today?" Taylor asked without letting go of her sister. Lauren moved back but kept one arm around her. "Not sure yet. But Camila's making us breakfast as we speak. So let's just get that out of the way first." "Camila's making breakfast?" "Hey, don't be like that. She's been practising and she's getting better." "Yeah? How much food did she waste?" Taylor teased. "Oh you really don't wanna know kid." Lauren groaned quietly making Taylor laugh. "Come on, let's go keep her company." Lauren held her hand out for Taylor as she stood up and they went downstairs. Camila turned around acting oblivious as they entered. "Did you sort it out?" "Yeah, we're good." Taylor smiled as she sat down. "What's for breakfast?" Lauren asked, peering over Camila's shoulder. "Eggs, bacon and waffles." Taylor's mouth practically watered. "Should be great, just be careful." Lauren said. Camila rolled her eyes and mocked her. "Just be careful-shut up." Lauren gasped, grabbed some flour and sprinkled it on Camila's sleek hair, but she was so into her cooking she didn't notice a thing. Lauren looked back at Taylor and winked, when Taylor looked up to see what had happened, she couldn't help but giggle. "Shh." "What?" Camila turned her head. "Nothing." Lauren said innocently. "I was thinking we could go to the mall today, there's a new music shop that I wanna check out." Camila said as she took a bite of a perfectly cooked waffle. Lauren smiled. "I'd love to, but one of us is grounded." Taylor groaned. "Oh please Lauren? We can count this as sister time." Taylor said, fluttering her eyelashes. "No. We're going out, you're staying here, and I'm getting Dinah to come and babysit you. She's got the day off." Taylor huffed, obviously annoyed and went back to eating her breakfast. "You can't complain young lady, suck it up and accept your punishment. If I'm honest I think Lauren's being too light on you." Camila said before she tapped Lauren's shoulder. "Anyway, I thought Dinah was spending her day off with Mani." "She can bring her over here. I wanna get some new guitar strings, I've been meaning to for like, 2 weeks now." "Okay, cool." Camila nodded. "I don't need a babysitter." Taylor grumbled. "I think you do, how do I know you won't go out while we're at the mall?" Lauren crossed her arms. "Guess you'd have to trust me." Taylor smirked. "Yeah cause that went so well the last time." Lauren scoffed. "She's got a point Taylor." Camila said, pointing to Lauren as she listened. "Lauren I'm 13!" "So you keep saying. Look, if you ask me, Camila's right, I am being light on you. You know Mom and Dad would have dished out a worse punishment on you than this." Taylor sighed. "So you should really consider yourself lucky that you didn't pull this stunt at home." "You two only just made up, don't start another fight." Camila told them in a warning tone. "I'm not starting a fight!" Taylor said, simultaneously standing up from her seat. "Huh, I thought you weren't a kid." Lauren said matter of factly, tongue in cheek as she observed Taylor's behaviour. "I'm not!" Taylor shouted. "Well you're certainly acting like one." Lauren said, scarily calmly. "Taylor sit back down." Camila said in a stern voice. "No! Tell Lauren to stop treating me like a child!" "You are a child!" Lauren laughed out as she took her plate and stood up to put it in the sink. Taylor growled and before anyone knew what was happening she pushed Lauren, causing her to fall to the floor. "Taylor!!" Camila shouted, horrified as she ran to her wife's side. Lauren got up slowly and scowled at her sister. "I'm fine Camila. Taylor, go to your room. You've just extended your grounding to another day." "No." Taylor said with gritted teeth. Lauren raised her eyebrows, crossing her arms. "No?" "You heard me." She said sassily. "Taylor you're a good kid, I know you are, so please, why are you acting like this?" Lauren said, trying to reach out to touch her arm. Taylor slapped her hand away and moved back. "I fucking hate you Lauren!!" Taylor screamed in her face, storming out of the house. Lauren gasped, the slam of their door echoing throughout the house. "Come here." Camila said, pulling her wife into her arms. "N-no I have to go find her." Lauren said, her voice shaking. "You need to give her some space and time to cool off." Camila said gently. "She said she hated me." Lauren sobbed. "It's okay," Camila whispered. "She doesn't hate you baby. She just needs some time to think about things." "She didn't used to be like this." Lauren sniffled. "T-this isn't her. It's not my little sister." Camila rubbed her back and kissed her cheek. "She hasn't even got her phone on her!" Lauren gasped for air between her cries. "Shh. Calm down mi princesa. It'll work out. We'll talk to her when she comes back." The Cuban said, Lauren hugged her back tightly. "What happened to her Camz?" Camila sighed and nestled her head in Lauren's neck. "I don't know." When Lauren calmed down, Camila decided to spark the conversation. "Do you mind if I take a shower before we go?" "No. I'm gonna take a look around for Taylor." "Alright, come back in an hour though? I should be ready by then." "I will, oh! By the way babe," Lauren said. "What's up Lo?" Camila asked sweetly. "You've got flour in your hair." Camila frowned and felt on the top of her head for the white substance. Lauren smiled with her teeth cheekily when Camila gasped and looked at her accusingly. "Oh you little-" "Bye! Love you!" Lauren darted out with her phone and keys, but she didn't miss the swift shout of her being called an asshole. Eventually after a good 40 minutes of searching and coming up empty, Lauren had to give up and meet Camila back home so they could go out. "Anything?" Camila asked as she saw her wife come inside. "No, but I'm sure she'll come home by tonight, right?" Camila nodded. "Yeah, it's not like she could go anywhere else, is it." Lauren sighed and leant against the wall. "Are you ready?" "I don't have any makeup on!" Camila laughed out. Lauren rolled her eyes and slinked her arms around Camila's waist. "You don't need any baby, you always look beautiful to me." "Aww," Camila pecked Lauren's lips. "I'm still putting some on though." "Why?" Lauren huffed. "Lauren you're my wife, you're totally obliged to saying that stuff." "Nu uh! It's the truth!" "You see truth, I see trash." Camila giggled, kissing her cheek. "But I love you. Give me 10 minutes to finish up, wait here." "Nooo that's boring, I'm coming up." Lauren whined. Camila smiled and let her wife follow her. "Can't be without me for that long huh?" She teased. Lauren wrapped her arms around her stomach from behind as Camila put on some lipstick. "You look amazing." She whispered in her ear. Camila blushed at the closeness and craned her neck away from her wife. "Stop Lauren, I'm trying to do this properly." Lauren smirked to herself out of Camila's sight. "Why bother? It's only gonna get ruined in a minute." Camila smirked and put the red lipstick down. "Who are you trying to impress?" Lauren teased as her eyes flicked down to the perfect full lips in a fresh coat of bold red. "Always you." Camila smiled, she was positive she didn't need any blusher that day with the constant heat flushing her cheeks. Lauren leaned in but Camila moved back. "Lolo! You'll ruin my lipstick!" She whined. "I don't care, you can reapply it." "But that takes too long." "Sharing is caring." Lauren shrugged. "What am I sharing?" "A kiss." Lauren said as she captured her lips quickly, Camila automatically kissed her back, a breathy 'I hate you' in between the next one. Lauren tugged on her bottom lip as Camila gently rested her hands on Lauren's shoulders. "Baby don't push me away now." Lauren begged her wife breathily. "Wouldn't dream of it babe." Camila smiled devilishly. "The lipstick's smudging." Lauren smirked. "I don't care." Camila said, simultaneously sliding her tongue between Lauren's lips. Lauren responded by backing her into the wall and kissing her neck, no doubt leaving hickeys each time. "Oh god." Camila moaned, biting Lauren's neck. "Oh god is right!" Both heads snapped up and saw Dinah. "Uh," The two girls stuttered. "Oh no, don't stop on my account. Just thought I'd let you know the pipsqueak is with us, well she is now anyway." "You mean Taylor? Lauren's sister?" Camila asked to clarify. "No Camila, Taylor Swift-yes I mean Lauren's sister!" Lauren cleared her throat and reluctantly moved away from Camila's body and the wall. "Did she go to you?" "No, Mani and I found her in the park on the way to the store. I asked what she was doing and she said she had a fight with you two." "Did she seem okay to you?" Camila asked. "She was really pissy, took some words to get her back to ours but eventually Mani did it." "Tell her thanks." Lauren said. "Should we go back with you and talk to her?" Camila asked hesitantly. "I don't know, if I were you I'd steer clear for a while." "Huh. So she's still pretty mad then." Lauren mumbled, rubbing her head in annoyance. "What went on anyway?" "Long story short, Lauren's parents are on a holiday thing, so until it's over Taylor is staying with us. She went out last night, stayed out past her curfew, and as punishment Lauren grounded her." "Dang." Dinah raised her eyebrows. "Oh no there's more." Lauren sighed. "This morning I said I'd get you and Mani to babysit her while Camz and I went out, and she started being immature and acting like a little kid, all while stating she was 13, and she pushed me-" "Oh my god are you okay? Did you hit your head?" "Yes but not hard Dinah I'm fine, just listen. I extended Taylor's grounding to another day and then she-she said she hated me and she stormed out." Dinah sighed at how upset her best friend had gotten. "Do you think she'll even come back tonight?" Lauren sniffed. "If you ask me she needs some time away from us to get her shit together. If she sees us now then she'll probably just blow up again." Camila said. "Yeah, Mani and I can have her with us tonight. You need a break from each other. And you," Dinah pointed at Lauren. "need to be monitored since she pushed you. You hit your head and you can never be too careful." Camila nodded. "I agree." "I'm sure you do." Lauren mumbled. "Trust me. We'll make sure that Taylor doesn't leave the house or do anything she shouldn't." Dinah said reassuringly. "If you can get anything out of her that's not slandering me, tell her whatever's happened it doesn't matter, and I love her; even if she hates me." Lauren said somewhat emotionally. Dinah nodded and smiled slightly. "Right, well then, you two can carry on sexin' it up while I grab some overnight stuff for Taylor." "I cannot believe she just said that." Lauren gaped as Dinah shut the door and went to the spare room. Camila frowned in shock and confusion. "Sexin' it up?" She scoffed. "I don't know her." Lauren shook her head. "Bye Camren, have fun doin' the nasty!" Dinah called out as she got to the front door. "We don't know you!" Camila and Lauren shouted back at the same time. "Now," Camila started. "as you were." Lauren giggled and started to make out with her wife again.

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