Chapter 28

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"Come on, up and at em!" Ally shouted, waking Camila up in an instant. It was barely even light outside. "What? What time is it?" Camila hurriedly looked at the clock. "ALLY! ITS 4AM!" Camila shouted horrified. "And we have a lot of work to do." Camila sighed and shook her head. "I said I would help them set up the Disney castle today, and you're coming too." Camila's mouth just hung open. "Allyson, Brooke, Hernandez. Do not ever wake my tired ass up at 4 in the morning again." Camila growled as she lay back down. "Nope, Mila you're coming with me." Camila groaned as her friend forcefully dragged her out of bed. "I don't want to! Stop Ally!" She huffed, trying to scramble back into the bed. But once Ally splashed a glass of cold water over her face, she was up, and chasing her around the room. "You are so going to pay for that Hernandez! I'll end you!" Camila screamed as she tackled Ally to the floor. "What the hell is going on in here? Some of us are here trying to actually sleep." Dinah asked as she entered the room. "She woke me up! Do you know what time it is? It's 4 in the morning!" "No it's half 4 now!" "I don't think arguing with me is the best idea for you, do you?" Camila seethed as she looked at Ally beneath her. "Oh God I'm getting Lauren." Dinah shook her head and went to grab her. "No don't, she said she felt sick. Let her sleep, I'll get up." Camila groaned as she helped Ally to her feet reluctantly. "I mean it. You're totally paying for this. Like, 'no WaffleHouse for a month' paying for this." Camila shook her head as they got ready. Ally gasped and frowned, a series of mumbling subtle curse words following. "Well you can see the sunrise while we walk there, you won't hate me for that." "WE WALK THERE?" Camila groaned. "God Mila, chill. You're such a drama queen today." Camila narrowed her eyes at the small girl, very annoyed. "Don't test me Allyson." Ally rolled her eyes when she turned around and then they left. Camila did enjoy the sunrise as they walked to the castle, she started to wake up on the walk but she was still mad at Ally for waking her up so early. "Wow. It's so massive." Camila said in awe as she slowly spun around in the decorated main area looking at all the beautiful Disney detail. "I know. Isn't it incredible? Now come on, no time for chit chat. We have a lot of work to do." Ally chirped. Camila sighed and helped as best she could. When they finished she was more than glad to get breakfast you wouldn't believe it. Camila happily delved into the pancakes. "So when are we going to explore?" Camila asked as she shoved a glorious tasting pancake into her mouth. "Soon." Ally smiled to herself. "When we've finished we're all going to go on the rides at the Disney carnival." Camila grinned like a little kid and nodded excitedly. "Okay I may be happy but you're not off the hook." Camila warned Ally as she pointed her fork at her. "Duly noted." Ally chuckled nervously. "Right, come on then. Are you finished?" Ally nodded and Camila dragged to the carnival. They went on so many rides and on the roller coaster Ally was totally terrified of the drop. "I haven't seen any of the other girls in the whole 3 hours we've been here. And it's like, it's gone 1pm now." Ally's eyes nearly bugged out at the information. "Come on, makeover time." "Makeover time? Since when did we do surprise makeovers? Is this you trying to make me love you again?" Camila asked as Ally pulled her into a makeup booth. "Since today, and no I know you're still mad at me." Ally rolled her eyes. "You have officially gone insane Ally, do we need to call a psych doctor on you too?" Camila said and Ally huffed, "Shut your mouth, and your eyes." Camila gave in and did as Ally wished. About an hour later, Camila's makeup was done and Ally asked she do a light coating for her too before Ally insisted they went to the Disney castle again. "Ally I don't wanna go back, I've seen enough of that place today." Ally rolled her eyes. "You really haven't. Just follow me okay? And put this on." Camila had a blindfold on and even mysterious clothes as soon as the quick words came out of Ally's mouth. "Are you like kidnapping me in fucking Disneyland?" Camila asked nervously and Ally slapped her arm as she lead her on. "Camila! Remember there are kids here." Camila made an awkward face. "Sorry. I just want this weird craziness to be over." Suddenly she heard mumbling, and it went quiet, and then she heard Lauren's voice. "Oh that's a shame, I guess you don't want to marry me then. The craziness comes with the package." Camila frowned and then turned around backwards to face where Ally, was judging by her arms. "Can I take this off now?" "Yeah." Ally giggled and took it off. "Wait where's Lauren? I heard her." There was a very unusual amount of laughter from the population of the castle. "Turn around Camz!" Lauren called, Camila did and when she saw her, when she saw it all, she nearly stumbled backwards in shock. Lauren was at the back of the castle, and in a tux, Camila looked down and there she was, in a dress. A light tug on the side of it made a shaky Camila look down to where her little sister Sofi was in a bridesmaid dress. Then it all clicked, the room was filled with family and friends and workers from Disney. Camila's trembling hands covered her mouth as she took it all in. "Oh my god. I'm getting married in the Disneyland castle." Lauren smiled nervously. "Only if you actually walk up here and say the vows." Camila couldn't help herself run to Lauren and bite her lip. "I can't even believe this, it-it's so surreal." Camila said in a whisper. "Please hurry up and say your vows Camz, because I want to kiss you already." Lauren whined, making Camila laugh, as well as their company. "Wait okay, I know what I said, but I really need to say this. Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao, I met you on the 2nd of May at exactly 3:37pm, because of course I was late-" A few tuts filled the room. "-For a late lunch with my best friend!" Lauren shouted at the judging crowd. "That's me!!" Dinah screamed standing up, bowing, making them and their friends laugh. "Anyway. When Dinah told me that she was bringing a friend along, I honestly didn't know what to expect at all. I had no idea that when I looked into those chocolate brown, puppy dog eyes that melt my heart in a second, you'd be the most important person to me, when I looked into them, time stopped. To this day, it still does. You actually asked me to be your girlfriend on Christmas Day, it was amazing. You asked in the cutest way, you stuttered and stumbled over your words, you just got frustrated with yourself. So in the end you kissed me and tried again, you said it so quickly. It was hard to understand, so I made you say it again, and you got mad, so I suggested you write it down. I still have that note. That was the best Christmas present I've ever gotten." "Hey! I bought you a car!" Her father shouted. Yes, they had made up, they were the closest, her mother and siblings had a long way to go. "Oh shut up! You and Dinah aren't helping this cute moment!" Lauren groaned. "Damn I'll continue when these two are done, are you?" Dinah and her father nodded obediently. "I have had the best 3 years of my life with you. We've had our ups and our downs, and God knows there'll be many more to come. When I told you I was..struggling, you were there for me, like you always have been and I'm so grateful for that. So really this isn't just me saying I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, it's me saying thank you." Lauren's eyes watered as her voice shook. "Okay I'm gonna cry, fuck. Honestly Camz, I wouldn't even be here if you weren't right by my side this whole time. You're all my strength, my hope, my world. I couldn't do it without you, and I know you feel the same." Camila nodded and smiled through her tears. "Absolutely." "So, oh god I'm sorry, okay, I'm done. Let's just say the vows." Lauren laughed lightly as she dried her eyes. The couple both said their vows in a rush, too excited to make sense of it all. "This is all so insane." Camila whispered as Lauren grinned at her. "Just kiss me so you can finally be my wife." Lauren gently guided her face towards her, Camila smiling bigger than ever before, and just when they connected their lips..the song Lauren picked played the perfect part. 🎶A real life, fairytale..🎶 When they pulled away they just stared into each other's eyes for a moment. "So, are you ready for more craziness as my wife?" Lauren asked shyly. "Oh yeah." Camila laughed breathlessly as she hugged her tightly. Lauren laughed and hugged her back. "God I love you. Even though you did make me set up my own surprise wedding." Camila added making everyone laugh. "Hey I had to cover it up somehow, but I am sorry." Lauren nestled her head in Camila's neck and whispered subtly, "I actually hate this tux, it's too hot, can we go back to the hotel?" Camila let out a giggle and nodded. Lauren picked her wife up bridal style and carried her out of the castle with many cheers, Camila looked around at their audience, heart saddening just a little when she saw her father wasn't there. Her father didn't come to her own wedding. But Sofi and her Mom were there, and she married the love of her life, in Disneyland. This was a happy day. Lauren fiddled for the keycard to her room and then pushed Camila down on the bed, straddling her waist as she took off the tuxedo. "That's why I roomed with Ally isn't it! It's bad luck for the fiancé's to see each other before a wedding." Lauren nodded as she pulled the dress of her hurriedly. "I missed you so much, wife." Camila just wrapped her arms around Lauren's neck and brought her into a kiss. "You are so perfect Lauren Jauregui." Camila mumbled against her lips making her blush. "Don't say that, it's not the truth babe." Camila frowned, pulling away. "Yes it is, don't tell me you're insecure on our wedding day." Lauren bit her lip and looked away shyly. "I married you for a reason babe, for many reasons. I love everything about you, I love the way you're so passionate and caring for everyone, whether you know them or not. I love how you're so generous, and warm, and loving. I love your beautiful smile, I love your eyes, I think they're the most beautiful emerald eyes in the world." "Camila-" "I love the way your button nose scrunches up when you're laughing like a cute little baby. I love waking up to you, I love kissing you, I love your body, your abs, your butt, I love every single thing about you, and I really wish you could see that. Do you remember this is how you proposed to me? You listed every little thing that you love about me. I'm more confident now because of you. You showed me how to be confident and the person I am today. " Lauren had tears streaming down her cheeks at her wife's words. "I want a hug." Camila kissed her cheek and brought her into her bare body to hold her. "I know we were originally going to have sex, but this cuddling is way better." Camila added. "Are you saying I'm bad at sex?" Lauren teased. "No baby you're the best, another thing I love about you." Camila smiled as she kissed her forehead. Lauren looked up into her favourite brown eyes. "I love you so much." Camila stroked her back lightly and smiled. "I love you too. Holy shit you're tense." She noticed, Lauren shrugged. "Would you like a massage? I can give you one." Camila offered. "Oh my god yes please." "Okay." Camila laughed at her eagerness. "Lay on your stomach." She instructed. Camila got on top of Lauren's waist and started to dig into her muscles easing the tension. "Lauren what happened to you? Your muscles are as hard as a rock!" Lauren groaned into the pillow. "I haven't had a massage in forever." "I thought the chemo made you weak." Camila added and Lauren sighed "It does, but I get so stressed out my muscles get all tense." Camila moved up to her neck, kissing it as she soothed it. "I'm sorry. Tell me if I'm hurting you." Lauren smiled. "You would never." Camila carried on until her hands hurt and then stopped, her wife turned onto her back and pulled the duvet over them both. "Thank you Camz, that was amazing." Camila gave her a small, sleepy smile and looked at her with barely open chocolate eyes. "I don't mind taking a nap baby, I know you were up early, get some rest, you deserve it." Camila hummed, nestling her head warmly into Lauren's neck. "Can I tell you something, I have to be honest?" "Of course." Lauren agreed. "I was kind of upset my Dad didn't even come to the wedding, I presume you did invite him, since you invited pretty much everyone else." Lauren smiled sadly. "I did. I did my best, I called him so many times and I even visited him a few times. I think he still hates me for what I said at dinner two years ago, it's probably my fault. Shit I'm sorry Camz. He's your father and I probably ruined your wedding." Camila shook her head firmly. "No Lauren, not at all. He's such a stubborn man, he always has been. I can't believe you did all of that for me, and as for our wedding, Lauren you definitely didn't ruin anything, and it's not just my day, it's our day. Today was perfect, okay?" Lauren smiled and kissed her nose. "Okay." Camila nodded "I'm glad that's sorted. Now let's sleep. We could both use it." Lauren closed her eyes and stroked Camila's hair gently to lull her to a well deserved sleep. After a few minutes Camila spoke. "You know, I think these are my favourite moments." Camila smiled into Lauren's neck. "The innocent ones, cuddling, our little talks, us both smiling, kissing you. They're perfect." Lauren smiled widely. "You wanna know what my favourite moment was?" Camila grinned, turning to look at her. "Tell me." "Marrying you."

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